14 | learn to see it

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Jeongguk woke up when something hit his face, hard. Groaning he pushed the thing that turned out to be a pillow aside and rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

No sooner had his eyes adjusted to the light reflecting on them, he saw his best friend already walking out of the room. He wanted to call but felt like something hit his head again and he almost cried, "Fuck, shouldn't have drank those beers."


Jeongguk sighed and massaged his temples trying to figure out what happened after he wasn't sober anymore and when he did, he sucked in a sharp breath, "I messed up even more. Tae, I am so sorry."


"What if Jeongguk gets some STDs?" Hoseok abruptly asked popping one piece chicken popcorn in his mouth.

"Oh my God, why?" Taehyung almost choked on the chicken in his mouth.

"Cause Violet fucked almost half of the school population and Jeongguk fucked her. You get the equation?" Hoseok said with a long sigh following by and Taehyung just knitted his eyebrows getting irritated by even the name of that girl who was the reason behind the differences along with Jeongguk.

Of course Jeongguk was at fault too.

"Hey guys." Jeongguk greeted and settled on the chair beside Taehyung who looked away from him.

"Oh wow, did the sun rise from the south today Jeongguk? Where is your baby girl huh?" even though Hobi said those words but internally cringed and mentally berated himself for even saying those last two words.

"She is the reason why I couldn't join you guys earlier." Jeongguk said and elbowed Taehyung subtly, "Hey, why didn't you wake me up today?"

"I did." Taehyung replied shortly.

Still not sparing him a glance. Why would he? He won't and this decision wasn't changing anytime soon.

"Something is off." Hoseok felt the tension between the two bros while he ate some more popcorns, "You gotta sort it out babes."

"I will just go―" Taehyung excused himself as he pulled himself to feet and was about to leave the table getting his backpack but Jeongguk stopped him grabbing his wrist, "I wasn't sober."

"Did you guys do something? Oh god, Jeongguk you cheated on Violet!" Hoseok came up with his assumptions which were too far from being true but also hoped that it's true cause even he can't see Jeongguk with that girl.

"Why would we do anything? We are both straight hyung." Jeongguk clarified, still firmly holding Taehyung's petite wrist, not letting ago.

"Well boy, you are but not Taehyung. He is a bisexual king." Hoseok said shaking his head in disappointment thinking that Taehyung still couldn't say this to Jeongguk when he called him his best friend.

Jeongguk said that cause he clearly remembers Taehyung feeling a little uncomfy while coming out to him and he believed that if Taehyung didn't tell him about this, he didn't tell this to anyone. But maybe Jeongguk wasn't that close to him as he thought.

"Just fucking leave." Taehyung yanked Jeongguk's hand and walked away. Jeongguk didn't just stay there and followed him behind.

Taehyung was about to lock himself in a cubicle in the boy's toilet when Jeongguk increased his pace and stopped him grabbing his right arm.

"What Jeongguk?" Taehyung turned around and glared but his eyes softened the moment he saw his bestie's head hanging low, "I am sorry for yesterday. I miss you too."

"I now hate sorrys Gguk, say it only, only― if you mean it." Taehyung bit his bottom lip before carrying on, "And it's fine. You probably fuck her better than me and I am glad that she didn't like anything we did."

"Cause I regret everything we did. So much." Taehyung took a deep breath.

"What do you want me to do? Break up with her?" Jeongguk took a step closer and Taehyung looked up, taken aback, "You are gonna break up with her if i say so?"

"If that's what you want then so be it."

"No, Jeongguk. I don't have the right to take decisions of your love life. It's totally your decision and I respect that." Taehyung can't say that and won't say that. What if in future Jeongguk accuses him for his breakup. If he tells him to break up right now, maybe Jeongguk will never know how Violet is.

He will never know her true intentions.

And now he even doubts their friendship. He doubts even if tells him about the challenge, Jeongguk will probably not believe him. But maybe Jeongguk wasn't that of a bad friend.

Only if Taehyung said.

"We are best friends, Tae and I love you." Jeongguk pulled the other in a tight hug while the other just stayed there still, not returning the hug.

He wanted to.

So much.

But he didn't cause he was so mad at Jeon Jeongguk. He hurt him too much.

For whom? That girl. Park Violet.

"Say you love me back, Tae." Jeongguk nuzzled against Taehyung's neck whispering the words.

"Say you love me back." he repeated once again but Taehyung didn't utter a single word.

"Tae." Jeongguk squeezed his bestie softly with his arms around his waist but still got no reply, "Don't you love me?"

"I don't." Taehyung replied shortly which was of course a lie.

"Don't lie." Jeongguk let out a small chuckle pulling away from the hug, "Say it."

"I do love you Jeongguk but do you love me like I do?" Taehyung asked looking up from their feet to Jeongguk's face who nodded, "Yeah I do."

"If you want me to break up with Violet then okay Tae. Anything for you." Jeongguk nodded but Taehyung didn't approve this.

"No, Jeongguk. I thought about it. I wanted you to break up with her earlier because I didn't like her but again who am I to come in between you two? If you like her and she likes you back, I don't have any problem and now I don't even care." the red head said.

"If you break up with her just because I want it, then please don't. Cause I really don't want you to regret anything in future. Even though you won't say it but deep inside probably you will always have a question and I don't want that." Taehyung reasoned and Jeongguk was totally at a loss.

"You are my friend and probably always be. Just give me some time. I will come around and learn to see you and your V together."


oof exams !!
they don't even let me write
fuck them

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