The Wedding

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A whole week had gone by, and the day of Lucia's wedding to Hugo had arrived. Lucia was really nervous. She no longer desired to escape Madame Tremaine and Beebe now that she and Brandon are getting along with them. But Lucia was happy to be getting married.

Pretty soon, the wedding was starting. Nathan walked down the aisle with Beebe hanging onto his arm, and behind them were Madame Tremaine with her stepson. Then Lila walked her youngest son down the aisle.

Finally, everyone stood up, and they gasped when they saw the beautiful bride. Brandon was very proud of Lucia, and so was Beebe. Roderick came, and Lucia took his arm. As the song Here Comes the Bride played, the bride and her father walked down the aisle proudly. Madame Tremaine was really happy, and she couldn't be any happier for her stepdaughter. Once Lucia and Roderick reached the altar, Roderick hugged his daughter, shook hands with Hugo, and gave him Lucia's hand.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bind Lucia and Prince Hugo in joyous betrothal," the pastor announced. "If anyone has a reason why these two should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody spoke, so it was time to move on. Hugo happily took Lucia's hands.

"Do you, Prince Hugo, take Lucia to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and cherish for the rest of your life?" the pastor asked.

"I do," Prince Hugo smiled.

The pastor turned to Lucia and asked, "Do you, Lucia, take Prince Hugo to be your husband?"

"I do," Lucia smiled.

Beebe gave Lucia one ring, and Nathan gave Hugo the other. Lucia and Hugo slipped the rings on each other's fingers, each saying, "With this ring, I thee wed."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the pastor announced. "Prince Hugo, you may now kiss the lady."

Hugo and Lucia kissed, and everyone clapped for the prince and his new princess.

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