Trapped w/t Rock Troll Branch

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Poppy woke up in a dark room at Rock City with her head throbbing. She doesn't remember what happened until it hit her; Barb and her goons set up a trap, took the last string, & knocked her out. Desperate to find a way out, she went to open the door & it was locked.

Poppy: Let me out!

Barb: I don't think so, popsquesk.

Poppy: Stop calling me that! Just let me out!

Barb: No way. You're just gonna ruin the fun. But, don't worry. You have company in there. Well, gotta go. See ya! Rock on!

As Barb walks away from the door, Poppy stood in the middle of the room confused, wondering who this person who's in here with her. She looked up to see a chain. As she pulled it, the light came on above her. Looking around the room, it looks like a prison. After a while, she spotted two red eyes.

Poppy: Ahhh!

She fell backward and scouted away until she was in the corner.

Poppy: W-who's there?!

 ?: Do you really want to know?

That voice.......sounded really familiar to her. But, she didn't want to believe who it really was.

Poppy: *thinks: No, it can't be who I think it is.......* At least let me see you.........

The figure slowly appears into the light and she couldn't believe her eyes.

Branch, the love of her life, her crush of 15 years was now a rock zombie. Piercing red eyes, spike bracelets, tattoos on his chest and arms, leather pants, earrings on both ears, and a mullet(gross). The Branch that she once knew was gone. It could only mean one thing, Barb is using the strings to turn everyone into rock zombies. It was her plan all along. Poppy was at a lost for words as she stares at him, shaking in fear.

Poppy: *thinks: No......this can't be real.......How did she even find him.........?*

Branch: Hehe, what an amusing look on your face.

Poppy:.......*thinks: My heart is shaking.......I don't know what to do......*

Branch: *walks towards her*Are you scared of me, flower?

Poppy: N-no.....

The next thing she knew; he was right in front of her face, with a grin on his face.

Poppy: !!!

Branch: You can lie all you want, yet your heart's beating wildly.

There was no denying how scared she was. She keeps hoping it was a dream, but her eyes can't lie to her this time. Her head was so full of questions that she can't even think.

Branch: You really are cute when you're scared.

Poppy: I am not scared.......!

Branch: Oh yes, you are~.

He put his hand under her chin & makes her face him.


Branch: Even those beautiful eyes can't lie.

Branch used his thumb to wipes away her tears. Poppy didn't even know she was crying until now. She was too busy trying to avoid him as much as she could.

Branch: You don't have to be locked in here forever, you know. There is a way for you to be free.

Poppy: What....?

Branch: Become a rock troll and we'll be together forever. I love you so much. You know you can't resist me and I can't resist you. You've always been on my mind. And now, I have you all to myself.

Poppy: *thinks: My throat's in a knot......I can't even speak........I don't know what to do........I'm scared......*

Before she knew it, Branch was three inches away from her lips. She closed her eyes.

?: Poppy?


Poppy wakes up seeing that she was in Branch's room, in his bunker. She looked at Branch, seeing that he was his normal self. It was a huge sigh a relief.

Branch: Are you alright....?

Poppy: I......I don't know....

Branch: Tell me what's wrong.

Poppy: *nods*

Poppy took some time to calm down and explained Branch what happened in her dream. After telling him, she started shaking again as the memory of him taking the hit for her and became a rock troll. Branch held her close trying to calm her down.

Branch: I'll admit, it was my fault.

Poppy: No, it wasn't.

Branch: Yes, it was. I shouldn't have left you alone. None of it would have happened if I have argued with you. I promise, I'll never leave you alone in a dangerous situation again.

Poppy: And I'm sorry for not listening to you from the start. I guess I wanted to prove that all music can go together.

Branch: And they did because of you. We don't have to worry about it anymore. I promise to be by your side no matter what. I love you, Pops.

Poppy: I love you, too.

They went back to sleep in each others arms forgetting about the dream and focus on the peace of all music.

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