Birthday Proposal 🎂🎁🎉🎊💗💍

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Everyone in the Pop Village was fast asleep in their pods. Well, not everyone. Deep within his bunker, Branch, the former grey troll was still wide awake planning something special for the love of his life, Poppy.

Branch: Just put it in easy, and......DONE! She's going to love this. I'm hoping the things go perfectly. I can't mess this up. Well, better call it a night.

Branch puts it in the box & goes to bed. He was excited because tomorrow is his girlfriend of seven months' birthday.

*Next Day; Poppy's birthday*

Poppy woke up bright and early as usual. But it was more exciting because it was her birthday!

Alice & Peppy: Happy Birthday, Poppy!

Poppy: Aww, guys! Thanks!

Alice: Here! *hands her a box*

Poppy: Thanks, Ally!

Poppy opens the box seeing a heartwarming necklace.

Poppy: Oh, Ally......I love it! *puts it on*

Alice: Yay! I'm wearing one, too. Always my sister.

Poppy: Forever my friend.

The girls share a sisterly hug as Peppy joined it.

Peppy: My girls are growing up so fast. I feel so old.

Alice: Yet, you still act young.

Poppy: Yeah, dad.

Peppy: I guess you're right.

Branch: Am I interrupting?

Poppy: Branchie!

Poppy ran into her boyfriend's arms happily and excitedly. She loves seeing him every day, but not as much as she love his hugs the most. They shared a small kiss.

Branch: Happy birthday, baby. ❤️

Poppy: Sooo, where's my gift?

Branch: You'll get it, tonight.

Poppy: Eh?

Branch: Trust me, you're gonna love it.

Poppy: Ok. Well, I better go. Gotta read to the kids.

Alice: See ya, sis.

As Poppy leaves the pod, the Snack Pack sneaks in.

Branch: Ok, is everything set up?

DJ: Yup. The song you asked for is ready for tonight.

Twins: Her dress is ready.

Biggie: We got ideas for decorations.

Branch: Perfect. We just need her to be away from the village.

Alice: Don't worry. That's taken care of.

Eric: She said she was going to Bergen Town to spend the day with Bridget since they've haven't seen each other in a while.

Branch: Alright then. Wait, we're missing someone.

Smidge: Cooper's letting everyone else know about tonight.

Branch: Good. Alright, go make sure everything's ready.

Group: Yup.

They all went out to get everything settled up. Now, Branch was alone with Peppy.

Branch: I really appreciate this.

Peppy: Don't worry about it, my boy. You two have been through a lot together. It's the least I can do.

Later, Poppy was on the caterpillar bus, heading to Bergen Town. She was so excited because she hasn't seen her Bergen friends since the holidays. The bus finally arrives at the castle.

Poppy: Bridge!

Bridget: !! Poppy! Hi! Oh, it's good to see you again!

Gristle: Happy birthday!

Poppy: Thank you, guys!

Bridget: Come on, let's go have some fun!

Poppy: Yeah!

*later that night*

Poppy: Bye, guys! Thanks for the fun!

Gristle: Bye, Poppy!

Bridget: Come back anytime!

Poppy: I will!

As the caterpillar bus drove off,  Poppy couldn't stop thinking about how much she had a great time with Bridget. They had a great talk, had fun at the pizzeria, & walked around the town. It was a great day for her. What she didn't know is that things are gonna get even better when she get home.

Cloud Guy: Before I forget.

Poppy: What?

CG stops the bus by Branch's bunker.

Poppy: What are we doing here?

CG: He said he has something for you. It's unlocked. I'll wait out here.

Poppy: OK then. Kinda odd.

Poppy goes inside the bunker & sees a box with her name on it along with a letter.

"This is my first gift for you. I want you to look beautiful tonight. Branch💙"

Poppy: Awww. I wonder what it is.

She opened the box to see the most beautiful dress she has ever seen.

Poppy: Oh my god......This is beautiful. The twins really out did themselves for me.

After putting the dress on, she goes back to the bus and arrives at the village. The only thing is, it's was quite dark.

Poppy: What's going on? Did something happen when I was away......?

Branch: Poppy.

Poppy: Branch! Why is it so dark?

Branch: Well, something did happen.


Branch: Or, should I say something's about to happen?

Poppy: Eh?

Branch: Everyone!

All of a sudden, confetti poppers go off & the lights come back on.

Everybody: 🎉🎊 Happy birthday, Poppy! 🎉🎊

Poppy: Oooooh, you guys did all this for me?

Barb: Actually, it was your man's idea.

Poppy: !!

Poppy wasn't expecting any of this. First, he throws her a surprise part. Then, he invited all the leaders to come celebrate.

Poppy: Oh, Branch. You're the best!

Branch: Yeah, well.

This was the biggest birthday she's ever had in her life. Everyone was having a good time dancing, talking to one another, eating(mostly Biggie), and singing along to the same song. Poppy was talking to all the leaders and having a awesome time. But what concerns her is that she hasn't seen Branch in a while. After a while, DJ turns the music down as Peppy got on stage to make an announcement. 

Peppy: Alright, before the night ends, there is one more big surprise for the birthday girl. Poppy, will you come up, please?

Poppy: OK, sure.

Poppy walked on stage & was sat down on a decorated chair.

Poppy: What's going on?

Peppy: You'll see.

Branch came on stage dressed nicely. Poppy couldn't help but blush seeing him in a tux.

Poppy: Branch, what's gonna happen?

Branch: Let's say this is my second gift to you.

Poppy: Oh?

Branch turns to DJ telling her to start the music

There was a huge around of applause. After the song, he took Poppy by the hand & brought her to the middle of the stage.

Poppy: Oh, Branchie.....That was beautiful.

Branch: It was all for you. Now, it's time for my last gift.

Poppy: Huh?

Branch suddenly got on one knee, making to crowd go wild. Poppy just stood there in shock.

Poppy: !!!

Branch: Poppy, you made me the happiest troll alive. If it wasn't for you, I still would have been the troll I was back then. We've been through so much together & I love you so much. With your father's permission, I wanted to ask you this.

Branch takes out a small box & opens it

Branch: Will you marry me?

Poppy had tears in her eyes. It's like she's in a dream & doesn't want to wake up. Her beloved boyfriend, her crush of so many years is here proposing to her.

Poppy: Branch........YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!

The crowd rejoiced as Branch slide the ring on her finger & brought her close to a loving kiss.

Branch: I love you, my future wife 💕

Poppy: I love you too, my future king 💕

Also, let's give our Anna Kendrick a Happy Birthday.

Happy 35th Birthday, Anna Kendrick! We love you!🎂🎉🎊💗

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