The Princess and The Nerd.

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful all pink troll princess named Poppy and she was training to be Queen, something she didn't look forward to doing but ever since her father passed away the trolls needed the troll next in line for the throne.

She was at her desk filling out some forms when she heard someone knocking on her pod door. "It's open!" She said and saw the troll at the door, it was none other than the grey troll Branch he was head over heals in love with her but he would never tell her because he was embarrassed to tell her.

"Hello Branch. Is there something you need?" Poppy said as she had a sweet smile on her lips, Branch would have dreams of kissing those pretty pink lips if only it were a reality. "U-um yes y-your majesty, Satin and Chenille said they need you to go over to their pod for your coronation dress fitting." He said as he stuttered and got lost staring at those beautiful pink eyes.

"Oh yeah I completely forgot about that." Poppy said as she stood up and walked over to him with a grateful smile on her face. "Thank you so much for reminding me Branch." She said and kissed his cheek to thank him and walked out the door and made her way to the fashion twins' pod while Branch just stood there with wide eyes and a huge blush on his cheeks while he had a goofy smile on his lips but he shook out of his trance to go catch up with her.

When they made it to the fashion pod Satin and Chenille had Poppy take off her dress while forgetting Branch was there and were unaware he watched Poppy take off her dress and saw her in her bra and underwear and had a huge blush on his face and that was when she realized and tried to cover herself up.

They had her in a corset that highlighted her curves but they were tying the laces too tight. "G-Girls t-take it e-easy I c-can h-hardly b-breathe." She said in a strained voice but the twins didn't notice, Branch noticed that her face was turning purple and glared at the twins. "Okay girls that's enough her face is turning purple from how tight you two are tying the corset." He said as calmly as he could despite the fact that he wanted to snap on them, they looked at the poor princess's face and realized he was right and both blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry about that darling." Chenille said.

"It's alright girls." Poppy said as her face returned to it's pink color and caught her breath, Satin and Chenille tied the corset laces in a bow and dressed her in an elegant and beautiful light blue and green gown with sparkles and small poofy sleeves that had a sweetheart neckline that showed off her breasts perfectly and a ribbon that was perfectly tied behind her back. She also had green gloves and a blue choker with a beautiful heart shaped pink Diamond.

They had her hair brushed down into a beautiful and elegant French braid that went down to her back, Branch thought she looked gorgeous and stared dreamily at her. "How do I look Branch?" She asked blushing at him. "You look beautiful Poppy but then again you always look beautiful." Branch said as he looked down and blushed, Poppy blushed with a surprised face but smiled at him.

"Awww thank you Branch you're so sweet." She said and kissed his cheek again and causing him to blush again and sigh dreamily, Satin and Chenille smirked at each other. After Poppy got back in her regular outfit she realized it was getting late and she had work to do tomorrow. "Thank you girls I love the dress you two are artists. And thank you for assisting me today Branch you really are a blessing." She said and kissed his cheek for the 3rd time today and waved goodbye to the twins and made her way home.

Branch sighed dreamily with a love struck look on his face and a huge blush on his cheeks, he went to pick up his clipboard but turned around and found himself face to face with the fashion twins and judging from their smirks they knew what was going on with him. "Why are you two staring at me?" He said annoyed, they rolled their eyes and continued to look at him with smirks on their faces.

"You're in love with Poppy." Satin said. "Yeah we can both see it." Chenille said. Branch's eyes widened and a huge blush was on his face and he tried to deny it. "Whaaat?! What are you two talking about? I'm not in love with Poppy and even if I was I wouldn't tell either of you." He said looking around anywhere except at the twins, he didn't want to admit they were right he was in love with Poppy.

"Don't try to deny it Branch we can both see it, in fact the entire village can see it." Chenille said trying to make Branch Spill the beans. "So why are you denying your feelings for her?" Satin said as her and her sister both put a hand on each of his shoulders, Branch sighed in defeat and knew they were right and there was no point in hiding it.

"You two are right, I am in love with her. She's the most beautiful and sweetest and amazing girl I've ever met and I just want her to be happy, I mean she's going to become Queen in a few days how is that going to look? The village grey troll dating the queen?" Branch said as tears started to run down his cheeks as Satin and Chenille both hugged him to make him feel better. "It's okay Branch, Okay we promised Poppy not tell anybody this even you but she's got a crush on you too. She said you're the most handsome and sweetest and charming troll she's ever met." Chenille said.

Branch's eyes were wide and he had a huge blush on his face but he had a big smile on his lips. "She really means that?" He said as his hopes were becoming bigger that maybe just maybe Poppy can become his lover. "Honest, she even made us hair swear not to tell you but we felt like the time was right." Satin said. "Here's the plan." Chenille said as she gathered herself, her sister and Branch in a circle to whisper the plan on how they're going to get Poppy and Branch together.

Meanwhile Poppy was in her bathtub with steaming hot water and bubbles, after how tight the twins tied her corset she definitely needed this but then her thoughts ran to Branch. He was so sweet and cute, he was a really great troll and friend but she wanted to become more than friends with him she wanted to kiss him, hug him, marry him and have children with him and grow old with him but she didn't have the courage to tell him her feelings.

As she got out of the tub she dried herself off with a towel and got dressed in a blue nightgown and was about ready to go to bed when she heard a knock on her pod door which made her confused. "Who could be knocking on my door at this time?" She said in her mind and made her way to the door and opened it to see Branch in a tuxedo and a guitar in his hand along with the SnackPack.

Poppy blushed at seeing him in a tux and thought he looked really handsome but was wondering why he was at her pod at this time with a guitar and with the SnackPack. "Branch? Guys? What are you all doing here at this time of the night?" She said confused, Branch took a deep breath and chose his words wisely. "Poppy there's something I've always wanted to tell you but I'm so bad at telling you the truth so I decided to tell you in song." He said calmly but in his mind he was panicking. How is she going to take it? He strummed the guitar and started singing much to Poppy's surprise.

"I found a love for me. Darling just dive right in and follow my lead."

"Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet, oh I never knew you were the someone waiting for me."

Poppy gasped and blushed, was Branch telling her what she thought he was telling her? Well he was at her pod singing to her in a tuxedo so yeah he was doing that and his voice was so beautiful just like an Angel's she's never heard anything like it.

" 'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love not knowing what it was, I will not give you up this time."

"But Darling just kiss me slow your heart is all I own, and in your eyes you're holding mine."

Poppy had a sweet smile on her lips and a big blush on her face, Branch was so sweet and she was lucky she had him in her life and she had a feeling that tonight they were going to be more than just friends.

"Baby I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms, barefoot on the grass listening to our favorite song."

"When you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breath but you heard it, Darling you look perfect tonight." Branch sang to Poppy as he put a hand on her cheek and she swooned from how sweet he is.

"Well I found a woman stronger than anyone I know she shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home." Branch sang as that thought caused a smile on his and Poppy's faces and maybe one of these days that will become a reality.

"I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets to carry love to carry children of our own." Branch sang as that thought caused him to blush 50 shades of purple on his face which caused Poppy to let out a cute little giggle that made him smile.

"We are still kids but we're so in love, fighting against all odds I know we'll be alright this time. Darling just hold my hand be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes." Branch sang as his big strong hand held her little hand and looked into those beautiful crystal eyes of hers, Poppy couldn't stop looking into his beautiful sky blue eyes either but she didn't want to look away.

"Baby I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this darling you look perfect tonight." He sang as he handed the guitar to Guy Diamond who strummed it as Branch took Poppy's hands and led her into a dance. The SnackPack were smiling at the adorable moment going on between their favorite ship.

Poppy put her head on Branch's chest and listened to his heartbeat and enjoyed this moment with her favorite troll, every minute of this she was falling more and more in love with him and she was hoping they'll share moments like this in the future. Branch wanted to share moments like this in the future too and wanted Poppy to be his girl forever.

"Baby I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms barefoot on the grass listening to our favorite song, I have faith in all I see now I know I have met an Angel in person and she looks perfect, I don't deserve this you look perfect tonight." Branch sang and finished the song as Guy Diamond strummed the guitar a few more times before ending it.

"Oh Branch that was so beautiful and sweet. Did you really mean it?" Poppy said smiling with tears in her eyes. "Yes Poppy I did mean it, I was so scared to tell you my feelings but Satin and Chenille told me you have feelings for me too and I just thought that now was the time to tell you that I love you Poppy I've always loved you ever since we met, you're beautiful sweet and amazing and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Branch said as tears were running down his cheeks as he poured his heart out to her and that was the SnackPack's cue to leave and give them some privacy but still watched from the window.

"Oh Branch I love you too and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, you're handsome, sweet and charming." Poppy said as she put her hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips, Branch was shocked by her bold movement since he wanted to be the one to initiate their first kiss but he didn't care and closed his eyes and kissed her back. She moved her hands to the back of his neck and he put his hands around her waist meanwhile the SnackPack watching from the window were squealing and shouting quietly while shouting OTP.

Poppy and Branch broke the kiss so they can breathe and looked each other in the eyes and rubbed their noses but Branch looked exhausted so that's when Poppy decided they both needed their sleep as the SnackPack all went home to call it a night. "Come on baby let's get you out of those clothes so you can sleep comfortably." She said giggling and kissed his cheek for the 4th time today and removed his tux until he was in his underwear and boy was he a fit troll with abs and muscles.

Poppy and Branch climbed in the bed and got under the covers, Branch turned the light off and they wrapped their arms around each other and Poppy put her head on Branch's chest and listened to his heartbeat and Branch put his chin on her head and sniffed her silky strawberry and vanilla scented hair.

"Goodnight Branch I love you." Poppy said with a yawn. "Goodnight Poppy I love you too." Branch said and kissed her forehead and they were both pulled into a deep and calming sleep happy to be with each other at last.

And that's all for today, this is one of my favorites that I've ever written and I hope you all like it too also Trolls and the song Perfect do not belong to me, Trolls belongs to Dreamworks and the song Perfect belongs to Ed Sheeran only the story belongs to me.


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