Chapter Sixteen

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After we had reached the stables Dutch had dropped me off and told me strictly to stay in the area, I had been looking at the horses for about half an hour while taking notes on each one. Eventually I gave up with a huff of annoyance and headed outside the stables, the horses all looked fine but none of them gave me the spark I was looking for like Quicksilver and Ravage had. It didn't take long before Dutch returned with a somewhat satisfied look on his face, upon helping me onto the back of The Count he turned to me.

"We found where Bronte is holed up, I'm gunna take you back to camp so I can go and help Arthur and John get into the mansion," Dutch explained as we took off, I was glad they found young Jack since I didn't really want to lose my head if Abigail went on a rampage. Upon arriving back I dismounted and Dutch took off, I smiled at how willing he was to make sure a young kid got back to his mother safely. With a sigh I headed around to do things, not having Quicksilver was like a large knife had stabbed through my heart and wouldn't heal. That old stallion had served me well for twenty years, then again he was already a three year old when I stole him.


The day dragged on as the gang moved about the camp, the moon was well in the sky by the time the boys returned. My heart seemed to jump for joy when I saw the small shape of Jack, Abigail of course was first over there as she grabbed Jack from John's horse and raced away again to show everyone he was safe. I walked over and grabbed a beer from one of the boxes we had scattered around the main area of camp and joined in the celebrations, Arthur had long since walked inside the large broken mansion we now stayed in but he probably needed it after a long day of doing something or other to get the boy back. Walking over to the fire I sat down next to Dutch who wrapped his arm around me with a smile on his face, something told me everyone was about to get very drunk tonight. Drink after drink and hour after hour went by, soon enough I began to grow dizzy and my judgements felt clouded as I was herded into Dutch's room where he swiftly pinned me against a wall and began to run kisses down my neck. I couldn't help but gasp in surprise as he pushed himself against me, I might be drunk but this was going to be "fun".


The rising sun shon through the window causing me to roll over with a groan and cuddle into the warm figure beside me, I barely remembered last night I just knew that Dutch had taken me to his room and after that I barely remembered a thing. Getting up I quickly got dressed after realising I was rather naked and headed outside to do my chores, washing my face by the river woke me up a little more thankfully as I headed for the hay bales. Picking one up I carried it towards the horses nearly bumping into Arthur while I was at it, he flashed me a smile as he grabbed the other bale and together we helped each other do chores. After we had finished we sat down by a fire to warm ourselves in the cold morning, with a sigh I let my shoulders relax and I felt at peace for once.

"You and Dutch made quite the ruckus last night," Arthur teased causing me to hide my face with my coat, I wanted so badly to slap him but I didn't since he wasn't as mean as Micah could have been about it.

"Oh shut up you teasing bastard," I chuckled shoving him slightly after I came back from my shell of embarrassment, he let out a chuckle as we returned to silence.

"Dutch wants to rob a Trolley station, knowing our luck we are going to need some eyes in the sky from our best sharp shooter," Arthur muttered as he stretched, I let out a sigh and slumped forwards.

"Don't got a horse Arthur, Quicksilver is dead and you know it," I grumbled in reply, Arthur rubbed his bearded chin and nodded.

"Yeah but that don't mean nothin, just 'cause you don't got a horse don't mean you can't ride with us," Arthur pointed out, I sighed and finally gave in.

"Alrighty you dumb bastard, I will ride wit' cha, but why a trolley station? Those things never have any money unless there's a thousand trains goin' through em," I stated as I stood grabbing my hat, Arthur shrugged as Dutch came waltzing out with Micah right behind him. Standing up I noticed a somewhat different look in Dutch's eyes, he looked rather excited about this robbery and I had a feeling something bad was going to happen today. Mounting onto the back of Arthur's horse we headed out towards Saint Denis, I hated cities but if a robbery needed doin I was gunna help where I could. Resting my head against Arthur's back I allowed the wind to blow my hair, I felt Arthur tense beneath my hands but he soon relaxed as we continued to ride. I just wanted things to go right for once but our luck was leaving us, all those damn years and all those mouths we fed and not a single thing to say for it.

"We're here Grace," Arthur grumbled as we slowed, sitting up properly I wrinkled my nose at the smell of factory smoke and the stench of rotting things. Looking around I took deep breaths to help me relax, something felt extremely off about this robbery and I knew it had something to do with that Bronte fella. Dismounting we headed for the trolley station and pulled our bandanna's up, with another deep breath we broke through the doors and our timer began.

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