Reunited with the Prince

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Early the next morning, Brandon and Lucia snuck out of their farmhouse without waking their stepmother and stepsister. They rode to the palace on their horses.

"Okay, we should be safe from Beebe and Stepmother once we get to that palace," Brandon said.

An hour later, Beebe and Madame Tremaine woke up and were ready to boss Brandon and Lucia around, but something was not right.

"Mother, they're gone!" Beebe screeched.

"What do you mean 'gone'?" Madame Tremaine asked.

"Brandon and Lucia are not here," Beebe said.

"Not here?" Madame Tremaine asked.

"No, they're not in bed, and they're not caring for the horses," Beebe explained. "Come to think about it, two horses are gone."

"Your stepbrother and stepsister have probably gone out for a horsey ride—and I know how to figure that out," Madame Tremaine smirked.

Madame Tremaine had a magic hand mirror that allowed her to spy on her stepchildren if they ever walked out on her. She held the mirror in her hand and said, "Magic mirror in my hand, where have my stepchildren gone in the land?"

The mirror showed an image of Brandon and Lucia riding through the woods.

"I hope we get to that palace soon," Lucia said. "Who knows what will happen if Stepmother ever knew we walked out on her?"

"I'd worry more about what would happen if she ever caught us before we get to the palace," Brandon told her. "Let's rest for a while, Lucia."

Brandon and Lucia got down to rest.

"Ah, I've never seen the woods like this before," Lucia sighed happily. "It feels so new to me." She twirled around happily—in fact, she was so busy twirling around that she didn't look where she was twirling. She tripped on a rock and landed in a bush.

"Whoa, be careful, Lucia," Brandon warned his sister. "But you're right—this really is something new."

Brandon and Lucia walked with their horses by their sides. But later, as the brother and sister were walking, Lucia started itching, and she started scratching.

"Whoa, these are some mosquitoes," Lucia remarked.

Brandon saw that his little sister was getting a rash—and he remembered that Lucia fell in a bush earlier, and he knew what was wrong with her. "Lucia, remember when you fell in that bush?" he asked. "You must've fallen in poison oak."

"Poison oak?" Lucia gasped. "Oh, I can't get near Prince Hugo like this."

"We'd better get to the palace quick," Brandon told her.

Later, Prince Hugo and his mother, Queen Lila, were out for a hike. Hugo had been having a nightmare about Beebe, and he really needed to clear his head.

"Feeling better, honey?" Lila asked.

"A little, Mom," Hugo shrugged. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice say, "Oh, this itching is driving me crazy!"

"I know that voice," Hugo said. He and Lila followed the sound of Lucia's voice.

Lucia was so itchy that she couldn't help but scratch. She was so busy scratching that she fell backwards—and little did she know that her leg was ear a fireant hill. Some fireants started to crawl up her leg.

"Lucia," Brandon gulped.

Lucia could feel some bugs crawling up her leg. She freaked out when the ants crawled all over her legs. Hugo and Lila could hear the commotion. Lucia tripped on a rock and fell down. Lila was shocked that Lucia had ants on her legs. The queen took out a can of bug spray and sprayed Lucia's legs. The spray stung Lucia's skin, but she was very relieved that the ants were gone.

"Lucia! Are you okay?" Hugo asked.

"No, I fell into poison oak, and now my legs are covered in bug bites," Lucia replied. "By the way, before I forget, this is my big brother Brandon."

"An honor to meet my future brother-in-law," Hugo smiled, shaking Brandon's hand.

"Good to meet you too," Brandon smiled back.

"Lucia, why didn't you show up at the ball last night?" Hugo asked.

"Our stepmother wouldn't let Lucia go because she knew you wouldn't fall in love with her daughter," Brandon replied.

"Oh, dear," Lila frowned. "Don't you worry, dear—we'll have you feeling better in no time."

Lucia and Brandon got up on their horses and followed Hugo and Lila to the palace. King Raul and Nathan were happy to meet Lucia and Brandon.

"This must be the Lucia you were talking about, Hugo," Raul smiled.

"Yes, Dad," Hugo nodded.

Lila asked for ointment to take care of Lucia's rash, but the rash was so bad that it seemed like it needed more than just ointment.

"We're going to need more than just ointment to relieve the irritation," Lila declared. "Let's get you ready for a bath." She took her future daughter-in-law to get ready to take a bath.

"It's about time we escaped Beebe and Stepmother," Brandon told Hugo. "Lucia and I haven't had any time without them since our father disappeared."

"Beebe? Like Beebe Tremaine?" Hugo asked.

"The very same," Brandon nodded.

"Oh, I feel bad for you and Lucia," Hugo said.

"Thanks, and let me be the first to congratulate you on your engagement to my sister," Brandon smiled.

"Thanks," Hugo smiled.

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