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It had been years since the gang had shattered, Charles and I had returned to Authur's final location and had buried him facing the sunset. Thanks to Authur I had managed to move to a nice place in New Austin, it was more of a desert than a paradise but it was better than nothing. I had successfully given birth to twin boys who I had proudly named Authur and Lenny, Authur looked so much like Dutch aside from his striking blonde hair while Lenny resembled me but with his father's black hair. Walking into the general store I let go of my little boy's pa hands and pointed to the candy section, whenever we came into a store I made it a point to buy them a piece of candy if they had been good all day.

"How may I help you?" A tall and rather brawny man questioned, looking around I knew I was going to need a lot of supplies.

"I need quite a number of things, my boys and I live just out of town and it's a long wagon trip into town so I buy in bulk when I can, would I be able to get foods that can be better preserved?" I questioned placing down my decent sized list, with a nod the man rang a bell which caused two rather tall and skinny looking men to walk in. Making my way towards Authur and Lenny I looked at what they were doing, with eager eyes they raced towards me with a bag of small candies each.

"Can we get one ma?" Authur questioned his large blue eyes wide with excitement, letting out a soft giggle I nodded.

"Of course you can, now come on, the nice store owner has kindly packed out wagon for us, " I cooed pushing a strand of blonde hair from his face, with giddy giggles both boys ran out of the store and towards the wagon.

"Thank you so much for packing the wagon, here's the money for the supplies, " I sighed a smile plastered on my face, with a polite nod the store clerk made his way back inside the store as I climbed into the wagon. Flicking the reins I turned us for home, not too long after we made it out of town I began to notice we were being followed.

"Heads down boys, mummy doesn't want you to see this, " I ordered my voice soft and cautious, with started nods both boys hid themselves beneath some of the corn seed sacks. Ever so slowly I pulled my sniper out from under the seat beneath me and placed it on my lap, within moments I felt our followers grow closer and so with a yank to the reins I swung around and aimed my gun towards them. The moment I saw those familiar eyes I froze, for so many years I had been so free of their haunting glare but now they had once again found me.

"It's been a while Dutch, " I called never letting down my guard, startled by my ability to recognise him him persuers halted in their tracks. Hearing my voice Authur poked his head out from under the sacks and the moment he was spotted he climbed out to join me with Lenny not far behind, from the way he was studying them he knew something was up.

"Who's the lucky man?" Dutch called towards me, placing my finger on the trigger I prepared for any sort of ambush.

"I dunno, he killed my brother a while back and betrayed my family, sound familiar?" I snarled my blood beginning to boil, when he began to make his way closer I tensed which caused him to stop.

"I never wanted that Grace, I never wanted him to die, I just wanted us to have a good life, one without law and boundaries, " he stated his voice strained from having to yell so far, shrugging slightly I didn't buy his bait.

"Don't try and save your pathetic excuse for an ass Dutch, I loved you and I got two perfectly little boys out of it but I lost the man I fell in love with, that man died so many hears ago and turned into the monster he is now, I'm not going with you Dutch, I've given up that life, I don't want my boys to be apart of it either, " I snarled lowering my gun, at this point I knew he wouldn't try anything.

"I wish you the best of luck then, I could never hurt you Grace, I might have killed the man you once loved but he is still here in my mind and because of him I won't dare touch you or our boys, come on boys, let's ride!" Dutch called as he led the others off, with a shaky sigh I glanced down at Authur and Lenny who seemed to have zoned out from terror. Putting my gun away I pulled them close and flicked the reins again, I knew Dutch would never hurt the boys but I knew that if Dutch ever trusted Micah again than his words would falter and his promises would break. With a sigh I shook the thoughts from my mind, after all that life was over and now I could live in piece with the one's I called family.

Hey guys, this book has been in the making since sometime last year, I got lazy with it at some points I know but hey I've never written a western book before, anyways I hope y'all enjoy, until next time!

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