Shy Poppy ask out Branch Text

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Poppy: Ok, you can do this. Just pick up your phone, text him and ask him out. Just relax....

Poppy: Um, Branch?

Branch: Hey, Pops. What's up?

Poppy: Are you busy right now?

Branch: No, why?

Poppy: Well, I want to tell you something.

Branch: Alright, what's up?

Poppy: Just so you know, you can say 'no'

Branch: Ok? So, what is it?

Poppy: Well......

Branch: Yeah?

Poppy: Branch.......I really like you! But, I was too scared to tell because I thought you were reject me and only think of me as annoying! The only reason I keep inviting you to my parties is because I want to be with you! I've liked you for a very long time. So........will you go on a date with me.....?

*5 minutes later; No response*

Poppy: I knew it would be too good to be true......

*Beep beep*

Poppy: Huh? *looks at my phone*

Branch: I don't like you......I love you.

Poppy: !!!

Poppy: R-really?

Branch: Ever since we first met. And, I would love to go on a date with you.

Poppy: No lie.....?

Branch: No lie.

Poppy: Then, how about tomorrow at 7?

Branch: It's a date💙. I'll pick you up.

Poppy: Ok, I'll see you then.

Branch: Bye.

Poppy:*sqeuals with joy* I finally did it! 🥰🥰

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