51~ Reunion

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December 1st, 2023

princesssoraismyQUEEN: hey babe

imthekingandiknowit: heyy

princesssoraismyQUEEN: hows diana?

imthekingandiknowit: still recuperating

she hasnt called us

princesssoraismyQUEEN: is she allowed?

imthekingandiknowit: yea but she wont call idk why

princesssoraismyQUEEN: maybe she doesnt want to talk rn

imthekingandiknowit: Yea maybe

im just worryed

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Worried*

imthekingandiknowit: Nicole noooo

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Lol u know I cant stand that

Use autocorrect

imthekingandiknowit: Autocorrect is ^$@%

princesssoraismyQUEEN: (ROFL emoji)

r u allowed to visit?

imthekingandiknowit: not yet

we can on monday tho

princesssoraismyQUEEN: how long is she gonna b in there?

imthekingandiknowit: were not sure yet

a couple weeks more maybe

princesssoraismyQUEEN: r u feeling ok? how r u dealing with everything?

10 seconds later

imthekingandiknowit: idk

princesssoraismyQUEEN: you know im always here for u right? im praying for you

imthekingandiknowit: thank you nicole

maybe i should pray... havent done that in a long time

princesssoraismyQUEEN: yea itll help

it helps me

imthekingandiknowit: tbh i feel really distant with god

ig ive just been angry

princesssoraismyQUEEN: about what?

imthekingandiknowit: everything

amy, diana, school, everything. its so much to deal with

princesssoraismyQUEEN: yea it is

but u dont have to deal with it alone

u just need to ask for help

imthekingandiknowit: ill try

its gonna b a long pathological tho

princesssoraismyQUEEN: ??

imthekingandiknowit: U see?? I HATE AUTOCORRECT

princesssoraismyQUEEN: (multiple ROFL emojis)

imthekingandiknowit: U dont use it!

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Bc I can actually spell (laughing emoji)

imthekingandiknowit: Very funny (rolling eyes emoji)


December 3rd, 2023

imthekingandiknowit: hey baby

princesssoraismyQUEEN: hiii

everything ok?

imthekingandiknowit: yea diana called us

princesssoraismyQUEEN: really??? Thats great!

What did she say?

imthekingandiknowit: she felt better today

she said shes taking walks w her therapist in a garden there

princesssoraismyQUEEN: theres a garden?

imthekingandiknowit: Yea remember amy loved it

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Ohhh yea

Thats good

imthekingandiknowit: were going to see her tmrw

i wanted to try and bring u but they only alow the imediate fam

princesssoraismyQUEEN: its ok i understand

this is something for u guys too, its ur moment

ill just b in the way

imthekingandiknowit: (giggling emoji)

princesssoraismyQUEEN: what?

imthekingandiknowit: u didnt correct my spelling

princesssoraismyQUEEN: yea I noticed

I just didnt say anything even tho I was dying here lol


There im ok

imthekingandiknowit: (multiple laughing emojis)

princesssoraismyQUEEN: What else did diana say?

imthekingandiknowit: Oh yea guess what

she met monica

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Monica Sullivan?

imthekingandiknowit: yea shes at the oncology ward there

princesssoraismyQUEEN: wow! did they talk?

imthekingandiknowit: well monica saw diana when she was broght to the hospital bc she got a bone marrow trasplant that day, so she saw her in the ICU

and then she went to dianas room to see who she was, and diana found out she knew amy, so she asked us who she was and we told her

i thought wed told her about monica before, ig we didnt

princesssoraismyQUEEN: yall dont really talk about amy w her that much tho

imthekingandiknowit: yea ur right

princesssoraismyQUEEN: u guys havent visited monica either right?

imthekingandiknowit: i didnt know she was there, i thought she was at home

Harry told me she wasnt going to school anymore

princesssoraismyQUEEN: U should go see her

shes probably having a hard time

imthekingandiknowit: yea we will, ill tell mom and dad

princesssoraismyQUEEN: one more thing

imthekingandiknowit: ?

princesssoraismyQUEEN: brought* transplant*

imthekingandiknowit: ok im out lol


December 5th, 2023

imthekingandiknowit: hey babe quick question

ur roommate works w service dogs right?

princesssoraismyQUEEN: yea

imthekingandiknowit: could u ask her for the phone number of where she works?

4 minutes later

princesssoraismyQUEEN: (208) 787-3647

imthekingandiknowit: thank u babe i love youuu

princesssoraismyQUEEN: love you toooo


December 8th, 2023

princesssoraismyQUEEN: hi baby

imthekingandiknowit: hey nic

princesssoraismyQUEEN: hows it going? ur saw diana right?

imthekingandiknowit: yeah today, we just got back

she's doing a bit better

still really depressed tho

princesssoraismyQUEEN: did she talk to monica?

imthekingandiknowit: Not from what I know

I texted monica and we talked about diana but she didn't say they talked again

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Did u visit monica?

imthekingandiknowit: Yeah we saw her but only for a few mins

princesssoraismyQUEEN: How is she?

imthekingandiknowit: She's really thin... reminds me so much of Amy's chemo

And she had her wig off so it hurt more

Kind of like reliving the experience yk?

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Aww baby (teary eyes emoji)

imthekingandiknowit: She was happy to see us tho

You know, she said that ivy visits her all the time

Its weird that ivy never told her about Diana

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Well ivy doesnt really like diana

Maybe she just didnt want to talk about her

imthekingandiknowit: That's true, shes mad at all of us


December 10th, 2023

imthekingandiknowit: hey nic

Dianas coming back on tuesday

thank God, they let her stay

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Really? Thank God!!!

Im so happy

theyre not gonna send that witch to watch her again right?

imthekingandiknowit: no she got fired

princesssoraismyQUEEN: really???

imthekingandiknowit: yea lol she's under investigation but i think she's fired

princesssoraismyQUEEN: good

she was horrible

imthekingandiknowit: so were thinking that we spend time with her the first day and then a couple days later u can come over

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Ok sure!

imthekingandiknowit: And we're going to see Amy

we haven't gone since diana came

were thinking we can talk to her about amy and that way we can clear the air

princesssoraismyQUEEN: great idea

im so happy for u (heart emoji)

imthekingandiknowit: oh and guess what?

princesssoraismyQUEEN: what

imthekingandiknowit: I left autocorrect on

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Really?? (laughing emoji) it helps doesnt it?

imthekingandiknowit: Eh its ok, i only have a few settings allowed

If it gets u to stop correcting me

princesssoraismyQUEEN: Exactly (winking emoji)



The first time I was released from the hospital psych ward, I was sent to the Collins family. I remembered arriving there in Mr. Brian's car. Despite the house being a pretty, homey one, I saw it as a prison with barbed wires locking me inside.

The Collins family wound up being nice. I was just about hitting puberty, so their oldest daughter, who was 16, taught me about periods and everything I didn't know much about. The two younger ones were very sweet and always invited me to play in their rooms with their toys. I was still under expulsion thanks to the fat cats at Brimstone Academy, so they homeschooled me with the other kids.

I was apprehensive at first, thinking that at any given moment, they'd turn on me like vipers and take a 180. But that never happened. They wanted to be my friends, but I wouldn't call them that— they were my foster siblings only.

As time went on, I almost gave them that title. My guard was coming down. I thought I would stay for a while. I thought maybe they could be my friends... just maybe. They were so kind and different from the other kids, like Camilla was.

Two months later, in October 2019, Mr. Brian came to pick me up. It was a regular day. I was jumping on my bed with their 7-year old son. They told me to pack up my bags and go. I remembered feeling so heartbroken and confused, wondering why they sent me back so suddenly. Even worse? All the kids knew... and they didn't say a word.

Now, four years later, as Mr. Brian drove up to the Fields' house, I was terrified.

I wouldn't be able to fool them so easily anymore. My chance to free myself was gone. If I ever saw an open window, I'd take it. Not like at school when I stood like an idiot in an empty bathroom, with plenty of time to escape.

When the Fields visited me in the hospital, they seemed optimistic about keeping me. They were worried about me. But now that I was back, would they react the same way? Would I become just 'too much' for them and get sent away? Would they close themselves off?

I wasn't close to really feeling at home here, but families like these were rare for me. With my record, not many people this decent were willing to take me in. Maybe I could somehow convince them to keep me until I aged out. I could control my tendencies. I could try not to get anxiety, or have panic attacks. I could do better. I knew I could.

"You ready?" Mr. Brian asked me.

I nodded, determined to get this reunion over with. "Let's go."

All I'd brought with me was my phone and the backpack of extra clothing and books Susan and Davis brought to the hospital. My fingers were itching to write something. I had a lot to tell my diary.

It was as if my diary were my only real friend. It listened, never hurt me, and understood me completely. I felt like a crazy person, making friends with a notebook. But that was the only other way I could let out my feelings without... doing anything else.

When I got out of the car, the first thing I noticed was a big banner hung over the porch, reading, 'Welcome Home, Diana'. I couldn't help a smile and a tinge of hope. All I had to do was control myself, and they wouldn't get tired of me.

My feet crunched the snow that had formed the past days. It went from chilly air and dead grass to freezing air and white, sparkly powder everywhere. Gulping, I went up the porch steps. It was nighttime, so it brought me right back to when I first came four months ago, having no idea about the secrets of this home. I envisioned myself walking through the door, facing the boys with their jaws slacked open as they regarded their little sister— her exact double.

I blinked the memory away. That was four months ago... that was all? I felt like I'd been here longer.

Before I could knock, the door opened, revealing Susan's smiling face. She stepped forward, as if to hug me, but hesitated. I hesitated, too, at first, but wrapped my arms around her waist. Her body relaxed and she squeezed me tightly.

That feeling... it was so warm and nurturing. I'd never felt that... or maybe I did, but it had been years.

Davis came next, hugging me just as tightly. It was as if he thought that at any moment, I'd be snatched away, and he was using all his strength to keep me here. He finally let go and helped me take off my coat, sweater, and other winter apparel.

Did they really care for me that much?

"Hey, Diana!" Harry came from the dining room and pulled me into a hug without hesitation. I didn't expect myself to be so desperate for that kind of affection. Every hug made me want to burst into tears.

Of course, I held them back. I didn't want to ruin the reunion so early.

Tommy then came, lifting me up in the air as he embraced me. I let out a squeal of surprise. The two older brothers greeted me next. The warmth and love surrounding me was overwhelming. This wasn't what I expected.

After Mr. Brian left, we all went to the dining room, which had a special dinner laid out on the table; turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, red berry pie, cornbread... literally Thanksgiving all over again.

We had a hearty meal. None of the family members brought up what happened. They instead asked me about stuff I wanted to do. They wanted to plan a family outing, even during the week. Apparently, this was something they used to do when Amy was around— they were called 'Field Days'. On the nose, but cute.

They all seemed unusually excited as the dinner went on, which worried me a bit. Were they faking, or were they actually this excited? It was weird.

Thoughts? Are you happy Diana returned? Do you think she'll be happier now?

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