Sleeping Poppy part 2

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This is an au where the strings still exist.

After Branch was all done packing for his trip to receive the strings Tiny lost he settled out on his adventure to retrieve them and save Poppy and he would've gotten farther if it wasn't for some unwanted company. "Hey Branch! Where are you you going?" Said a troll he knew as Lavender, he sighed annoyed because she would always flirt with him and he would always tell her that he wasn't interested.

"I'm going to find the strings so I can save Poppy from her deathly sleep." Branch said not wanting to talk to this annoying purple troll anymore he just wanted to find the strings and save his true love. Lavender sighed annoyed when he mentioned Poppy's name but hid it so he wouldn't suspect anything.

"Oh so poor Poppy will be asleep forever if you don't find them in time?" She said pretending to be worried for the Queen she poisoned a few minutes ago, Branch rolled his eyes in annoyance because this girl kept him from finding the strings with her annoying blabbering. "Yes so please move along and go do something else because I'm just wasting my time talking to you!" Branch said on the verge of snapping at this girl if she didn't go away right now.

"You know, if you don't save her in time and you need to move on from your heartbreak there's a lot of other prettier girls around here who would love to be your girlfriend. Like say me perhaps?" She said flirtatiously and batting her eyelashes so he would get the point she was trying to make and to her surprise he did but not in the way she wanted.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?!! POPPY IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SWEETEST TROLL IN THE WORLD AND IT'S NOT JUST BECAUSE OF HER LOOKS IT'S BECAUSE OF HER BIG HEART!!!!" Branch screamed at the top of his lungs and Lavender noticed that his eye was twitching but now was the moment when his face twisted into a realization glare. "IT WAS YOU WHO POISONED HER WASN'T IT!!!!?" He said on the verge of tears and his tone held extreme amounts of Anger, Disgust and sadness that one of Poppy's subjects could do this to her. What he didn't know that a crowd of trolls was listening to his conversation with Lavender the whole time and gasped in horror and shock and shot glares at the purple female.

"OKAY YES I DID IT I POISONED THE POP QUEEN!!!!!! ARE YOU ALL HAPPY?!!!!!!" Lavender yelled with a glare until she had food thrown all over her as the crowd of trolls booed at her. "Oh please you should all be thanking me because without that ugly and annoying pink pain in the butt you all can have a better more prettier Queen:me." Lavender said without any hint of remorse whatsoever and had even more food thrown at her mostly rotten food and more trolls booed at her and she suddenly was pushed to the ground by the very furious Branch.

"How dare you say that about Poppy and how dare you poison her?! RIGHT NOW AN ENTIRE TRIBE'S QUEEN'S LIFE IS AT STAKE AND ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID AND PETTY JEALOUSY!!!! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU COULD LIVE WITH YOURSELF RIGHT NOW BUT THANKS TO YOU POPPY IS FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE AND IF I DON'T GET THOSE STRINGS IN TIME POPPY IS GOING TO DIE AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR HER DEATH!!!!!!!!!" Branch screamed with rage and sadness that now his eyes had tears in them, he couldn't even look at the purple troll anymore and called for D, Quincy and Essence to come take the evil troll to the dungeon and as soon as they got the message they were there in a flash and looked at Lavender with anger and disappointment.

"You're going to be locked up for a long time and you should be ashamed of yourself." D said as he glared at the purple troll. "We also talked to your family and they are not happy with you. At all." King Quincy said in a dark and angry voice, Lavender looked up at Queen Essence who looked back at her with pure hatred which was a surprise because she loved all troll kind but when it came to evil trolls? She was downright disappointed with them and disgusted.

Branch's tears didn't stop falling but he was a little satisfied when they took her away but he had to hurry and retrieve the strings before time runs out and headed straight for Sheila B. As soon as he got to where Sheila was located the hot air balloon greeted him with a smile and a wave but her happy face changed to a concerned one as soon as she saw Branch's sad face and tears. "What's wrong Branch?" She said voice full of concern, as soon as Branch told her what happened she now understood why he was so sad. "Don't worry Branch, we're going to go find those strings you're going to save Poppy." She said full of hope and gave Branch a comforting smile and a pat on the back, Branch smiled back at her and wiped his eyes and got in the basket and pulled out a pair of scissors.

"Thanks Sheila and you're right we will find those strings and save Poppy." He said full of confidence and cut the rope that tied Sheila to the ground and she took off to the sky. "Don't worry Poppy, I'm going to save you." Branch whispered as he looked at the ground and went to the control panels to speed up this search faster.

Okay everyone that's all for today and I'm sorry I haven't updated this one shot chapter series in a long time but don't worry because I'm going to finish it and guarantee you all that there's going to be a happily ever after but for now enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter.


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