My Healer Part 2

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3 days later

Poppy's fever was going down day by day. She was able to talk a little, but Peppy forbid her from getting out of bed til her fever is really gone. Branch kept his word & took care of Poppy for the last three days. He made sure he had everything he needed to help her get well again. He miss seeing her smile, he miss hearing her sing, he miss looking into those beautiful pink eyes. He would give anything in the world to make her smile again. Peppy came in seeing that she looks a bit better, but she was still grey.

Branch: Poppy, what do you remember that day?

Poppy: Yeah.....

Flashback 3 days ago

Creep- I mean Creek & Poppy were taking a nice walk through the forest talking about certain things. But, Creek suddenly stopped. Poppy looked back up at him with a concerned face.

Creek: Love, would you wait here? I forgot something.

Poppy: Uh, sure. I guess.

Creek: Don't go away, now. Boop.

Creek bopped her nose then walked off. Poppy smiled as she sat in the shade. She wondered what it was he forgot. She continued to wait for him to come back, but that was an hour ago. Poppy started to have second thoughts about this, but she still decided to wait for him. Then, she fell asleep in the shade.

5 hours later

Poppy was awoken by the sound of thunder. It was raining pretty hard. She was terrified of thunderstorms, but mostly the sound of thunder. Poppy looked around to see if Creek came back, but he never did. He just left her there. She was so heartbroken & hurt, she looked down at her hands seeing that she was turning grey. Poppy started running trying to get back to the village. She had no idea where she was & doesn't know which way to go. The thought of Creek leaving her here brought tears to her eyes. She trusted him so much, hoping that he would never hurt her. But, he did it in one of the worst way possible. She keeped running when dizziness got the best of her. Her head started to get hurt, there was heat going through her body. But she kept running til she tripped on a rock. Poppy tired to get up, but the pain in her head kept her from doing so. So, she blacked out feeling hurt & scared.

Flashback ends

Branch: He left you out there for five hours straight?!

Poppy: *nods*......

Branch: Wait until I get my hands on him!

King Peppy: Branch, now's not the time.

Branch: Right. Sorry.

Poppy: *thinks: I can't believe Branch was taking care of me. What's this feeling going on inside of me? I've had it for a long time, but I'm scared to let it out.*

Later that afternoon

King Peppy has asked Creep- I mean Creek to come over. He was going to have a serious talk with him about leaving his dear daughter alone. Creek entered the pod seeing that Peppy wasn't happy.

Creek: King Peppy, is something wrong?

King Peppy: As a matter of fact, yes. Care to explain why left Poppy in the forest three days ago?!

Creek: !! Well....I...I had some business to take care of.

King Peppy: For five hours straight, and you didn't bother to bring her home?!

Creek: Your Highness, it was my yoga routine. I can't ignore that.

King Peppy: But, you can ignore Poppy?

Creek:.....Where is she?

King Peppy: In her room, Branch is taking care of her.

Creek: What?! Him?!

King Peppy: He found her in the rain, soakin wet & grey!

Creek: ! Why do you trust him other than me.

King Peppy: Because unlike you, Branch is mature.

Creek: You can't be serious!

King Peppy: *serious look*

Creek: Nevermind.

King Peppy: Creek, you forbidden to go anywhere near my daughter.

Creek: What?!

King Peppy: You left Poppy out there alone. You are hereby banned from EVER talking to her or going near her. Have I made myself clear?

Creek: Y-yes, sir.

King Peppy: You're dismissed.

Creek walks out of the pod with a lot of guilt. The whole village glared at him & went back to their pods, even the Snack Pack couldn't look at him.

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