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Couldn't think of a good title lol

the song above is what i was thinking of the entire time while writing this XD
its the clean version for people who don't listen to cuss music at least I tried

Anyway let's continue


Poppy sat on her bed, looking at herself in the mirror in front of her. Cuts and bruises covered her body, tears staining her cheeks, her hair was a complete mess. She seemed to be deep in thought, just staring at herself.

All she could think about was how those cuts and bruises got there. She was thinking about how ugly, useless, over enthusiastic, annoying, to bright, has a pitchy voice, horrible at dancing, always smelled like gross strawberries, that he would never like her back, the list went on and on.
The bullys got inside her stupid head, had the most positive troll look down on herself. No matter how many times she told herself they told lies, thats all they do, there not true, but she just couldn't bring herself to actually believe it.

Even her best friend had told her she was annoying, to enthusiastic. In his bunker days of course, but she didn't think Branch ever thought she was ugly, or smelled bad, well anything besides being to enthusiastic or annoying. Even if he did Poppy wouldn't blame him, it was all to true.

Maybe if Poppy just left the entire village would be happier. That's what would be best for everyone. But all Poppy really wanted now was to get her mind off of the whole bullying thing.

Poppy got up and headed to the kitchen she made herself a PB&J, about to take a bite she glances at the clock realizing she was late for a party. She didn't really want to go, not now, but she had to. She promised her friends she would sing.

She dropped her sandwich on the ground, and rushed back to her room slipping a dress that reached down to her ankles and covered her arms. She combed her hair and put a bit of makeup on, though Branch told her she was beautiful without it, she needed to cover some of the bruises. Then she dashed out of the door.

Branch was one of the firsts to arrive, cuz ya know five minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.
Branch was concerned Poppy always arrived around the same time Branch did-

"I'M HERE!" She ran into the party panting, leaning forwards placing her hands on her knees. "I'm here..." She looked up to see concerned, gorgeous blue eyes, belonging to her best friend.

"Oh hey, Branch!" She stood up straight, giving him a big hug, which Branch gladly excepted, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Sorry im late!" Poppy pulled away from Branch, laughing a little. "Lost track of time." Poppy smile widely making Branch smile a bit.
Though it wasn't a lie, it wasn't exactly the truth.

"Oh ok. So uh, wanna get something to eat?" Branch tried to keep the conversation going so there weren't any awkward silences.

Poppy was still starving from not eating her PB&J so of course she agreed. "Yes, I'm STARVING!!" Poppy squealed making both of them laugh before heading to the snack table. Biggie was under it hiding from the dance circle.

Branch grabbed two cups filling them with with fruit punch, while Poppy grabbed two plates filling them with their favorite foods.
Branch turned around to face Poppy, who was smiling widely, when he noticed something on her face under her bangs.
He brushed her bangs out of face with his hand to examine it closer.

"What happend?" He asked clearly concerned his hand on her cheek.

"Oh uh- n-nothing, I'm- I'm fine." Poppy blushed, and backed away, turning around to run home before something else happened, until Branch grabbed her wrist where she had a bruise making her yelp in pain.

"Poppy..." Branch looked into her eyes, concern in his. "What happend?"

Right then tears bursted from Poppys eyes, as she ran towards Branch wrapping her arms around his neck. Branch, shocked about what was happening, didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. Rubbing circles on Poppys back, still not having a clue about what just happened Branch asked again.
"What happend Poppy?" Branch asked in nearly a whisper.

"You hate me... don't you." Poppy pulled away from the hug backing away from Branch.

"H-hate you?" Branch was now super confused. Why would she ask such a question? "Poppy I never hated you."

"You hate me, Just admit it. Everyone hates me!" Poppy shouted, but not loud enough to attract any attention.

"Poppy, who told you that anyone hates you?"

"Psh, like you'd care." Poppy looked down and turned away.

"Poppy I do care, that's why I asked."

"Fine, I'm being bullied!" Poppy turned around to face Branch again  tears running down her cheeks. "Being told I'm useless, ugly, hated, over enthusiastic! The list goes on and on and every bit of its true! I can't believe I thought trolls actually liked me..."

"You're not a single one of those things, but why didn't you just say so? I could help."

"I didn't want to be even more of a burden then I already am."

"Poppy, you will never be a burden to anyone, your a wonderful queen, and best friend. The best anyone could wish for."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. But why don't we get you to your pod, you look tired."

"But I have to sing."

"Your friends will understand." Poppy had to admit she was pretty tired since she hadn't been sleeping. Branch took her hand, both of them blushing slightly,  and lead her to her pod.
Poppy sat down on her couch as Branch went to the kitchen search the cabinets for food since they hadn't eaten. Also stepping on the fricking sandwich Poppy dropped earlier.

Branch came back to the living room with the sandwiches seeing Poppy lying on the couch staring at the ceiling.
Branch laid the sandwich on the coffee table then sat at the end of the couch, he placed a hand on her leg rubbing it a bit. Noticing the cuts and bruises along them, all branch felt was guilt he couldn't help but blame it on him, not being there for Poppy when she needed him most.

"Poppy... just because someone talks badly about you doesn't mean it's true, cuz it for sure wasn't true. Your beautiful both inside and out  and we all love you for you. Oh and you adorable laugh, that will never get old. Or your ability to make every smile on the darkest days. Your sweet strawberry scent. Your kind heart" Branch smiled a bit at Poppy. "I could spent the rest of my life listing my favorite things about you."

Poppy blushed and eventually sat up to eat her roast beef sandwich which just happens to be her favorite. (WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe)

Poppy switched on the TV putting on her favorite movie, Lilo and Stitch cUz ShE cAn.

Poppy eventually fell asleep with her head leaning on Branches shoulder (I wrote 'bean' instead of 'Branch' hElP-)
Branch carried the sleeping Poppy to her room, and laid her on the bed deciding it wouldn't hurt to lay with her for a minute.
Branch knew it was rude but he couldn't help but stare, getting caught up in the moment he started leaning towards her face until their lips met for a brief second.
After pulling away Branch whispered:

"I love you queen Poppy..."

He got up and left Poppys pod to go to his own home. As soon as Poppy was sure Branch was gone her eyes shot open.

Branch her crush just KISSED her on the lips!! She was totally flipping out she wanted to stand on her bed and dance, stand on her pod and scream 'I WAS JUST KISSED BY THE CUTEST TROLL TO EVER EXIST!' she want to Brag about it to everyoneshe knew. But she was tired and need some rest, maybe tomorrow. She fell asleep feeling so happy and nothing could change that.

Oh turned out Branch didn't go to his bunker he went to teach dah bully a lesson and the bully didnt make it out alive.

Just cuz your not perfect dont make you ugly!
your beautiful both inside and out
People who tell you other wise is just jealous they don't have what you have.
Never look down on yourself just because of some lies someone told you



It was so fricken rushed and excuse mistakes I didn't look over it i was tired

Requested by Sandrastar1

Well ily and stay safe


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