🎀 Chapter-17🎀

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Namjoon- Jimin.... Hoseok's full name is Kim Hoseok.

Jin- He is my younger brother Jimin.

As Jin said, Jimin starred at him with a shocked face. I mean with a very Shocked "Face".

Jimin- What??

He managed to asking. Jin nodded his head. Jimin looked at Namjoon who also nodded his head.

He turned back to look at others who also nodded their heads. He again turned back to Jin m.

Jimin- That means Hobi Hyung really have an older brother.

Jimin said. Jin stood up and starred at him before he said

Jin- You knew Hobi have a brother??

Jimin- Yes. I mean No. I mean yesterday, when I gained back my consciousness, I heard Hobi Hyung mumbling "Hyung please save your Hobi" and something like this.

Listening him, I assumed that he have a brother. But was not sure as Boss told him that his family abandoned him.

Jin- That's not true. I mean it is but only partly. Not fully.

Jin said making Jimin confused.

Jimin- What do you mean?

Jin- Well, it was my.... Mr. Kim. Our mothers husband. He sold Hobi to a Mafia when he was just 8 years old.

Jin said. Jimin was now shocked too.

Jimin- You mean your Dad??

Jin- He isn't my Dad anymore. And Yes he. I don't know why he did that. But The thing I knew was, from the time Hobi was born he hated him.

Jimin nodded his head understanding. Just then another question popped up in his mind. So, he said

Jimin- Jin-shi..... Our Boss ..... Is a Mafia , so how did you saved Hobi Hyung from him??

He said. Jin looked at Namjoon who shrugged his shoulders.

Namjoon- Hyung, is Mafia King.

Namjoon said casually while Jimin went into another shock. He turned to Jin and said

Jimin- You are a Mafia King??

Jin- Yup. I didn't wanted to. It's just.... When I got to know that my younger brother –he looked at Hoseok– is with a Mafia, I knew it will be difficult to find him. So, I became a Mafia King.

Jimin- Oh... But you dont--

Yoongi- Jimin.... Jin Hyung maybe a Mafia King. But he is not like the person with whom you and Hobi loved. He is different. You don't have to be afraid of him.

Yoongi said as he noticed the fear in Jimin's face. But hearing him, Jimin Calmed down.

Jin- I guess we will talk later. You should go and have some rest. Joon, Kook, please show him the guest room.

Jin said and Namjoon and Jungkook nodded. Jungkook came near Namjoon as they both signalled Jimin. Jimin was about to go but stopped and turned back.

Jimin- Jin-shi, when Hyung wake up. Please call me.

Jin- Sure Jimin...... And no need to be formally. Just call me Hyung. You are my also like a younger brother to me.

He said. Jimin have him a smile and hugged him. He broke the hug and went with Namjoon and Jungkook.

The rest also went to their rooms. (everyone have their own room in Jin's house).

Jin, on the other hand, again picked Hoseok and took him to his room. As he came in, he laid Hoseok on the bed and covered him with a duvet.

He sat on the ground near the bed, and looked at Hoseok.

Jin's eyes were again getting teary but he didn't bothered to wipe them. He just starred at his baby brother with love and tears in his eyes.

Jin- I can't believe I found you Hoba...... You grew up so much..... I am so happy today.

He ran his hands through his hairs and saw a smile appearing on Hoseok's face. 

Jin- I am not gonna let anyone near you ever again Hoba. Hyungie will really protect you this time. Anyone who dares to touch you will have to go through me first. Hyungie is not gonna go you away from him now.

Jin said. He sat there only not knowing when he felt asleep with his hands still in Hoseok's hairs.


3 Hours later

Hoseok slowly opened his eyes and looked at the place where he was. He found the room very unfamiliar. He tried to sit but couldn't cause of a hand that was on his waist and on his hairs. 

He looked at his side and saw Jin. Hoseok was confused.

>>> How did I get here?? What is Jin-shi doing here?? And why is he on the floor??.... Wait why am I on the bed???

He thought. He looked around the room and saw their were many photos of Jin hanging in the room. Seeing, them Hoseok could tell that it was Jin's room.

He turned his head to again look at Jin and saw him sleeping very peacefully.

>>> He is so handsome while sleeping too.

He thought But then something that caught Hoseok's attention was the marks of dry tears on Jin's face.

He gazed at Jin's face confused on why did Jin had those marks? 

>>> Did he cried?? But why???

His thoughts were cut off when he saw Jin opening his eyes. He waited for him to sit so he can also sit.

Hey Moonlights

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A little small chapter for today.

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 1000

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