Chapter one

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Sam didn't have a lot of memories of his older brother, just a presence of who he might have been. He was still a baby at the time so he didn't understand what had happened. One day his brother was there and the next he was not, Sam thought about that a lot. He wonders what his brother would say in certain situation and how Dean would be ten years old now. His parents didn't talk about it much so the six year old learned everything from his Uncle Bobby.
"He was a strong boy, a little reckless and hot headed but protective." Bobby said.

"Why was he protective?" Sam asked.
His hazel eyes lit up whenever someone told him about his brother.
"Well he was pretty attached to you kid, he chased a bug after a few of them poked you." Bobby explained.
Sam laughed thinking about a five year old version of his brother going after silly bugs. They were just tiny little things but Dean saw them as a threat.
"Did I thank him?" Sam asked.
"Well you couldn't talk then but I think you did in your own way." Bobby responded.
Sam took these words to heart and wondered what his uncle meant. His mother called him over before he could ask more questions.

She looked strange as her blonde hair was soaked with mud and water. Dirt was under her finger nails and Sam wondered what had happened. 
"Come on now Sam time to go home." She said.
"But I wanna stay with Uncle Bobby." Sam responded.
Mary gave him a stren expression before picking him up much to his displeasure. He overheard Bobby try to talk to her but she refused to explain.

"It doesn't matter all that matters is that I have my son." Mary said.
Sam waved sadly at Bobby wishing he knew what was going on with his mom. She didn't allow him to ask any questions until they got back home where he saw his dad. Excited Sam ran to him and gave him a hug, his father smiled.
"Daddy I had the best day, Uncle Bobby played the ball with me." Sam said.
"Really did you win?" John asked.
Sam nodded and kept telling stories about his day, his father listened but his mother was silent. Even during dinner when she normally would talk about her job, but Sam didn't push so he went upstairs. Where he overheard his parents fight about something called mellow eyes.

"I hope mommy is alright." Sam said.
He took refuge in his brother's room as he often hid in there. All his possessions were still there packed away in boxes or in stashed away in the closet. The bed was made but dusty as the sheets hadn't been washed much. Yet Sam couldn't care less, he brushed off all the dust he could and jumped onto the bed. He picked up the pillow and shook it trying to get the case off but something fell out of it. It was a stuffed wolf, made out of red velveteen with a small bottle around his neck. Sam hadn't seen this toy before and figured it might have been his brother's. So he thought about putting it back but the red wolf's fur felt so soft that Sam swore he was petting a dog.

He looked into the wolf's plastic green eyes and took the message out of the bottle. It had two sides one that with only the words keep safe written on it. Yet the words on the other side made no sense and Sam didn't know what it meant. What is real? Real isn't how you are made. When what you see is what you lack, only selfless love will change you back.

Sam simply put the message back into the bottle and played with the wolf for a while. Before the sound of his parents interrupted his playtime. 
"Sam!" His father called out.
"Coming daddy!" Sam yelled back.
He ran to his room, making sure to close Dean's door and placing the red wolf in his tox box. "I'll be back Dean."
The young boy failed to notice the unexpected movement of the toy when he left.


Dean felt himself awaken after who knows how long and observed the scene around him. He was definitely not in his bedroom anymore which was a nice change of pace, but yet he wondered who had picked him up. The last thing he remembered was seeing the laughing face of the demon after he had done his spell. The strange yellow eyed man had come into the house trying to get his brother. So Dean did the only thing he could think of and tried to stop him. The man gave him one look before his eyes glowed and laughed.

"What did you do?" Dean remembered asking that but no sound came from his mouth. It was then that Dean realized he couldn't move and that the man had become a lot bigger.
"Don't bother kid I've turned you into a toy there's no way for you to get in my way now."
The man's words still haunted Dean and after that he became tired and the world around him became dark. His last thoughts being about his little brother and if he would ever see him again. If he was able to speak he would have asked where he was. What if some random kid had found him and he was miles away from his brother?

A young boy came running into the room with tears running down his face, Dean recognized the hazel eyes. It was his baby brother but he didn't understand why Sam was upset.
"Its not fair how can they do this to me!?" Sam cried. "They are supposed to be in love!" He continued to cry and Dean could only wonder what happened. What is it their parents? If only he could speak to try and comfort his brother. Still Dean wanted to try so he attempted to move and ended up falling over. Almost like he noticed it Sam picked him up squeezing him tightly.

Dean could barely breath and it was quite uncomfortable but he didn't care. His brother needed his comfort so he let Sam do whatever he wanted with him. The tears got all him and Dean would have coughed if he could.
I'm sorry Sammy, I know you can't hear me but I'm here for you. He thought to himself.
"Who said that?" Sam asked.
Dean watched his head turn to every side of the room looking for whatever he heard. The toy wolf wondered if someone else had entered the room but the two of them were alone. Wait was it possible that Sam had heard his thoughts?
No that's impossible I'm just a toy. Dean told himself.
Yet Sam's head spun around again until his eyes landed on the toy in his hands.

"I don't know who you are but I hear you," Sam said. "Can you talk?" He asked. Dean's head froze in shock, was this why he was awake? Could the strange spell be wearing off. "I wish you could maybe I was just hearing things, my mommy and daddy are splitting up. They don't love each other anymore."
Sam's voice trailed and he started crying again making Dean wish he could do something.
"I'm here for you Sammy. " he said to himself.
"You know my name?" Sam asked.
His eyes went wide still wet from all his crying.

Suddenly the light from the full moon shone through the window covering the two of them. Dean felt strange and somehow jumped out of Sam's arms landing on the floor with a loud thud. His vision became blurry and he heard Sam's voice get louder. When he came too the first thing he noticed was that the room had gotten smaller and he could move. But the world was all in black and white, he tried to speak but it came out as a bark. He whined when he realized that he was still covered in fur and had a tail.
"Oh crap please no." He begged.
"Ahh!" Sam screamed.

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