51 | take your time

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A week passed and both the boys weren't talking to each other much. Of course after what happened, they can't forget these all and get back to how it was so easily.

Jeongguk though tried to ask for forgiveness and asked Taehyung to get back but the trust between was gone and it can't be regained so easily.

Jeongguk tried to convince that whatever he said were mistakes but the red head wasn't going to fall for that. He wasn't ready to hurt himself in the end.


But they both were trying to overcome the awkwardness between them. They both wanted to get back to being besties which was practically impossible cause in their heads, both were thinking of just kissing.

But still theoretically, that seemed possible so they were trying.

"Taehyung, wish me luck." Jeongguk said grabbing the attention of his bestie laying on the bed lazily cause today they had no classes.

"For what exactly?" he questioned, smiling a bit.

"Just do it already, bab―  i mean just do it already bitch." Jeongguk was trying his best to change his habit of calling Taehyung babe.

But was horribly failing.

"Best of luck." Taehyung wished sitting up. Resting on the headboard behind, he just stared at the other nervously staring at his phone before clearing his throat.

"What are you up to?" Taehyung inquired but seeing Jeongguk gesturing him to stay quiet by pushing his pointer finger on his lips, he stopped.

"Hey mom."

The red head heard the other saw and got slightly nervous even though he didn't have any reason to but still he was.

Seeing Jeongguk's panicked face, he was sure that he wasn't going to talk about something pleasant.

"Oh my Jeongguk, what a nice day you called, your dad is here too, let me call him." Jeongguk's mother excitedly said and he just panicked even more but took a deep breath and was ready to face his parents.

This video call was killing Jeongguk slowly. He just wanted to let it out already.

"Hello son." he saw his father smile, along with his mother beside him.

He smiled back, "I called you to say something."

"Yes, say it." they both said in unison and Jeongguk gulped, nodding.

"I have a boyfriend." Jeongguk in one breath said, shutting his eyes only to open them again to see their reaction. They both knitted their brows and was looking shocked, confused and every single emotion the boy could think of.

He looked at his side and noticed how surprised Taehyung was as well. He gaped and was staring at him in nothing but pure surprise.

"You're gay?" it was his father who asked and Jeongguk shook his head no, "I am bisexual but I have been dating a boy and I like him very much."

"This―" his mother opened his mouth to say something but couldn't just form words.

"You're out of your mind. This is not how things work." his mom finally spoke up after a good amount of silence.

"I don't know how things work. It was just I thought you needed to know so I told y'all. I didn't wanna hurt you like this but this is something I can't control, okay? I don't wanna argue. Be good parents and accept me like I am." Jeongguk tried to explain but ended up being rude.

"Jeongguk, you know what you're saying?" the man asked, his voice a little louder than before, maybe he got angry. But the hint of disappointment in his voice was so damn clear.

"I know what I am saying―" before Jeongguk could finish his sentence, the line went dead.

"As I expected." Jeongguk sighed and threw himself on Taehyung's bed in front of him.

"You didn't have to do that? You won't date a boy in future I guess and also we are over; this was unnecessary." Taehyung rolled his eyes that earned him a humorous chuckle from the other.

"Don't remind me that we aren't together anymore, it hurts and about that― who said I won't date a boy in the future? I am bisexual and there's no denying that." Jeongguk reasoned.

"I don't care about what you say to your parents so whatever." Taehyung pulled that pillow which he was cuddling and covered his face with that.

A futile attempt to show that he was trying to sleep, again.

"You're not going to sleep anymore, I know." Jeongguk said pulling that pillow away. The red head got annoyed at how the pillow was harshly snatched away from him.

"Stop being a brat." he muttered through gritted teeth and was abruptly pulled up by Jeongguk who grabbed his wrist and hauled him up.

"Listen babe." Jeongguk moved closer and closer until their faces were just millimetres apart.

Jeongguk's hot breath hitting his lips that made him close his eyes immediately but anyways mumbled, "Just get the fuck away."

"I am sorry for whatever I did Taehyung. I am so sorry. You don't know how much it hurts to not be able to hold you close, kiss you and call you a friend. I never felt like this after any of my breakup, you're obviously special to me and I was scared, scared of I don't know what―"

"Please Taehyung, give me one chance. I am starting to accept who I am and now I am not that afraid. Maybe still a little but help me to get over all of it, won't ya?" Jeongguk's eyes were getting glassy as he said all those words.

Taehyung just let out a sigh and wiped that tear slowly slipping down the other's eye with his thumb, he kissed the tip of his nose.

"Please take your time, don't rush and take these hasty decisions." Taehyung whispered and brushed his long slender fingers through the other's hair locks.

"I miss you; I miss us." Jeongguk said and was about to kiss the other when Taehyung covered his lips with his palm.

"You can't do this."

"Tae―" the raven head let out a huge sob.

"Tell me what do I need to do for you. I will do anything. I just want you back."


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