🎄 Christmas Party 🎄 (Part 3)

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(Man i just left this on a cliffhanger for almost 2 months I'm sorry 😭)

"What.. is it?" Branch stared at the gift.

"It's a riddle! You have to solve all the clues to find your real gift at the end! C'mon guys, let's go!!" Poppy and the snack pack, except Smidge, rushed out of the pod to get to the places where the hints were.

"Why are you still here?" Branch asked.

"I'll be by your side through this. Poppy thought it'd be best if it were me, since I'm her right hand troll." Smidge explained.

"Makes sense I guess.. let's see, what does the riddle say?" Branch looked at the paper.

"I'm surprised you're really going through with this. You must really care about Poppy if you out of all trolls accepted a party invitation from her and didn't hesitate to go through with her crazy gift." Smidge said.

Branch smiled softly and blushed at the thought of Poppy. "Yeah.. I-I mean- she made me come."

"mmmmhm. Whatever you say. Just read the riddle already." Smidge said.

"Let's see..

A place where a king keeps his throne

Or where he'd rather just be alone."

Branch read out loud.

"Hmm... King Peppy is the king.. maybe his pod?" Branch said.

"Go find out, I'm not dropping any hints." Smidge said.

Branch and Smidge went to King Peppy's pod.

"Branch? I'm surprised to see you here. Does it have something to do with Poppy? She talks about you a lot." King Peppy said.

Branch blushed. "S-She does..?"

"Oh hey Branch, you found me!" Cooper was sitting next to King Peppy.

"Oh cooper I didn't see you there.. does this mean I got the riddle right?" Branch asked.

"Sure does, hahaha! Here's the paper poppy told me to give you!" Cooper pulled a piece of paper out of King Peppy's hair and handed it to Branch.

"Why- never mind.. let's see.." Branch looked at the paper.

"A place with Poppy's favorite drink

The color is specifically pink."

Branch read the riddle. "Hmm.. she likes Trollberry Banana Smooties.. maybe the smoothie stand?" 

"Let's go find out! Hahaha! I'd personally like to get a lightbulb flavored smoothies with ants on top 😋" Cooper laughed.

"You disgust me cooper.. anyways.. Uh.. bye King Peppy!" Branch left the pod, with Smidge and Cooper following.

'Oh my gosh that was Poppy's dad and he said Poppy talks about me a lot.. what does that mean? Is it in a positive or negative way? Why am I overthinking this? Ughhh why do I have to have emotions?' Branch thought to himself.

The three made it to the smoothie stand.

DJ was there.

"Man I'm really good at these riddles." Branch said.

"Wait.. how did you know Poppy's favorite drink?" Smidge asked.

"Uhhh.." Branch's face went red.

"You must really like her to know all that, hahaha!" Cooper said.

"N-No I don't!!" Branch said.

"Then why did you agree to this party? And what was with that reaction when King Peppy said Poppy talks about you a lot?" Smidge asked.

"the real question is.. how did Poppy know that Branch would know her favorite drink?" Cooper wondered.

Branch's face got even more red. "Let's just.. talk to DJ!" Branch tried to change the subject.

"Wow Branch. Like they were saying before, you must know Poppy really well. I didn't even know her favorite drink until she told me to go here to hold onto your riddle. Speaking of which.." DJ handed Branch the next paper.

"Hmm.. let's see.." 

"At a theme park, you'll be let inside

Then go and find Poppy's favorite ride."

"The big squeeze!! Branch rushed to the theme park, with DJ, Cooper, and Smidge following.

Branch was let inside the park and he rushed over to the big squeeze.

Satin and Chenille were there.

"Wow, branch, how'd you know Poppy's favorite ride?" Satin asked.

"He also knew her favorite drink." DJ said.

"You must really love her." Chenille said.

Branch's face turned super red. "L-LOVE!? N-NO!! I JUST.." 

"C'mon, loverboy, just take the riddle." Satin gave Branch the riddle.

"Loverboy!?" Branch turned even more red.

"Just read it." Chenille said.

"Into the meadows, where sheep lay

If you make it through the mist, you'll be on your way."

"Man these aren't very good rhymes.. it's  obviously Misty Meadows." Branch started on his way to Misty Meadows, with the rest of the trolls he found behind him.

In Misty Meadows, Branch saw Biggie playing with some Puffalo.

"Man, there are so many riddles. I'm tired of walking around everywhere.." Branch walked up to Biggie.

"Don't worry Branch, this is the last one. Here." Biggie handed the paper to Branch.

"Oh thank Dreamworks." Branch looked at the paper.

"The place where a hermit spent most of his years

You'll find your real present here."

"Why does that sound like.." Branch gasped. "MY BUNKER!? WHY WOULD POPPY BE IN MY BUNKER?!" 

The snack pack laughed, and followed Branch to his bunker.

Once they made it inside, they found Poppy standing there.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN MY BUNKER?!" Branch asked.

"I maaaay have found out the password.." Poppy smiled.

"YOU FOUND OUT THE-" Branch gasped and his face turned red. "OH NO.." 

"What? What's the password?" DJ asked.

"I'M NOT TELLING!! BUT, STILL, POPPY I CAN EXPLAIN!!" Branch got more red by the minute.

Poppy giggled as she blushed.

"Hey, where's the gift?" Branch looked around, trying to change the subject.

"Branch.. I wanna know why that was your password.." Poppy changed the subject back.

"... at least the don't make me explain it in front of them." Branch looked at the Snack Pack.

"I won't. Guys, can you leave the room for a minute?" Poppy asked.

"Fine fine." Smidge said.

The snack pack went into another room, but eavesdropped on the conversation.

"So, Branch. Why was your password.. 'Princess Poppy'?" Poppy asked.

Branch was super red, and very embarrassed. "I don't think I can make any believable excuses.. truth is.. I like you Poppy.. as more than a friend.." Branch looked at his feet.

"I love you.." Branch finished.

Poppy blushed. ".. you asked where the gift was?" 

"..yeah. Where is it?" Branch asked.

Poppy pointed up.

Branch saw that they were standing under the mistletoe. He somehow blushed even more. "You.."

"I love you too Branch.." Poppy smiled.

Then, Poppy and Branch stepped closer.

Poppy held Branch's hands in hers, and pulled him into a kiss.

The Snack Pack bursted in the room, cheering.

Then, they all noticed something happen.

Branch was no longer gray. His colors returned.

But the group wouldn't interrupt the kiss. They'd let him find out. 

AAAAAAAAND DID YOU LIKE THE STORY CAUSE I SURE DID!! Again, sorry for leaving this on a cliffhanger. I will make a Valentine's Day oneshot explaining the previous events of last year's special, so be prepared..

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