♥︎I cant do this any longer Part 2 ♥︎

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Part 2 of my last oneshot. And go back and read the warnings if you havent.

Poppy's Pov

Once Poppy wandered into Branch's bunker that one night to leave a gift, she heard the sounds of screaming coming from his room.

She heard him say words like "DO IT" or "just kill yourself already."In his sleep. She knew exactly what he meant and wouldn't allow this to happen.

Poppy instantly woke Branch up. But instead of asking her questions, he kicked her out. Poppy ran out the door heavy hearted and sobbed as she sprinted home.

Present time

Branch stayed in his bunker for the next week or so. What else was there to do? Nothing. Just nothing. He felt soo guilty. He turned down the only troll that actually cared about him. The only troll that he loves, that is still alive.

Somehow he always goes back to the same question though: "why does everyone I love die in my hands?"

That's why he was so afraid of loving Poppy. He thought she would get injured or hurt because of him. And, he also knew if Poppy liked him back, she would just he sad forever. Reason? He knew that one day, he would take his life. He knew one day he would eventually give up fully on hope. One day NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO STOP HIM FROM SEEING HIS GRANDMA AGAIN. One day, he will jo longer be able to see Poppy and her beautiful smile, her contagious laugh and optimistic spirit. And he knew that one day he would leave and have Poppy be sad.

Branch would do anything to keep Poppy happy 24/7. He cared wayy more about her happiness then his own. He wanted her to know that.

He just didnt want someone he loves to face the same guilt and pain he did. So you're probably wondering, why doenst Branch just not do it?
Well you see, Branch's hope was lost. It was gone. Completely sucked out of him. He just couldn't take the pain anymore. So now he's afraid to love.

~later that day~

Poppy did her normal things and at this time she would go invite Branch to a party, but, she knew he would never open the door.

Poppy reached Branch's bunker. Staring at the go away mat. She felt a wave of guilt and regret wash over her. She should've just stayed home and not bother him. But now he was even sadder.

As Poppy was about to walk away she felt someone touch her shoulder. She whipped her head around to be face to face with...

"Creek?" She asked. Poppy was confused and she felt worry. Creek OBVIOUSLY liked her. But she to her, he wasn't anything special.

"Poppy, love. Why are you over at his bunker?"
He began. ( im legit trying not to barf) " wait. Are you and him-"

"Creek no! No he isn't. He's a-a friend." She exclaimed.

"Good." He smirked. Creek grabbed Poppy by the waist and pulled her closer.

"C-Creek. I-I can't." Poppy was sweating. She didn't want to be with Creek! She wanted to be down in the bunker with Branch and tell him everything was ok. But here she was, inches away from *gag* Creek.

Satan leaned in closer and kissed Poppy on the lips. Poppy's eyes were wide as saucers.

She tried to pull away but Creep was holding her still. She was panicking. This wasn't right. She didn't even kiss back.

"Oh. Wow. I never knew."

Poppy instantly pushed herself away from Creek in anger and frustration. She looked over to the mat on the ground. It was lifted up and there stood a grey troll.

"Branch, I-I dont-" she began to stutter. She watched as he turned around and placed his hand on the lever.

"Branch. This isnt what it looks like-" she began but was cut off by Branch.

"WELL IT EXACTLY IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!! I love you Poppy,but you love Creek. How could I be so stupid?!" He placed a hand over his forehead.

He didn't even want to face her. Branch kept his back turned and descended back down into his lonely bunker.

"Branch..." Poppy whispered.

Tears stung the ends of her eyes. She fell down onto her knees tears falling down her face as she buried her face into her hands.

I SHOULDN'T HAVE LET CREEK DO THAT!! ITS ALL MY STUPID FAULT! Ugh!! IM SO DUMB!! " she thought to herself. Her head hurt. Her face and legs felt numb. Why didn't she pull away when she had the chance? Poppy wished she could turn back to time to stop this mess.

Branch was probably gonna spend years more in his bunker. Branch loved Poppy. But how did Poppy not see it till' now? She felt dumb and stupid and immature over the fact it took her so long to realize.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She already knew who it was.

"leave me alone." She spoke.

But the figure knelt down infront of her.

"Creek, leave." She got a little frustrated.
Poppy felt as Creek caressed her cheek. Poppy didnt bother to look up at him.

"Creek I told you to leave me alone." She was being more stern now but Creek still stood there.

"I SAID GO CREEK!!" She yelled at him. Creek bounced back, realizing the princess just raised her voice at one of her oldest friends.

Creek began.(you guys have no clue how much im gagging.)
"Poppy. I know Branch likes you. And I know you feel the same way. I just wanna say, I'm sorry."

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SORRY!?!??" She yelled.

"Because, I shouldn't have closed the space between us. We were better as friends." Creek spoke.

'Wow. What is happening. Creek despises Branch.' Poppy thought to herself.

"I just wanted to see how much he really cares about you. I don't want you ending up all sad and miserable."
Creek finished off.

Poppy was just frozen in shock. She didn't know what to say or do. She just stayed there in complete shock.

"First off,

CREEK, I'm sorry, I DONT love you back. And also. THAT WAS THE MOST STUPID AND DUMBEST PLAN EVER!!! HE CARES ABOUT ME! AND INSTEAD OF ME BEING THE ONE ALL 'sad and miserable' YOU MADE BRANCH UPSET!!" Poppy shouted at him. It was odd for Poppy to yell. Or to even be mad.

But one thing was for sure, she knew Branch would NEVER want to speak to her again.

One week passed...

Branch hadn't left his bunker.


2 weeks passed....

Poppy heard Branch down in the bunker talking to himself, but it was all just muffled talking.


3 weeks later....

Poppy was upset with herself. If something had happened to Branch she would've NEVER forgive herself. She still despised Creek though. Yes it was a REALLY dumb and stupid plan, but wasn't he just making sure he REALLY cared about her?

I MEAN DUHH ITS BRANCH!!! Of course he would care about Poppy. But somehow, Creek didn't see that.

Later that week nothing happened in Branch's bunker. It was quiet whenever Poppy leaned her ear against his mat. She heard complete silence.

She was getting worried at this point. So she decided to investigate why Branch was so silent.

As Poppy went down into the bunker, she felt a chill over her. It was cold, there was nothing active at all. Lights were off, no hammering or whatever going on. Just utter silence.

As Poppy walked into the kitchen she saw nothing in the cabinets or any clue to finding Branch.

Poppy reached his room.

"Branch? I'm sorry friends what I did. I shouldn't have let Creek do that. I love you too! And I dont want you too-" Poppy was cut off when she gasped loudly.

Laying there infront of her was Branch.

Red trickling down his arm, and a giant deep cut in his side. More of the red liquid trailed down his forehead.

It was clear he was crying, there were tears on his cheeks still.

Poppy rushed over the second she saw him. She lifted his head and laid it on her lap.

She held his head in her hands. Tears falling down her face onto his.

"Branch!! N-no no no. You can't leave me." She stuttered. It was hard for her to find the right words, she was choking on her sobs.

She was breathing heavily. Branch was slowly breathing but it looked like he could barely hold on.

He slowly opened his eyes...his grey eyes.

Poppy held his hand in hers. She looked at how grey it was and turned her focus back to Branch's face.

"B-Branch. Please don't go." she managed to say. She held onto his hand never wanting to let go. Tears kept on trailing down the sides of her face.

"P-Poppy. I just want you to be happy. Go live your life with Creek. Clearly you love him." He was breathing heavily, he looked up at Poppy with a weak smile. He brought his hand up to her cheek and gently caressed it. She leaned into his soft hand closing her eyes.

"Branch. Please dont.. I can't imagine my life without you.." she spoke as her voice cracked.
Branch just looked up at her with sorrow in his eyes.

"Well, you're about to find out. I love you Poppy." And with his final words, he let out his final breath....

Sorry for the "blood details" or whatever but there was a warning in part one. Hope you liked this!!! Also, if you like my stories make sure to check out my new book, Trolls: The Untold Secret.

Well you dont have to, but check it out!!

Also let me know what you thought about this chapter.



And with that, I will see you guys next time!! BAI!!
           ~Thea ʕʔ

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