Secretly Dating

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Note: Bergens don't exist in the this short story

The Troll Village was cheerful & colorful. The village was ruled by King Peppy, along with his daughter, Princess Poppy, the happiest troll alive. Her mother died when she was only a month old, but that didn't stop her from staying happy. As future queen, she needs to make sure her people are always happy.

Later that afternoon

Poppy was walking around the Troll Village greeting her fellow trolls. Then she laid eyes on her friends, The Snack Pack. There's DJ Suki, Biggie, the twins; Satin & Chenille, Smidge, Cooper, Guy Diamond, Fuzzbert, & Creep-I mean Creek. They spend half of the day talking about random stuff.

Poppy: Hey, guys. I'm gonna take a walk for a bit.

DJ: Do you want us to come with you?

Poppy: No, I'll be fine.

Biggie: Just be careful.

Poppy: Don't worry.

Creep: We just don't want anything to happen to our princess.

Creep-I mean Creek boops her nose & walks off with the Snack Pack. Honestly, she hated it when he does that. When no one was looking, she ran straight into the woods. Poppy had a secret that no one knows about, not even the Snack Pack. She walked to the river & sees a blue troll sitting there.

Poppy: Branchie❤️!

Branch: Hey, Pops❤️!

They share a passionate kiss & spent the rest of the day together. Branch use to be grey for twenty whole years. Ever since he met Poppy when they were young, he was in love with her, not because she's a princess but for her personality. A year ago, he told her why he was always grey & grumpy. He was four years old, taking a walk through the forest with his grandmother, Rosiepuff. Out of nowhere, a bird was coming towards them. His grandmother pushed him out of the way & his head hit a tree & blacked out. When he woke up, his grandmother was nowhere to be seen. Branch was so upset & so alone, he fell on his knees as his colors started to drain from his body. He could never be happy again. But, when he first met Poppy, he knew that he was in love with her. Besides her father, Poppy was the only troll that cared about him. But whenever he saw her around Creep-I mean Creek, it made him jealous. Mostly, he was scared of losing her to him. One day, he got up the courage & told her how he feels about her. Surprisingly, Poppy felt the same way about him. They shared their first kiss & his colors came back, he was happy again. Ever since then, they've been secretly dating.

Poppy: I still don't understand, Branch. How come you don't want anyone to know?

Branch: They might think you might have feelings for him.

Poppy: Ok, that I understand. But, I think it'll be fair if we tell the others, though.

Branch: I guess. But, I'm still not sure.

Poppy: How about this? Tomorrow, I'll ask them to meet us here, then we'll tell them everything.

Branch: Alright, but they better not hate us for that.

Poppy: I'm sure they won't. Trust me.

Branch: Alright, babe. I trust you.

Poppy: Good.

Poppy then noticed the sun setting.

Poppy: Aw, man. I gotta go. I'm sure dad's wondering where I am.

Branch: Want me to walk you back?

Poppy: No, I'll be fine.

Branch: Just be careful, babe. You'll never know what could pop out of nowhere.

Poppy: Don't worry, I will.

They kissed each other good night & Poppy headed back to the village.

Branch: So many reasons I love that girl.

The next day

Poppy: Morning, guys.

DJ: Hey, Pops. What's up?

Poppy: Is Creek with you?

Guy Diamond: Nope, he's doing his morning yoga.
Poppy: Good, cause I want to tell you guys something.

Twins: What is it?

Poppy: I can't say it here. Meet me by the river in five minutes.

Smidge: Why?

Poppy: You'll see.

Poppy started to head to the river as her friends looked at each other confused.

5 minutes later

The Snack Pack, minus Creep-I mean Creek went to the river & see Poppy with a blue troll.

Poppy: Hey, you guys came.

Cooper: Yea, well. So, who's the guy next to you?

Satin: Yea, we've never seen him around before.

Guy: Wait...-thinks: those clothes- Whoa whoa! Poppy, is that Branch?!

Branch: Yea, it's me.

Snack Pack: Oh my god!

Branch: We'll explain everything.

Branch & Poppy told the Snack Pack the whole story. The Snack Pack went quiet after they finished telling them, which make Branch & Poppy a bit nervous. And then...

Snack Pack: FINALLY!

Branch & Poppy: What?

Guy: We've been waiting for you guys to hook up for so long!

DJ: Not to mention, you guys have been dating for a whole year.

Satin: Oooh~.

Chenille: So romantic~!

Branch & Poppy were standing there flushed as their faces turned red.

Smidge: They're even blushing, too.

Biggie: Ha, love is in the air.

Cooper: Ya go that right.

Poppy: Just don't say anything to anybody, especially Creek.

DJ: Relax, girl. He's not gonna find out.

Guy: You have our word.

The Snack Pack left the two lovers alone, so they could have their privacy.

Poppy: See? I told you there was nothing to worry about.

Branch: Yea, you were right.

Poppy: Of course, I am.

The couple spent more time by the river. But, little did they know, the Snack Pack were watching them from afar.

Guy: Broppy finally happened!
Smidge: Broppy? What's that?

Guy: It's their ship name, of course.

Satin: I like it.

Chenille: Me too.

Biggie: It's cute.

Cooper: Agreed.

DJ: You've been waiting to call them that, haven't you?

Guy: Well, duh.

Back to Branch & Poppy

The couple were fooling around in by the water. Branch couldn't be happier with her & there was nothing that was gonna change that. As long as they were happy, so were the Snack Pack. As night fell, Branch allowed Poppy to stay at his place. They went to bed holding each other in their arms.

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