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*it was all that poppy felt that day, on that day a group of hunters tackled her to the ground and took her away, they tied her hands together and locked her inside of a cage*

*but the scariest thing for her was that whenever she did something the hunters didn't like...they would punish her by activating a shock collar that was around poppy's neck and it was incredibly painful for her*

*Meanwhile in Pop Village*

*the trolls were panicking about their queen going missing while branch tried to calm the trolls down*

Branch: Everyone please, Don't panic!

Branch: I know poppy is missing but you have to stay calm! We'll find her soon

Lead Hunter: or will you?

*the trolls looked and saw the group of hunters with a large cloth covering her cage*

King Peppy: Who are you?

Lead Hunter: Who I am isn't important but maybe THIS is!

*the hunters pulled off the large cloth covering the cage, Revealing poppy inside of it who was shaking*

*Branch gasped when he saw poppy, she looked so frightened, he needed to get her out of there*

Poppy: Branch...

Lead Hunter: alright you little pop troll, time to show your people what we do when you disobey

*Poppy gasps*

Poppy: No no! Please no!

*then the lead hunter pressed a button on the remote that activated her shock collar and she let out a scream of pain*


*after a few seconds, the lead hunter stopped pressing the button and poppy collapsed to the ground*

Lead Hunter: now let's go

*the hunters loaded her cage onto a wagon and they headed to the warehouse*

*When they got to the warehouse*

*the hunters loaded the cage holding poppy into storage*

*Poppy looked over at the storage door closing*

*after the storage door was closed and locked she buried her head into her arms*

???: Psst poppy

*Poppy looked into the corner of the storage room and saw branch*

Poppy: Branch!

Branch: Poppy You okay?

Poppy: Yeah I'm okay, I'm fine

Branch: Okay now just stay put I'm gonna pick the lock

*Branch pulled out a pair of scissors and started to pick the lock*

*When the lock broke branch opened it slowly and poppy walked out of the cage carefully*

Branch (quietly): c'mon follow me

*poppy followed him to the storage door and he began to pick the lock*

*When branch finally got the lock off he opened the storage door and pulled poppy outside*

Branch: Okay we gotta find a way back to trollstopia

Poppy: How?

Branch: trust me...

*branch caressed her arms and embraced her gently before he led poppy to a wagon and went into it and they hid under a blanket*

*one of the hunters drove the wagon in the direction of trollstopia before the hunter turned a corner and branch and poppy jumped out and ran to trollstopia*

Branch: Good work poppy now let's get you to the bunker

Poppy: okay

*branch took her into the bunker and untied her wrists and removed the shock collar*

Poppy: Thank you branch...thank you so much

Branch: Don't mention it poppy

Branch: Now all we need to do is keep you down here for a few days and before you know it, the hunters will eventually call off the search

Poppy: Okay

*Poppy embraced branch with a warm, tender embrace as he held her close*

*Eventually after a few days the hunters called the search off and poppy was able to leave the bunker and everything went back to normal*

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