81~ Justice

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The courthouse was full of a lot more people than last week. Most of them were people Diana knew.

Nicole and Amelia came with me and Jack. Mildred and Alma came with Tony and Addie. Blanche came alone without telling her mom. Thelma and Kate returned; Thelma wouldn't be called again, but Kate could. She got way too nervous last week. Some of our best friends were here, like Sam, Hector, Eddie, and Rick. Even some of our cousins were here; Sonya, Kurt, Katie, Robert, Anita.

Almost everyone wore yellow shirts with messages for Diana written on them in marker or puffy paint. 'We support you', 'Put him away', 'We're here for you'. We'd all bought and painted them during the week.

Some new witnesses were added to the case. All of Diana's former social workers and her therapist, Dr. Cawman. There were a couple of other social workers here, probably those that handled the other Dossi kids' cases.

Patrick Jr. was nice, but his siblings... I could feel their death stares a mile away. Their hatred was unbridled. Why, though?

Blanche sat in the corner, a bit isolated from everyone else. She wore a shirt a bit big for her with 'He's the guilty one' written in faint black marker. I approached her, smiling lightly. "How you doing?"

She glanced up, half-smiling back. "I'm alive. Where's Diana?"

"In the bathroom. She's a bit anxious."

"Oh, yeah, I figure."

"You okay? You just seem... so quiet."

She bit her lip. "I almost feel like I shouldn't be here."


"Kyle, I smacked her in the face."

"You were stressed, just like her. And you apologized. She knows you didn't mean it."

"That doesn't make it right. You saw her face. I felt so..." She clenched her fingers. "It's just like what all of those... people do. They take everything out on the first innocent face they see. I was stressed, and I took it out on her."

"You didn't take it out on her. You just acted out. There's a difference." I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up like this."

"This is the first time I see her since your birthday. It feels so... awkward."

"Then make it less awkward. Show her you're here for her," I advised. "Show her you're her friend, and that you love her." When she hesitated, I continued, "Listen, Diana forgave me for treating her so badly when she first came. I'm sure she'll forgive you when she sees what kind of person you really are."

Diana then walked down the hallway with Mom and Lonnie, stopping when she saw all of us. She was also wearing a nice, formal yellow shirt, which Mom had picked out of her. Mom smiled and took off her jacket, revealing her shirt, which read 'I love you, my sunflower' in purple puffy paint.

"What's all this?" she asked, shrinking away shyly.

"They're just some shirts we whipped up a few days ago," said Thelma. Her shirt read, 'My strong, brave bestie'. "We thought it would help a bit... does it?"

Diana approached, reading all the different messages. Her eyes watered, but she didn't cry, instead blushing. "Who... whose idea was...?"

Tony came forward, clearing his throat, and jerked his head at his sister next to him. Diana smiled, letting a couple of tears out, and crouched. She signed 'thank you' and hugged her. Addie pulled away, signing something.

"I didn't get that, I'm sorry." Diana sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"She says, 'I know you would've done something like this for me,'" said Tony. Addie continued signing and Tony translated. "I would want people I love with me if I had to do something like this. This is so scary... and you're here, ready to do it. When I grow up, I want to be as brave as you."

Diana shook her head. "I don't know about brave."

"You're braver than I would've been," said Harry. "I would just wet myself like I did in fifth grade."

Everyone looked at him. "You wet yourself in fifth grade?" Tony laughed.

He closed his eyes. "Yeah... probably shouldn't have said that. It's a long story."

"It's always a 'long story'," Mildred teased.

Kate approached Diana, taking her hands. "Listen. Don't let them intimidate you." She spoke slowly. "D-don't let them psych y-you out. You s-say what y-you want to say, loud and c-clear. You know y-you're telling the t-truth. Y-you're stronger now. Don't l-let them win." She stepped back. "Loud and clear." On her shirt, she'd written, 'Don't be afraid to speak'.

"Well, look at you." We turned our attention to two of the defense's witnesses— namely the Dossi kids. "You've got your regular little cult, huh, Watson?"

"It's Field now," Diana said coldly, standing. "Long time no see, right?" The inner circle of people had taken notice of the interaction; most others were talking around us.

The girl scoffed. "You just love rubbing in the fact that you're all happy now, right?" Her eyes narrowed, her voice holding hatred and spite stronger than I'd ever heard. "You got your little family, your little friends, all wearing cutesy shirts to show they love you. You really need this much validation?"

"Lila, I'm sorry you and Bernard are in... whatever situation you're in." Diana motioned to them. "But I don't see how defending Patrick is gonna make anything better."

"That 'witch' never did anything for us and you know it," Bernard said. Tony hesitated in signing, having discreetly translated the conversation to his sister. "Why should we get justice for her?"

"Patrick was worse!" Diana exclaimed. "I'm not trying to get justice for Kim, I'm trying to put that animal in jail so he won't hurt anyone else."

Patrick Jr. approached, smiling at his siblings. "Well, the years have been cruel," he joked. "About time you guys actually talk to us."

"Aw, the favorite's here," Lila said sweetly. "How's Grandma?"

"No idea. Haven't talked to her in a long time."

"Well, that's surprising. Even you disappointed her."

"Listen, guys... you're not even supposed to be talking to us."

"Well, if they're not doing their jobs, we should take advantage. I guess it's because of your weird cult that they didn't see us... slip." Lila looked around at all the yellow shirt wearers.

"What is your problem?" said Diana.

"My problem? Watson, Field, whoever you are, be grateful you got what you got."

"I just don't see how defending a criminal's going to help you feel better. And I don't get why you're so... angry. You two just hated us as soon as you saw us."

"Lila, Bernard, we've all been through the same thing-" Patrick Jr. started.

"Easy for you to say," Bernard snapped. "The golden boy got to be with Grandma and you got to find a family." He nodded at both him and Diana. "Meanwhile, Lila's homeless and I'm stuck for three years more unless Dad gets out and we can be home!"

Silence fell, the other people finally noticing. The bailiffs quickly pushed through the crowd, steering Lila and Bernard away from us, scolding all of us for interacting with them. Thankfully, it was just a warning.

The courtroom doors then opened, inviting the audience inside. "We'll all be right there for you, okay?" Mom kissed Diana's forehead and Dad hugged her. Everyone gave Diana hugs, kisses, and words of encouragement as they entered. I stayed at my sister's side.

"You ready?" I whispered.

"As I'll ever be." She entered with sharp eyes. Matching eyes. Like mine. Like my sister's.

Her sister's.


A lot more witnesses were called up today. We were sitting there for hours. Kate, Patrick Jr, Mr. Brian, Ms. Bredlong. Surprisingly, Ms. Bredlong told the truth about Patrick hurting Diana— I'd thought she'd go for the defense's side with how cruel she was.

Kate looked pretty nervous at the beginning of her testimony, but she managed to calm down and tell her story without stuttering too much. Her parents, who sat near the back, looked as proud as ever.

The next day, Dr. Cawman and the two other social workers were called. The attorneys all asked them the same questions: was Mr. Dossi violent? How did he treat his wife and children? I didn't understand how this issue became so difficult. He and his wife were in jail for a reason. He obviously killed her. Why were they taking so long to put him away? Why go through all of this?

Diana was calmer than I'd ever seen her. The first day, she sat quietly, not even glancing at Patrick, who still stared at her with a creepiness that made my blood boil. It was all I could do to not threaten him.

The third day, we were all still there, waiting patiently, wearing the same shirts in support. It was timely that spring break started for most schools already. Lila and Bernard went up, delivering the most convincing lies I'd ever heard. They'd clearly learned how to act over the years. They made Patrick sound like a victim, claiming their mom even tried to kill him a few times.

I understood, though. Patrick was their only hope of having a home. What would happen to them if Patrick was convicted?

"Calling Diana Field to the stand."

Murmurs echoed. I sighed. "Finally." Beside me, Diana rose, as calm as can be, and walked up to the stand with Lonnie. She squeezed my hand as she passed me.

It was like a peace had come over her. I couldn't describe it. All it gave me was swelling pride. I looked around at all her supporters; family, friends...


She sat at the back, also wearing a yellow shirt, though her arms covered the message she'd written on it. I didn't even see her come in.

Diana took the oath and sat down, still avoiding looking at Patrick. I hoped she wouldn't act up again. A bailiff watched her closely.

"Ms. Field." A different attorney questioned her this time. "How old were you when you lived with Patrick Dossi?"

"Four years old," she said.

"Do you still remember your experience with him after all these years?" he asked.

"I do."

"Can you remember any time when Mr. Dossi showed violent conduct towards his wife, Kimmie?"

"Yeah. A lot of times. He was violent towards her, me... and all his kids. Including Lila and Bernard." Her voice was clear and strong, not a hint of nervousness to be found.

"Would you tell the jury some examples?"

She looked at the jury. 12 pairs of eyes stared back. All kinds of people. Around my age, older, maybe some of them were parents, or husbands, or wives. People that wouldn't imagine doing something like what Patrick did.

"I have a lot of examples," Diana said. "I don't know how much time I have up here."

"As long as you need," the attorney told her.

Diana's eyes landed on us. I nodded, sensing a twinge of fear in her gaze. She then took a breath, hardening her eyes, and turned to the jury.

The story flowed like a calm river, though the flow was pretty harsh. The endless list of horrors she endured from Patrick alone... the yelling, screaming, threatening, and fear. I gripped Nicole's hand, swallowing down a lump. A little four-year old girl, still grieving for her parents, had to go through all of this... and so much more.

12 years too late, she'd get her justice. At least someone got what they deserved. I just wished it hadn't taken so long.

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