Chapter Nineteen

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Laying down I watched Abigail leave and began to think, I had theories about what was wrong with me but nothing prepared me for the reason I least expected to be brought up.

"You my dear are pregnant," Strauss concluded, I sat wondering if I should be filled with fear or filled with joy.

"Don't tell anyone, I want to keep it a secret a while longer, if anyone asks just tell them I caught a stomach bug," I half pleaded, Strauss nodded with his understanding gaze.

"Of course Grace, it is up to you when you tell them, plus it is hard enough to convince Dutch to let you out of camp so this won't help an antsy lady like yourself get past Dutch's strict gaze," Strauss chuckled, I gave him a thankful smile as he stood to leave. Moments after he left Dutch and Arthur were by my side, Arthur as usual was like a worried brother while Dutch was silent but worried.

"I'm glad to see you alright Grace, you had us pretty worried, I'm determined as hell to beat you to the grave dammit!" Arthur chuckled, I gave him a smile as I pulled them both in for a tight hug. As much as they annoyed me they were still family, with a sigh I stood and followed them back to the main hut where relieved faces turned to face us. Taking a seat in my usual spot I stared out the window wondering how Dutch would react when he found out, my train of thought was soon broken by none other than drunken Bill bursting through the door looking rather pissed. The stench of sweat and drink he brought with him was enough to make even the mightiest of stomachs gag or lose their lunch, shaking my head I pushed past him and into the warm night air. Taking a deep breath I looked deep into the thick foggy swamp grounds to see small lights moving in the distance, grabbing my sniper from near the door I used the scope to look closer only to feel my blood run cold.

"PINKERTONS!" I shouted over my shoulder before letting off a round, in moments what was once peaceful turned into screams of agony and blood stains. Before I could truly get into the battle Strauss was by my side trying to edge me away, snarling I backed away to a safer location but refused to allow the others from my sight. Letting off another round I found myself in a rather bad spot, the more rounds I let off the more I realised just how many Pinkertons there were. A feeling of panic began to spread through my body like cold fire, holding my breath I let out another round just as bullets began to rain down on my position. Ducking behind cover I felt a sharp pain rip across the top of my shoulder which earned a muffled scream, if I made too much noise someone would get themselves killed and with my new found child in my stomach I needed to be more careful.

"Fucking assholes!" I spat through gritted teeth, the sound of gunfire being redirected from my position caught my attention. Lifting my gaze over my blockade of shelter I noticed Arthur now had control, feeling safer I began to let off half aimed rounds towards the fuckers who shot me. Someone shouted something nearby but I ignored the voices, no mercy was going to come from me ever again. The sight of the bastards running caused victory to spread through my veins, with a smirk I examined my small wound. A small graze was nothing to worry about so I headed to where the others were packing up, grabbing some nearby objects I tossed them into the wagon without thinking. Dutch was saying something to Arthur and Charles but it was none of my business, grabbing a few more things I threw them into the wagon as well before turning and almost crashing into Dutch.

"Jesus Dutch don't scare me like that!" I laughed, he gave me a smile before tossing something into the wagon and walking off to grab another crate. Confused I continued to pack and move things while trying to ignore Dutch's silence, Arthur had taken off with Charles to somewhere over the merry fucking rainbow but when those boys vanished it usually meant Dutch sent them somewhere. Shrugging it off I called Ghost over with a whistle as we began to climb either into the wagons or onto the backs of our horses before we took off towards the hills up north, thoughts began to nag at my mind rather harshly. Did I really want my future child to grow up on the run? Shaking it from my mind as quickly as possible I began to wonder what my child would look like, in all honesty I hoped it wouldn't inherit its fathers dangerous ideas. Slowing Ghost down I took up the rear end of the caravan, at this point in time I didn't care for where we were going since no matter what we did we would only be found and shot at again. Thinking over my life I began to realise how much we had changed from people who stole to give to the poor to stealing to please ourselves, shaking my head I glanced behind us to make sure we weren't being followed before allowing my gun to rest on my lap so I could rest my shoulder. Despite it being a shallow graze it stung like hell, shaking the thought off I concluded to have a look at it when we made camp again.

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