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Warning under construction⚠️

A request from AngelicAmberAngel

They are bffs in this instead of dating UwU


The two best friends walked side by side through Pop Village. Trolls talked and went about there day, but what Poppy noticed was many girls glancing over at Branch and giggling or waving hello while batting their eyelashes.
Just seeing this made her blood boil, she had no idea what was wrong but she did not like it.

Ever since the tribes had all come together the girls had been swooning at the sight of Branch. The more tribes=the more girls=more girls swooning which Poppy hated, but Poppy shook it off and continued with her day.

"So Branch-" Poppy started but was cut off by someone.

"Hiii Branchie!" Some girl waved at Branch from an icecream stand, Branch smiled awkwardly and waved back. "Wanna hang out later?" She asked

"Uhh-" Branch sure didnt want tohang out with some stranger but also didn't want to come off rude for no reason.

"No. He doesn't hes spending the day with me." Poppy snapped at the girl, who just rolled her eyes at the Queen and turned back to the icecream stand.

Poppy walked off again as Branch stood behind for a moment processing what had just happened.
He ran to catch up to his best friend, who was far ahead of him.

"Poppy are you alright? What happened back there?" Branch asked

"I'm fine I just- I'm tired and stressed. That's all." She responded as calmly as she could manage.

"Oh... well you should probably get going, you need your rest." Branch stated as they both stopped walking.

"I suppose... see you later, Branch." She smiled and turned the direction of her pod.

•○♡The Next Day♡○•

Branch went up to see if Poppy was ok after yesterday. He knocked waiting for a response when the Pink troll opened the door in her normal every day dress.
(...what on friding earth am I writing)

"Uh, just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing." Branches concern made Poppy smile.

"I'm fine, thank you for the concern." Branch smiled and nodded before holding out his arm.

"Shall we?" Poppy giggled and grabbed onto His arm as they left on a walk.
They talked and laughed......
(Im done. This is awful)

''Queen Poppy, Your needed in the park!" A troll shouted pointing in the direction shes needed in.

"I'm so sorry Branch. Hopefully we can hang out later." Poppy said as Branch just smiled.

"Don't be. This seems important." She smiled and waved as she ran off. Branch then ran off somewhere after being sure Poppy was gone.

•○♡some time later♡○•

"Thank you Queen Poppy or helping, I know how busy you are."

"Oh don't worry, what's a party without a piñata!"

One day Poppy was going on a walk excited about birthday that was the next day when she passed Meadow the Pop Village florist and Branch talking. So she decided to spy on them

Branch: Hey Meadow.

adow: Hi Branch.

Poppy from behind the bushes: I wonder what hes doing there.

Branch: do you have the flowers?

He said as they walked to a restaurant.

Meadow: they'll be ready for you to pick up tomorrow.

Branch: Thank you.

He said as he sat down at a table. They ste some lunch and before they left Branch said.

Branch: Well see you tomorrow.

Meadow: K bye.

She yell as Branch walked off towards his bunker but Poppy was still following him.

Poppy: Ugh what does he need flowers for?

So she popped out of the bushes in front of Branch.

Branch: AHHH!

Poppy: What were you doing with Meadow?

Branch: What do you mean?

Poppy: you were with Meadow what were you doing?

Branch: We were talking.

Poppy: About what!?

Branch: I'm sorry but why is this such a problem.

Poppy: Theres no problem I just want to know what you were doing with her.

Branch:Were you spying on us?

Poppy: Yes! I just want to know what you guys talked about while you ate with Meadow!

Branch: Are you jealous?

Poppy: What no- well yes. I just thought that maybe you loved her more than me

Branch: Poppy you don't have to be jealous you need to trust me. I love you more than anything else in the world.

Poppy: I love you too. But I'm still curious what were you guys talking about.

Branch: Oh I was getting you your favorite flowers for your birthday.

Poppy: Oh thank you You're the best.

Not bad I liked it but that's all I have. Thank you AngelicAmberAngel for another request I appreciate it.
That all for now.


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