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Uta ate happily, the warm food comforting him. He partially ignored the sound of his brothers talking until he had finished eating.

He smiled a little, licking his lips a bit.

"Ah, Uta-Chan," Kanamae said, catching Uta's attention, "you've got some food stuck on your face~!" He said, smiling at Uta's brief confused face.

He stayed still as Kanamae leaned in, pressing his lips to Uta's own, licking off a small bit of sauce.

The dinner table almost instantly went silent as Uta gasped, his mouth opening in shock.

Kanamae immediately started to press his you tongue inside of Uta's mouth, letting their tongues twine.

After a second, Kanamae was yanked back by a blushing Ukyo and Subaru.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Subaru barked, glaring at his older brother who smirked a bit.

"Ah~ I was just cleaning off my goddess," he said with a smirk, his eyes drifting back to Uta who covered his mouth.

Ukyo sighed softly, looking apologetic, "would you mind excusing us, Uta-San?" He asked quietly.

Uta nodded quickly and got up, fleeing from Kanamae's seductive leers and the embarrassment from the family.

What the hell is wrong with this family?! Uta thought as he got to his room, his hand shaking.

Two of his siblings had tried to... Get with him? Why? They were siblings! This...

"None of this is natural!" He sighed to himself, rubbing his hair.

"What's not natural?" A soft voice asked. Uta jumped with a yelp, swirling around to see a man sitting at Ema's desk, fiddling with a squirrel's bow.

"W-who are you?" Uta asked, backing up a bit in nervousness.

The man gave a thin but gentle smile and stood from his seat.

"My name is Louis," he said quietly, "and you're Uta."

Uta blinked a bit curiously, but nodded a little.

Louis smiled a bit more, walking forward and gently pulling Uta over to his bed.

"Can I do your hair?" He asked softly, "I'm curious about how your hair feels.." He whispered, touching Uta's head softly.

Uta blinked. Louis seemed to be the most normal person of the bunch. He nodded and bowed his head.

"I-i think doing my hair would be nice," he said, "I feel a little stressed, so, it's sort of nice.."

Louis hummed behind him, gently pulling his short hair into a few clips.

The two brothers lapsed into a calming silence, and soon enough, Uta had started to drift off.

When Louis saw Uta was asleep, he carefully tucked him into his bed, kissed his forehead before he straightened up.

He didn't even have to look behind him to know that someone was there.

"You behave quite animalistic when Uta is around," he observed softly, looking over his shoulder to see Kanamae.

Kanamae frowned a bit, crossing his arms, "and you're not?" He asked.

Louis tilted his head to the side, "I know how things are to plan out," he murmured, "some things that happened in the past are similar to now..."

Kanamae glowered at Louis, "what do you mean?"

Louis smiled slightly, "that isn't something you're supposed to know, Kanamae," he whispered.

"After all," he said as he walked towards Kanamae, resting a hand on his shoulder and leaning into his ear.

"I know who will win, brother. And I can assure you, it will not be you."

Kanamae growled faintly, "you're lying!"

Louis just smiled again, "am I?" He asked.

"Or are you simply just not understanding what is happening? Uta is starting to realize something is odd. It won't be long until he tries to leave."

Kanamae pushed Louis away, glaring at him.

"That won't happen," he hissed, "we'll keep him here! No one but us knows that he's here. He won't escape."

Louis shrugged, "alright," he said, "but do keep my warning to heart. Try not to scare him away."

Kanamae watched him leave, sighing faintly before he turned back to Uta who was still sleeping peacefully.

He frowned and gently touched Uta's head, smiling a little as Uta moaned in his sleep and leaned into his touch.

"Soon," Kanamae whispered, "soon you won't be able to leave. And then you'll play with us forever, won't you?"

With that, he left the room, turning off the lights and retreating to his room, hiding away his smirk of triumph.

Because only he knew what he had done.

After all, things that were very easy to find. At least, on the black market.

He just had to be patient, and let the scent work it's so called magic. 

He grinned as he got to his bed, lying down and imagining Uta with him, sleeping in his arms peacefully.

He fell asleep with that good thought, knowing that Uta would never be able to leave their grasps again.

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