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Here is SLEEPWALK!Requested by Sandrastar1 I hope you enjoy and keep bringing on requests!!Also,a oneshot I have been writing is called Sick.Its going to be posted sometime this weekend.Its also the reason I stayed up till' 4:00 Am yesterday.ENJOY!

Branch stared up at the stars.They were glimmering with pride.But he knew other things that shined brighter to him.He turned his head and saw Poppy happily snoring.Branch took one look at her magenta hair and her pale pink skin.He couldn't help but smile and blush a bit.Branch and Poppy were out camping and there was a blazing roaring fire to keep them warm.Branch smiled at Poppy wondering if she felt a certain way about him.Branch's smiled faded along with the flames of the fire sitting infront of them.Branch decided he should just go to sleep.

After about 20 minutes of Branch trying to go to bed he still couldn't sleep.He had to many thoughts racing through his mind.The thoughts were about a certain troll that made his days better.Poppy was Branch's everything.He loved everything about her.And to Branch,not a single flaw mattered.He smiled at the thought of hugging Poppy or cuddling together.Ugh!I cant think of her like that.She's my best friend!Ugh Branch STOP IT! Branch thought in his sleeping bag.He face palmed with his hand She probably doesnt feel the same way.Branch sighed and turned his head.His expression showed sadness and disapointment.Then his ears perked up and his eyes widended.He was going to do something but needed to do it quickly.What am I doing?This is my chance. Branch slowly got out of his sleeping bag and headed over to Poppy.He sighed a sigh of relief and laid his head infront of Poppy.Branch looked at her and leaned in and kissed her.He broke the kiss and smiled.

He walked back to his sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Branch woke up at around 6:00am.

He wasn't even tired.So he just walked around gathering wood and some berries for food.

Poppy was still asleep.She snored peacefully and rolled back and forth.Branch walked turned around to face Poppy again and looked down with a sad look in his eyes.


That word swirling around in his head.Poppy probably just wanted to be friends and nothing more.Branch turned around and saw Poppy standing up.Branch looked back at the sticks he was holding and spoke in a calming voice

"Good Morning Poppy."

He said.But she didn't respond.Weird Branch thought.

Branch thought that maybe she didn't hear him.He said it again.He said it repeatedly.But she didn't answer.She just quietly whimpered.Branch started getting worried.He walked back to Poppy and saw that her eyes were closed.

"Poppy?"He said.

Poppy walked backwards and fell on Branch's sleeping bag.Branch quickly ran over to her and got her up."Hey Poppy.Wake up."He quietly said.He was slightly shaking her but she remained asleep.

Poppu then got up even though she was still asleep.She headed towards the woods and started mumbling words like "Branch" or "Stop!".Branch tried to stop her but she just headed on.

Branch was trying to lead her back to camp but she just wouldn't budge.The were deep in the forest now.He tried dragging her but she just stayed in one stop.Branch didn't want to drag her too hard so he was just going to wait for her to wake up.

They continued walking and then there was a pond."GAH!Poppy.Don't go there.Wait,I'm an idiot she can't hear me"Branch stood infront of Poppy.Poppy continued towards the lake even though Branch was standing right infront of her.She walked forward some more and fell into Branch's arms.

Branch blushed as he saw a sleeping Poppy on his chest.He lifted her up to her feet but she just slumped back down.She was asleep but not sleep walking.Branch put her on his back and headed towards camp.

Once they reached the camp with a very sleepy Poppy on his back he headed over to Poppy's sleeping bag.

He placed her inside and pulled the blanket above her allowing her to rest.

Branch picked up the sticks he had from earlier and made a fire.

It was about 20 minutes later until suddenly Poppy woke up.

"Good morning Poppy"Branch said calmly.He was watching the fire and admired the embers floating up.
"Good morning Branchifer."She sighed.She looked still rather sleepy.
Branch blushed at the nickname but turned his head away from Poppy.
Poppy saw this and decided to speak up."Whats up?You don't like the name?Are you tired?"She asked tilting her head.
"No,its nothing really.The nickname is fine."He said still blushing purple."Okie Branchifer!"She smiled happily

Wow.I'm so lucky to have her.No one else can make me happier.Oh look now I'm blushing even more.Heh,I love you Poppy.But do you feel the same?Ah,forget it.Branch thought.He stared at Poppy the whole time admiring her bright pink hair and the littl freckles of whit glitter in her face.The little pecks of glitter really popped out in the morning.

"So,who'd you sleep?"Branch asked.

"It was amazing!I has the best dream!"She spoke happily.Branch turned his head to notice that Poppy was blushing.

"Sooo,What did you dream about?"He asked knowing she would blush again.And was he right,the second he said that Poppy's entire face turned red.

"Uh,you know,cupcakes and rainbows."She said sheepishly.She turned her head in the opposite direction trying to hide her blush.

"Oh really?Who was in your dream?"He asked.Branch knew that Poppy didn't dream abput cupcakes and rainbows.If she did,then why would she be sayong his name in her sleep?

Poppy's eyes widened."Uh,you,Guy,Dj,Biggie and Cooper!"She said nervously.She made a forced laugh at the end.Her face was still red.

"What really happened Poppy?"He questioned.

Poppy sighed and grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her."Fine.I-I,umm,may have,uh,k-kissed someone."She said.Her face flushed red.She buried her face into her hands from embarrassment.

Branch looked over and felt bad.He put her hand on her shoulder."Its ok.You don't have to tell me who."Branch said.Poppy removed her hands from her face.
"Thanks."She said,"But for the sake of fun.I'll tell you who."She insisted with a smirk on her face.Branch's eyes widened."Oh Poppy,you don't have-"
"No I'm gonna tell you.*sigh*It was,"Branch desperately wanted to know who,but he felt like she would get embarrassed.

Gasps.Oh my troll.She's gonna say it.Oh my troll.Grandma help me.Branch thought.

"You"She said smiling.

Branch had never blushed so much in his life.He could feel his smile grow and grow."Poppy,I have something I have needed to tell you for a while now."he said nervously.Poppy turnes her head staring into Branch's icy blue eyes.She blushed and her eyes were full of curiousity,fear and excitment."Yeah Branch?"She asked trembling.

"I love you Poppy."

"I love you to Branch."

Branch smiled happily."Really?!You do?!"He asked."Of course I do Branch!You're my best friend!And I love you just like all my other friends!" Poppy exclaimed.

Branch's ears drooped down and his smile went into a frown.His face was full of sadness and sorrow.(WHY AM I WRITING THIS?!?)

"Oh."He said.Small little tears could be seen in his eyes.He turned around."I-I'll be back."He said stuttering.(Also this is sort of based off a comic,idk)
Branch ran away into the forest.Poppy looked and followed him.

"Oh where could he be?!"Poppy spoke.She was looking around worried and sweating.Then she heard a small sniff.And another.Then quiet sobbing.She followed it until it led her to a pond.And at the pond was the blue troll thats stole her heart.

Branch turned around with tear stains on his face.He quickly faced back to the pond and quickly wiped his face."H-hey Poppy."He said stuttering."Branch.What's wrong?Are upset I'm your best friend?"She said sadly."No!I'm not!I love being your friend!Its just that.I wished you loved me in a different way."He spoke."A different way?This way?"She sat next to him and kissed him.Branch kissed back melting into the kiss."Don't worry Branch.I  love you more than a friend too."She said smiling.

Branch's ears perked up."Wait,WHAT?!"He said."Yeah.You seriously think that I love you just as a friend?Where did you get that idea?"She said spoke smiling."B-but you said you love me beacuse I'm your best friend"Branch said in shock.

"Acting Branch.Acting"

Branch: 0-0

Okayyyy.That went COMPLETELY OFF THE RAILS.But I hope you enjoyed it!SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!And as always I will see you next time,BAI!


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