Sibling Vibes

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Request from OpefuLee thank you for this request! I honestly love the sibling vibe between Barb and Branch. Of course Broppy will be in this.

Okie enjoy!


Poppy and Branch looked at each other. Poppy gave a small peck on his cheek and smiled.

"Ughh get a room you two. I will actually barf." Barb exclaimed nearby. She saw them kiss.

"Seriously all of your lovey dovey stiff seriously makes me want to throw up." She continued on.

Branch rolled his eyes.
"I mean. What about you and Riff-" Branch was cut off when Barb yelled at him.

"Hey! Don't bring Riff into this!" She shouted.

They all stood there silently,awkwardly.

That went on for about 16 minutes.

"Okay I'm bored as trolly h-" Barb got interrupted by Poppy.

"Hey! Its possible for young children to be reading this awful hek oneshot over on wattpad. And it probably sucks since the author is writing this at 4:00am!!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Anddd the fourth wall comes crumbling down. Just like one of Jaden's books." Branch said annoyed.

"Wait who's Jaden?" Barb asked.

Branch didn't even bother to answer.

"Anyways, I'm bored. Can we go like play something?" Poppy asked.

"What about tag?" Barb suggested.

"Rations?" Branch asked innocently.

"Oh ho ho ho,not after last time." Poppy exclaimed.

"Forget it, today's just gonna be another boring day as usual." Barb slumped down.

"Its not like a game idea is gonna emerge out of the lake." Barb rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Suddenly orange hair poked put from the surface of the lake and out came Dj.

"GAHH! Dude! Don't do that. Its.. weird." Barb exclaimed in shock.

Poppy and Branch snickered.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But what if we play capture the flag?!" Dj Suki exclaimed while she squeezed the extra water out of her hair.

"Uh, remember last time we played capture the flag?" Branch reminded.

"Come on Branchie! We haven't played in a while!" Poppy exclaimed.

"I've played it once. I'd like to play it again!" Barb said.

"Okay!! But, I make the teams." Poppy smirked.

Branch raised an eyebrow as she smirked.

"Ah shoot." Branch hung his head down.

"Branch and Barb vs. Me and Dj!" Poppy yelled pointing to each of the individuals.

"Losing team has to eat 5 onion cupcakes each!" Poppy exclaimed.

The onion cupcake, the worst thing ever. Other than black liquorice. Branch frowned at Poppy. There was like no way in trolly history he would team up with Barb. But he also didn't want to eat an onion cupcake so he accepted.

"Ughhh fine. I'm only working with you *points to Barb* because I don't want my tastebuds to die." Branch rolled his eyes.

Branch and Barb, didn't really get along. It wasn't like how Branch hated Creek, it was more in a sibling type of way.

"Fine." Barb rolled her eyes back.

"Great! We play in the forest!" Dj shouted.

They walked to the forest while the sun was about to meet its peak.

"Okay! Now, when I count down to 3, the game starts." Poppy announced.

Branch and Barb had hid there's in, drumroll please.. duh duh duh duh duh duhhhh his bunker.

But it was under Branch's bed. And his bunker had gotten EXTRA defenses. It was pretty hard since he made it that you can only get in by the evisceration shaft. Which Poppy knew the song to. So what really was the point?

Well Barb and Branch made a plan. One troll would stay in the bedroom. And the other would try to find the other team's flag. They would change shifts every now and then.

Branch groaned as he sat on the edge of the bed. "where in the troll heck is Barb?!?" he exclaimed.

"whats up bro?" she asked as she poked her head out from underneath his bed while holding Gary.

"First off, I'm not your bro or whatever. Second, GIVE ME BACK MY SON." He exclaimed while he tackled her in attempt to get Gary.

"Wait, you named it? And its your son-" Barb was frozen in confusion as she stared down at Gary with the most confused face you probably have ever seen.

"I told you, I spent 20 years alone, things got weird m'kay?" He rolled his eyes once he got Gary back and held him close in his embrace.

Barb stifled a laugh. Then a snicker. Suddenly it ended up with her wheezing on the floor. Branch just looked down at her in COMPLETE CONFUSION.

"Okay! OKAY! Now, if he's your 'son', who's the mother?😏" She asked trying her hardest to not wheez laugh yet again.

Branch immediately blushed knowing who she was referencing to.

"BARB! Okay, enough. Keep the flag hidden, I'm gonna go find theirs." Branch rushed off and opened the door.

"Ya'know I don't understand, how is he your son." Barb asked. She tilted her head.

"Ughhh!!" Branch groaned and looked up. "Not now Barb!" He yelled and sprinted out of his bunker. His hug time bracelet chimed.

"I'll be back before next hug time."


"Ok ok! Suki, do you think this plan will work?" Poppy snickered.

"Hmm, probably." She laughed.

Poppy and Suki planned this entire thing. It was for Barb and Branch to get along better.

"Suki! The flag!!" Poppy panicked. She gestured to the flag up in the tree and Suki quickly grabbed with her hair and placed it behind a bush.

"Shhh." Suki placed finger over her mouth. And pulled Poppy down behind a bush.

"Poppy! I know you're out here!" Branch hollered. He spot something pink, similar to Poppy's hair and smirked.

"Gosh, why can't I find her?" He wondered sarcastically. He dove behind the bush.

"Ah ha! Got you-" Branch froze as he saw it was just a flower. Branch groaned in annoyance.

"I'm never gonna find them!" He groaned and knocked his head on a tree.

Branch looked at his hug time watch. "Phew. It definitely hasn't been an hour."

Branch continued looking. Soon he got an idea. He grabbed Gary out of his vest pocket and pressed a button, enabling one of his nets.

A net fell over top of a bush and he heard a yelp. He trudged over smiling in success.

"Oh ho! I found you two!" Branch smiled as he looked at the two trolls.

"Yeah, but what about the flag?" Poppy asked. She smirked at him raising one eyebrow.

"I-I oh rightt." Branch face palmed. Then as he looked more behind the bush he noticed Dj, was nowhere to be found.

"Wait, WHERE'S DJ?" Branch asked getting worried. If she was gone, maybe she could be after the flag.

Branch's thoughts were ignored when he heard his hug time watch along with Poppy's chime.

Branch looked down at his watch in shock. Was he really gone for an entire hour?!

He turned his head left and right in search of Dj. There was no way he was eating an onion cupcake AND losing capture the flag for the 7th time.

He ran off back to his bunker sprinting at full speed. "Ugh! Forget Poppy's flag, gotta save mine!" He spoked as he ran.

"Uhh, Branch? Can I get a little help?" Poppy was still stuck underneath the net.

"Oh yeah sorry Pops." He ran back and removed the net off of Poppy.
As he tossed the net away he headed back to the bunker, this time with Poppy.

"Barb! Barb! Barb! Open the door!!!" Branch pounded on the welcome mat.

"Wait, This is my own bunker🤦‍♂️I know the passcode." Branch realized in annoyance.

Poppy went over to the pad and inserted the code.

"I love queen poppy." she spoke out loud.

"Poppy!! That is not my passcode." Branch scoffed.

"Branch, its fine, we're DATING."

"yeah but still that's NOT my passcode." Branch crossed his arms and looked away while closing his eyes.

"Passcode correct. Welcome Branch." The key pad spoke. Poppy snickered.

"Well the pad says otherwise!"

They jumped in only to find....

Dj holding the flag.

"whoo! We won! We won!!! WHOO!! WE WON! HA!" Poppy cheered and smiled as she went to high-five Dj.

Branch smiled and rolled his eyes. He opened his safe room and saw Barb eating his last jar of chocolate.

"Wha- Barb!!" Branch yelled. "What are you doing?!"

"This was the only good tasting edible thing I could find in this whole place." She replied as she finished the remains of the jar.

Branch furrowed his eye brows and his eye twitched. He quietly growled as his fist curled up.

"Branch. Branchhh? Branchie? Hey, okayyy take it easy. Breathe in and outtt." Poppy said trying to get him to calm down.

"Oh no." Dj whispered over to Poppy.


"Dude, you need to loosen up a little! Have some fun! Why don't you take a laugh for once?" She replied.

"UGH! BARB YOU CANT JUST DO THIS!" Branch yelled in protest.

"Atleast I don't have a fake son!" Barb replied wiping chocolate off her mouth and walking over to Barb with her fists clenched.

"Dont you DARE bring Gary into this! You have NO CLUE of what its like to live alone for 20 years in guilt and pain!" He yelled getting closer up in her face with his hands clenched even more.

"Oh yeah? Why did you hide? Why did you not show your face? You were in so much guilt because of your grandma that you decided to not even show your face! Its not your fault bro!! Its not like its gonna happen again! I know you and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't hurt anyone!" Barb yelled. She covered her mouth. Shoot Branch never told her about his grandma, Barb read it in his journal. Now he's gonna know.

"IF YOU KEEP THIS UP I WILL HURT SOMEONE! And how did you know about my grandma?!? I never told you!!" He yelled back.

Poppy held Branch's hand trying to pull him back. "Branch, hey, take it easy Branchifer." Poppy soothed trying to keep calm.

"Okay fine! I read your journal! And I'm glad I did! Cause now can I only see that it was wrong to think if you as a brother. I got to see who you actually are!" Barb released.

Branch finally had enough and something came out of his mouth he wished he could take back. "You know, I don't even know how you became a queen if you treat people this way!"

Branch realizing what he just did, gasped at his own words. He covered his mouth. His eyes were in shock of what he just said.

Barb's facial expression softened. She had never cried before. She breathed heavily, she looked up to him as brother, but nos she didn't know if she still wanted to.

She felt the tears at the end of her eyes. She turned around and wiped them away.
"See you guys around..." she answered and walked away with her head down.

Branch's ears were down. He walked over to his chair and sat down. His elbows standing up on his knees with his head in his hands.

Poppy turned to Dj. "Uh Dj I'm thinking this was a bad idea." Poppy whispered.

"You think?!" Dj whispered shouted with her hands in the air.

"I should've just gave them time to bond. Ugh! What have I done?" Poppy groaned.

"Why did I do this. Seriously what have I done." Branch asked to himself.

Somewhere in the forest was the rock queen sulking down.

"What did I do? Ugh, I really can't just listen."

They all asked their selves the same question and it was "what did I do." The thing is, nothing.

Poppy just wanted to help with their bonding. Branch just wanted some privacy and Barb just wanted some fun. These Common mistakes happen a lot. But, therefore you can still learn from them.

"Branch its not your fault." Poppy placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to convince him he did nothing wrong.

"N-no i-it is." He stuttered. "I messed up. I let my words come out of my mouth before thinking. *groans in annoyance * why am I so stupidd" He turned away from from Poppy, slumping down.

"You're not stupid. All Barb really wants is an apology. She really looks up to you. " Poppy said as she sat next to him."AWWW YOU GUYS ACT LIKE SIBLINGS!" She gushed.

Branch gave her the 'are you kidding me rn' face.

Branch sighed, "let's go find her."

Branch got out of his chair and headed for the elevator.

Poppy was behind with Dj beside her.

"Seriously though, they are like siblings. I wouldn't be suprised if they're long lost siblings." Dj began.

"YUP! I've had a theory that Branch is part like some different music like one of his parents tan away from home or something and generations later he was born." Poppy explained her theory.

"Hey! Wattpad author, take a note on that!"


They found Barb. She was in the forest and as they moved closer all three of them were pulled behind a bush.

"Gah! Who's there?!?" Branch called out and was in full hair-jitsu mode.

"Dude, its me." Riff called out.

"Oh-" Branch went back to normal.

"Why are you out here Riff?" Poppy asked.

"Well, you see. I was trying to give Debbie a bath. But then she flew away and landed in something sticky. So as I tried to get her out I noticed Barb. I went closer but she threw a chair at me and told me to stay away. Do you guys know what happened?" Riff asked them.

"Hehehe,oh, well-uh-y-you see. We w-were playing a game and I g-got mad at her." Branch explained nervously.

Poppy sighed. "Maybe I should talk to her-" Poppy was stopped from moving forward by Branch.

"Poppy, its my mess, and I'm gonna fix it." Branch headed towards Barb.

"Y'know I'm not deaf right? I heard you guys." Barb rolled her eyes then glared at Branch.

"Look,I'm sorry. I just really like my privacy. But I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that. And I seriously don't understand out of all the people here you treat me as a brother. I don't deserve that. Also, you're an amazing queen." Branch replied looking away.

Barb walked up to him and scruffed his head.

"It's alright bro, and I should've respected your privacy." Barb answered.

Then there was a flash.

Barb and Branch turn their heads to see Poppy holding a photo.

"They're such siblings!" Poppy exclaimed as she held the photo.

Branch did the face "-.-"

"Ok, since you guys apologized, I have something to say." Poppy had her hands behind her back and swayed back and forth.

"I may have,um, y'know, set you two up on this whole bonding thing-" Poppy cheekily smiled.

"YOU.DID.WHAT?!?" Branch exclaimed.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me🤦‍♀️" Barb face palmed.

"Well, know you're gonna pay!" Branch smiled and chased her.

"Help! Help! My boyfriend is after me! Ah!" Poppy laughed.

Barb followed." Oh boy."


So sorry that took like 3 weeks -.-
Anyways, hoped you liked it OpefuLee !
And just so you know, requests are always open! Bai!

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