Sleeping Poppy part 1

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Takes place after Trolls World Tour.

It was a beautiful day in Harmony Village(that's what I'm going to call it.) And every troll of every tribe was enjoying it with each other.

Poppy was hanging out with The Techno King, Trollex and the Hard Rock Queen, Barb. "Isn't it a beautiful day guys?" She said with enthusiasm.

"It sure is Poppy, I especially love how the sun reflects on the water and makes it look like a Diamond." Trollex said poetically. Poppy and Barb looked at him shocked but they ended up giggling.

"You've been hanging around Branch a lot lately haven't you?" Barb said with a smirk, Trollex laughed sheepishly and blushed.

"Well we didn't really have any poetic skills under water back then so it's a nice change." Trollex said until he heard his stomach growl and clutched it in embarrassment.

"Did you forget to eat breakfast this morning Trollex?" Poppy asked concerned for her best mermaid friend. Trollex nodded yes in embarrassment.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, let's go have lunch." Poppy said sweetly. Barb and Trollex nodded in agreement and went to go eat.

They saw Branch walk past them and waved at them, they waved back with kind smiles but Poppy had a lovestruck smile and blushed Branch returned the look and sighed dreamily, this was noticed by Barb and Trollex as they smirked at the lovesick trolls.

"Okay Lover Troll, let's go." Trollex said as he pushed Poppy along so they could go eat, Poppy sighed disappointed and waved goodbye to Branch who waved goodbye disappointed in return.

When the three rulers arrived at a restaurant they ordered their food and waited for it. "You know Poppy, if you love Branch so much why don't you make the first move?" Trollex said to his pink queen friend.

"It's not that easy Trollex, telling someone you love them is a very hard thing to do I can't just go up to him and say 'Hey Branch I love you and I want to ask you on a date." Poppy said sarcastically.

"We understand but you have to make a move before someone else does, I've been noticing a lot of girls ogling him and they look like they're about to make their move." Barb said honestly.

"There is no way that Branch will go for any of them he loves Poppy and Poppy only and if he does go for one of them I'll make sure it's the last thing he ever does!" Trollex said seriously because he didn't want his friend to get heartbroken.

Somewhere in the restaurant the chef heard all of this and groaned while she rolled her eyes, she was a light purple troll with dark purple hair and eyes her name was Lavender.

"I'm so sick of them talking about Poppy asking Branch out for a date when he should go out with me, Poppy has everything Good looks she's queen and she has friends who love and support her plus she's a fairy?! Ugh I need to have her gone and I know just the thing to do that." She said as she pulled out a vile of green liquid and smirked evilly as she poured it on Poppy's salad.

"Order up!" She said innocently. The waiter took the food and brought it to the three rulers. "Here you go you're majesties, Seaweed Salad for King Trollex, Hot dog and fries for Queen Barb and a strawberry salad for Queen Poppy. Enjoy." The waiter said kindly with a smile and left them so they could eat.

"I don't know how you can eat that without feeling disgusted. How can you live with yourself knowing you're eating a poor innocent animal?" Trollex said glaring at Barb who was tearing up her hot dog, Barb looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up and eat your grass you vegetarian." Barb said annoyed at her mertroll friend, Poppy rolled her eyes at their bickering and took a bite of her salad. "Hey Poppy did you know your Pop ancestor and my Techno ancestor used to date and got married? That kind of makes us related." Trollex said as he read the book about the music ancestors before they created the strings. Poppy was surprised by this information and kept chewing her food. After she swallowed it she started feeling dizzy and tired.

"Guys I don't feel too good all of a sudden." She said and collapsed off her chair and fell asleep. Everyone in the restaurant except for Lavender gasped and stared screaming.

"POPPY!!! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!" Barb yelled worried as she shook her friend to try to wake her up. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!!!" Trollex yelled as tears ran down his face.

"I don't know, she was fine before she...before she ate the food!!!" Barb said angrily as she knew why her friend fell asleep.

"Was Queen Poppy poisoned?!" A little girl troll said scared and sad that her queen might of been poisoned, Everyone started to murmur quietly worried that she might never wake up.

"I'm afraid so sweetie." Trollex said disappointed as he looked at the little girl troll, he had to give an honest answer because he couldn't lie to the little girl.

"We have to get to Branch and her father quick!!!" Barb said suddenly and held Poppy in her arms, Barb and Trollex ran out the restaurant and made their way towards town.

Delta Dawn, Prince D and Trollzart were hanging out with The Snack Pack just enjoying the day until Barb and Trollex ran past them with Poppy in Barb's arms asleep. "BRANCH, KING PEPPY POPPY'S BEEN POISONED!!!!" Barb yelled loudly with a look of worried on her face.

They all became surprised and worried when they heard her say that and followed them to Branch and King Peppy, when they got to the pod where Branch and the older rulers were having a meeting about something Branch and the rulers turned their heads towards the group all panting and out of breath.

"What's the meaning of this?! We're having a meeting here!" Branch said angrily glaring at the group until he saw Poppy asleep in Barb's arms and decided to ask until Trollex spoke first.

"POPPY'S BEEN POISONED!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Once Branch and the older rulers heard him yell that they all gasped with worried looks on their faces.

"How?!!!!" Branch asked as he took Poppy from Barb's arms and carried her. "We were just having lunch and when she took a bite of her salad she said she didn't feel so good and collapsed on the floor and fell asleep, I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't wake up so we came here for your help!" Barb said all in one sentence shocking everybody.

"We think the chef put sleeping poison in her food, Oh when I get my hands on them they are going to be really sorry!" Trollex said angrily pounding his fist in his hand shocking everyone when they saw this side of him.

"Oh no my baby!" King Peppy said sadly as he looked at his sleeping daughter.

"Don't worry King Peppy, I'll find a cure and save her if it's the last thing I do." Branch said as he put Poppy on her bed and stroked her bangs, he pulled out a book from his vest and opened it to see if he could find a cure to this. When he got to the page he was looking for he smiled which confused everyone. "Aha here It is!" He said proudly.

"What does it say Branch?" Delta asked impatiently because she and everyone else wanted Poppy to wake up Because without her everyone would be doomed.

"It says with true love's kiss a long with the music strings she'll wake up." Branch said as he blushed when he read it and closed it hard. "Well which one of you guys want to volunteer?" He said embarrassed to do it.

Everyone looked at each other and back to him worried. "Branch...It should be you." Trollex said serious. Branch panicked and looked at his friend. "Why me?!!" He asked scared.

"Because you're her true love Branch, we all love her as if she was a sister to us but you? You love her romantically I know it and she loves you the same way so it has to be you plus you said that you want to save her, please Branch she needs you." Trollex said on the verge of tears, everyone became shocked when they heard him say this and started crying too.

Branch sighed and finally gave an answer. "Okay I'll do it but I'm going to need the strings." He said with a confident smile.

"Uhh yeah about that.." Tiny Diamond said nervously smiling. This got everyone's attention and they looked at him with serious looks on their faces. "Tiny what did you do?" Guy Diamond said glaring at his son with his arms crossed.

"I took them while everyone was sleeping." Tiny said nervously. "W-Where are they?" Trollex said shocked. "I was having a little party and I used them for lasers but they got out of control and scattered all over the world." Tiny said cowering.

"You had all six strings and you threw them away?" Trollex said still shocked although he looked like he was about to snap at any moment. "Exactly." Tiny said shaking like a leaf until Trollex grabbed his shoulders with a very furious look on his face. "ARE YOU CRAZY WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!!! POPPY WILL DIE IF WE DON'T HAVE THEM AT THE END OF THE DAY!!!!!!!" He screamed loudly.

"Trollex relax, we'll just have to find them and Guy please punish that child of yours he should of not taken the strings that were not his to take." Branch said as he put his hand on Trollex's arm to calm him down and looked at Guy sternly.

"Oh believe me I will!" Guy said glaring at his son. "Uhh Tiny out!" Tiny said and ran out the pod with Guy chasing him. "TINY GET BACK HERE, YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE MR!!!!" Guy yelled as he exited the pod to chase after his son.

"Okay?" Branch said questionably and put his book back in his vest and was about to go get ready for his journey. "Barb and Trollex you keep an eye on Poppy and feed her even though she's asleep, D make sure that troll who poisoned her is put in the dungeon and Delta and Trollzart make sure the only trolls who enter this pod are her father and her friends." Branch said seriously and was about to exit the pod until he heard King Peppy ask him something.

"But Branch where are you going?" Peppy asked him worried, Branch looked at him with a serious look and furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the sky. "I'm going to find those strings and save Poppy." He said and exited the pod.

Whoo that was so much writing but it was worth it, I put in a Sonic X reference when Trollex ask Tiny where the strings are and Tiny told them where the strings are and Trollex yells "ARE YOU CRAZY WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" Because The trolls finally have magical artifacts to make that joke also check out this picture I drew for sanhitaa

Anyway I hope you all enjoy this, Sammy out.

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