Cymas Awakens! Family Bonding?!

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Hey guys what book should I work on out of my books ? Should I continue this one? Let me know anyways let's get this on shall we?


"Last time on brotherly rescue cyre and myst fused into cymas to fight golden frieza alongside goku on the planet namek what will happen ? Who can win ? Find out now !"


How vulgar the monkeys fused into another monkey however it seems little to my concern in fact they seem even weaker "frieza says laughing evilly"

This will be child's play u both will die here and I will finally have my revenge! "he says flying up"

That's what u think frieza! "Yells the fused warrior"

My name is cymas and this time I will defeat all who stand between me and my brother ! "Cymas turns into a super saiyan blue"

U will regret your actions frieza! "Cymas yells rushing frieza and punching him right in the face skidding back"

"In return frieza immediately starts to fire death beams at cymas momentarily forgetting goku"

"Goku charges a Kamehameha and teleports in front of frieza blasting him point blank"

"Frieza teleports punching cymas flying back"

Why u!!!! "Yells cymas in anger" "cymas rushes frieza slashing at him with both his swords"

"Frieza dodges" I hate people with swords!!!! "Frieza yells in anger"

It's no wonder you got rekt! By a saiyan! After all!!! "Yells cymas in a cocky smile"

"Cymas combines his sword and they become a dual bladed weapon"

"Cymas swings it around like a bostaff" I'll crush u and end this! "Cymas turns ssb evolved"

"Cymas cuts frieza in half and opens his mouth firing a laser at frieza blasting him to ash"

Nothing will stop me from finding from finding my brother!!!! "Cymas yells"


"Elsewhere in ???"

Hah...."pant" fu.... we this ... we're losing man .... even with your skills...your power ... we can't win.... "says Charlie in a tired tone"

Come on man we can do this surely "fu says lifting his glasses"

Heh... maybe but u need to get out of here find my brothers ... please tell the supreme Kai of time what's going on at any cost I'll hold Mira and towa off for u to go alright ? "Charlie says standing up despite his weak state of power"

Very well partner  I owe u after all so I'll do it "fu says smiling and prepares to get away"

Not so fast boy u both will not get out of her- "mira gets god punched in the face by Charlie" don't u every shut up? So annoying!!! "Yells Charlie"

"Mira looks at Charlie shocked that he's powerful" how did u break your seal? "He questions curiously"

Break? I didn't break nothing I'm simple using my life force as my power!!!! "Punches mira again"

How foolish!!!"mira yells and starts to against Charlie as they class fu opens a portal and escapes but not before leaving a small ally for Charlie via his powers"

"as Charlie is knocked flying back he lands on the ground hard and weak to weak to fight back mira charges a death ball to throw at Charlie till a huge power level rises from the mystery fighter that fu summoned"


"Broly rushes mira hitting him hard knocking him flying back and proceed to fire multiple ki blasts at him with intent to kill him"

Father .... "flashes of memories flash in Charlies mind of what broly had told him a year ago"


"I want to be a better dad then I was back when I left u I want to make it up to u my son please let me be your dad .... like I always was meant to be please son forgive me ... I'm sorry"

"Flash back end"

He really meant it ? "Charlie says in a shocked state of mind"

And don't u ever you  ever touch my son!!!! "Broly yells in his legendary form as he turns back to Charlie and hugs the boy close"

Dad.... "Charlie smiles with tears and hugs him back"

I promised to be a better dad and I will not fail u again "broly says in a fatherly tone"

"Unknown time"

???: well it seems father and son have bonded this could be a problem in my plans but ... this is little concern after all one broly... can generate a lot of power hahaha ! !!

"The screen fades to black"

(Sorry this is short I haven't been in a writing mood lately but I finally continued lol)

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