Accidental Kiss💏

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When Branch was still grey & Creep-I mean Creek doesn't exist in this oneshot

Reminder: Changes some mistakes

Poppy was running through the forest as fast as she could, until she made it to the Troll Village. She took a while to try to catch her breath, then saw her friends, the Snack Pack.

Poppy: Guys!

DJ: Hey, Pops. You alright?

Cooper: Yea, you look like you just ran a marathon.

Poppy: Listen, if Branch asks if you've seen me around, say that you haven't. Ok?

Guy: Ok, but why?

Smidge: Not to mention, you seem flushed.

Poppy: Just tell him that you haven't seen me.

Satin: Ok.

Chenille: We won't.

Poppy: -sighs- Thanks.

Biggie: By the way, weren't you suppose to help King Peppy with his retirement pod?

Poppy: Oh my god, I forgot! Thanks for reminding me, Biggie.

As Poppy ran off to help her father, the Snack Pack were still wondering what was going on with her.

Guy: Honestly, that was kinda weird.

DJ: It really was.

Satin: I wonder what her deal is.

Chenille: Who knows?

?: What are you guys talking about?

The Snack Pack turned around & sees Branch.

Copper: Branch, what are you doing here, dude?

Branch: Have you guys seen Poppy?

Smidge: She's not here.

Biggie: Haven't see her.

Guy: We don't know where she is.

Branch: Alright. If you see her, tell her we need to talk.

DJ: Yea, sure.

Cooper: Did something happen between you two?

Branch: You could say that.

Snack Pack: ???

Later that night

Poppy was tossing & turning trying to fall asleep, but what happened today kept her from doing so.

Flashback; Branch's Bunker earlier today

Poppy: Branch, I don't get you.

Branch: What don't you get?

Poppy: Why don't you want to be happy?

Branch: Look Poppy, I have my reasons & I'm not telling.

Poppy: *thinks: God, he's stubborn...!* You could at least give me a hint.

Branch: Not gonna happen. Cause, you'll still be asking for more.

Poppy: Ok, that's a lie!

Branch: -glares-

Poppy: Ok, maybe not. But if you would just tell me, I would understand.

Branch: Yea, then you'll go tell everybody. Honestly, why do you keep coming to me?

Poppy: Because, I know there's happiness in you, you just need help finding it.

Branch: It doesn't work for those like me.

Poppy: Says you.

Branch: I'm serious about that. No matter how hard they try, it's not gonna.....!!

Branch was cut off as soon as Poppy kissed him out of nowhere. Branch's mind went blank, not knowing how to react at all. Realizing what she did, Poppy pulled back & looked away.

Poppy: S-sorry...

Before Branch could say anything, Poppy took off full speed running back to the village. He has never seen her run so fast in his life. Poppy knew what she did was unexpected, but she liked the feeling as she kissed him. Her face was red, her heart was racing, & she can only think about what she just did.

Flashback ends

Poppy touched her lips, & felt a spark. The feeling made her blush so hard, she can't stop thinking about it.

Poppy: Why did I just do that? Ugh, he's gonna hate me for this. What am I gonna do?

A week later

It's been a week since Poppy kissed Branch & ever since then, she tried to avoid him. Every time she thinks of Branch, the thought of her kissing Branch randomly drove her crazy. She didn't know what to do. She's afraid that he'll hate her after what happened that day. All she could do is, sit on the mushroom & be lost in her thoughts.

Biggie: Ok, Poppy. What's going on?

Poppy: What?

Guy: You've been avoiding Branch for a whole week.

Satin: Yea, we know something's up.

Poppy: Nothing's up.

Chenille: Don't lie to us, darling.

Cooper: So, what's up?

Poppy: Well...

Smidge: Yea?


After saying that, Poppy covered her mouth & her face turned deep red. The Snack Pack were staring at her in shock.

DJ: You kissed Branch?!

Poppy: It was an accident!

Satin: Judging by your face.....

Chenille: It doesn't seem like an accident.


Guy: How did it even happen?

Poppy: I wasn't thinking, ok? It just happened.

Biggie: You're gonna have to face him, sometimes.

Poppy: Yea, I know.

Smidge: I guess that's the reason Branch keeps coming here everyday.

Poppy: Wait, what?

Guy: Yea, he's been looking for you.

Poppy: Oh boy.

A while later

Poppy wanted to clear her mind, so she to go for a walk. She started singing her mother's song in her head. Her mother died when she was only two. Whenever Poppy started crying, her mother would sing to her to calm her down.

Poppy finally made it to the willow tree, looking as beautiful as always. Seeing the wind blow through the leaves makes it even more beautiful. As she made her way to the tree, she felt something grabbing her wrist & was pulled under the tree. Next thing she knew, she was pinned to the ground with Branch on top of her. Her face instantly turned red.

Branch: You've been avoiding me for a while.

Poppy: I-it's not like that.

Branch: Then, what is it like?

Poppy: I-i've just been busy, that's all. *thinks: What's wrong with me? My body won't move*

Branch: I don't believe that.

Poppy:...... *thinks: Of course, he doesn't* But, what happened last week was an accident!

Branch: Was it?

Poppy: !!!

Branch: To me, it didn't feel like an accident.

Poppy: *thinks: My heart's racing like crazy. Even, his voice is seductive, I can't even look away from him.*

Branch: What's wrong?

Poppy: U-um.....

Branch: You seem nervous.

Poppy: N-no, I'm not.

Branch places his hand over her racing heart.

Branch: You can't say that when your heart's racing.

Poppy: That doesn't mean anything.......

Branch: *grins* How about this?

Branch pressed his lips onto hers. There was a spark going through her whole body. It the feeling of pleasure that Poppy couldn't ignore. She never knew that Branch was great at kissing, she would want it to last forever. After a while, it turned into a tongue kiss, which made Poppy moan of pleasure. So many things were going through her mind, asking herself if he has ever kissed anyone else before her. Branch finally broke off the kiss & sat her up. Poppy could hardly look at him.

Poppy: H-how did you learn to kiss like that?

Branch: No one taught me.

He leaned in & whispered in her ear.

Branch: Since you're my first, I've always wanted to do it to you.

Poppy's whole face turned red as soon as he said that. He kisses her on the cheek & walks off. Branch's felt heat all over his body, but damn, did he love it. He thought about how soft & sweet her lips were. As for Poppy, back at the willow tree, her heart was beating wildly, but it was a good feeling to her. It looks like an accidental kiss turned into a real kiss.

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