Chicken pox

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Thanks to user34808498 for the idea :)

It was a beautiful morning in Pop village and Poppy was getting ready to do her morning song until she saw her reflection in the mirror

Other leaders:
The entire fandom:


Poppy's scream was so loud probably Volcano Rock City could hear her, The other leaders, Branch and her Dad came rushing in as fast as they could.

King Peppy: Poppy what's wrong?
Branch: Are you hurt?!

Poppy looked at them with tears in her eyes

The others jumped in shock, Poppy had red dots all over her face and body and she was scratching all over.

Branch: Oh Poppifer, You have chicken pox...

Poppy: Please don't tell anyone...

Barb: Of course not Popsqueak, we don't want a "Poppy 911" But also... You'resickandcontagiousandIhaven'thadmyvaccineforitbye!!

Barb dashed out of there faster then Speedy Gonzales

Branch: *sighs* ok everyone, raise your hand if you've had a vaccine against the sickness or had it in the past.

Only Peppy raised his hand so everybody else had to leave so they didn't get sick.

King Peppy: Since Poppy can't run the kingdom today, i'll fill in for her. I trust that you'll take care of her Branch?

Branch: Of course sir, I had it as a kid so i'm safe to take care of her.

Poppy: No! I can do it! I'll just where a mask and keep 6ft apar- *cough*

Branch: Poppy, you're not well, just let us help you.

Poppy: O-ok *cough*

Poppy suddenly felt hot and dizzy and passed out for a sec.

Branch: Poppy!!

Branch quickly rushed over to her and saw she was getting worse and had tears in her eyes

Poppy: B-Branch...

Branch: Shhh, just relax, you'll be ok.

Branch carried her to her bed and tucked her in. He grabbed a cloth for her fever and put some cream on her skin so it didn't itch as much. He also grabbed a bucket just in case... you know...

Poppy felt slightly comfortable but still felt like she was gonna cough every two seconds

Branch grabbed some medicine from his bunker and brought it back to Poppy.

Poppy: W-what is that?

Branch: Medicine, it's to help you get better.

Poppy: Ew! I'm not taking that!

Branch: You have to if you want to get better and sing, dance and hug again.

Poppy: Fine...

Poppy took the medicine and quickly washed it down with a drink.

Afterwards The medicine started to make Poppy drowsy but she couldn't relax.

Poppy: Branch? I can't go to sleep, I don't feel relaxed enough.

Branch: Shh, it's ok, how bout I sing something to help you sleep?

Poppy: Ok, thanks Branch.

Branch started singing "True colours" and Poppy slowly relaxed and fell asleep.

Branch: Sweet dreams Poppifer *kisses her forehead*

And after two weeks of medicine, buckets full of glitter and rest, Poppy finally got better and her chicken pox was gone.

Poppy: Thanks Branchifer for taking care of me.

Branch: Anytime Pops.

The end.

(Hope y'all enjoyed 😊)

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