Life After Happily Ever After

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At the market, Brandon and Lucia went to purchase what they needed. They entered the bakery and asked for some bread. They wished they had a good way to escape their stepmother and stepsister.

"I know what you're thinking, Lucia: you wish Stepmother and Beebe would just go away," Brandon smiled. "Normally, I'd tell you that what goes around comes around, but surprisingly, I agree with you."

"Good to know," Lucia sighed. "Why didn't Daddy marry a better woman than Madame Tremaine?"

"I know, and he should know that life after happily ever after sometimes doesn't happen in real life," Brandon agreed. He and Lucia sadly started to sing.

LUCIA: This is life after happily ever after

But it's not really sweet like the stories say

You can all see

Life for Brandon and me is not going well

We get bossed around by our stepfamily every day

BRANDON: There is no knowing when our lives will begin

We're stuck inside every day, and we're gazing out

But it's true we are here

With someone we hold dear, surrounded by that love

For some, that is more than enough, no doubt

BOTH: But despite our mistreatment from our stepmother,

We know that we will never fall

Mostly because we have each other

We shall live happily ever after after all

BRANDON: Someday we will live happily ever after

And our stories will be filled with love

LUCIA: Who knows what life will bring?

We want nothing

To do with our stepfamily

Because they are what we are ashamed of

BOTH: But we have each other right here in these arms

Despite our backs against the wall

But we will protect each other from every harm

We will live happily ever after after all

While Brandon went to get eggs, Lucia went to get some milk. She had gotten a carton of milk and was about to reunite with Brandon when she bumped into somebody.

"Oh, excuse me," Lucia smiled sheepishly. But then she stopped when she saw that she had bumped into Prince Hugo of Brazendell.

"No, excuse me, fair maiden," Hugo smiled. He looked at Lucia and saw how beautiful she was. He and Lucia looked in each other's eyes—and they felt like they were in love. "Do I know you?"

"No, I don't think so," Lucia gaped.

"Well, I am Prince Hugo," Hugo smiled.

"I'm Lucia," Lucia smiled, curtseying. "It's good to meet you, Your Highness."

"Please, call me, 'Hugo'," Hugo grinned at her. He smiled at Lucia. "Perhaps, we could get together sometime."

"That would be nice," Lucia blushed.

"Wonderful," Hugo smiled. "Good day to you, Lucia." He walked off as Lucia grinned.

Lucia found herself falling in love. For the first time since her father disappeared, she'd felt happy.

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