🎀 Chapter-2🎀

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Jimin and Hoseok were sitting at the dining table while eating the food which their beloved Eomma prepared.

Confused? Whom do they call Eomma?

We'll meet her,

Choi Hana
Younger Sister of Choi Byun-ho

She is a mother figure to both Hoseok and Jimin. She loved them both so much and can do anything for them. Even tho she is the sister of A Mafia Boss, she lives her life like normal people.

One secret to know is. Choi Byun-ho is very afraid of his sister. Yup, you read it right. The mafia boss is afraid of this pretty woman.

She is the reason, Byun-ho can't kill Jimin it Hoseok. Cause she loves them and she had already warned her brother to not even touch them otherwise she will kill him.

Ok, for now It's enough about her I guess. Let's continue the story................

Hana was also sitting with Hoseok and Jimin and watching them eat.

Hoseok- Eomma, you know what happened in the meeting room today before we came here?

Hana- What happened?

She asked and Hoseok told her everything. She was so proud of Jimin's reply. She patted both of their heads making them smile a little.

Just then she saw her Brother entering the room. She stood up and went towards him.

Hana- What brings you here Oppa?

Byun-ho- I want to have a talk with my servants. Can you leave Hana?

Hana- No I can't. If you wanna have a talk with my sons, you have to do it here only.

Byun-ho- Hana!! Leave right now!!

Hana- I am not going. What will you do?

She said sternly. Byun-ho took a step towards her but she wasn't afraid. She too took a step towards him making him take his step back again.

Byun-ho- Fine. What I want to say is...... From Tomorrow both these servants will go to college.

He said and Both Jimin and Hoseok's eyes lit up.

Well, they are not illiterate. Hana taught them Everything they need to know according to their age.

They both wanted to go to college but Byun-ho never even let them come out of the mansion except for work. And that's why they are happy right now.

Hana- Really? But why suddenly?

Byun-ho- I.... I can't tell you.

Hana- I am giving you 1 minute to say it otherwise you also know what I can do.

Byun-ho- *gulp* C-calm down. I will tell you.


Byun-ho was sitting in his office when one of his men who was also a spy came in. He stood infront of Byun-ho.

Byun-ho- What are you doing here?

Spy- Sir, I have a piece of bad news.

Byun-ho- What?

Spy- Actually, the police suspect that we also do illegal work and we also have two boys whom we have kept as slaves. And they are coming to check all this day after tomorrow.

Byun-ho- What? Who told them about those servants?

Spy- I don't know Boss. But, If they found them.... Then they will have more evidence against you and it won't take them much time to destroy you.

Byun-ho- This can't happen. You know what..... I will just kill both of them. Or send them to where the other slaves are.

Spy- Boss...... You can't do that.

Byun-ho- Who are you to tell me what to do and what not?

He asked in agee. The spy took a step back and gulped before saying

Spy- B-boss, I said the police suspect that we do illegal work. But they are 100% sure that we have two slaves in the mansion.

Byun-ho- How?!!

Spy- I don't know Boss.

Byun-ho- *sigh* Now what shall I do?

Guard- Boss I have an idea.

The guard who was standing there from the beginning said catching both Byun-ho and The spy's attention.

Byun-ho- What idea?

Guard- Boss..... Hoseok and Jimin call your sister Eomma and she also treats them like her son. If the police come we can tell them that they are your sister's son. And we can also send them both to a college so that the police will believe that they are really your sister's sons.

He said and Byun-ho went into deep thought.
Before he finally decided on what to do.

Flashback Ends

Hana-I knew, sending them to college must have something that will benefit you.

Byun-ho- It has. But you should be thankful that I am not sending them to Where I keep the others. Instead, they are being sent to where you always want them to go.

Hana- Whatever. But No.

She said and Byun-ho looked at her with a shocked face. He took a deep breath and said

Byun-ho- See, Hana..... You are my sister so, please support your brother in all this.

Hana- I may be your sister but I don't wanna support you in any of this.

Byun-ho- Then I will just send both of them to where the others are. That is a sex Club and the rest you know.... 

Hana- No!!  You can't do that!!

Byun-ho- If you don't agree then I will.

Hana looked at Hoseok and Jimin who were standing behind her scared listening to the word "Sex Club".

Hana thought for a while before she sighed and said

Hana- Fine. But.....

Byun-ho- But?

Hana- I will select the college for them and After they start to go to college they won't live here. They will live in the College dorm.

Byun-ho- NO!!

Hana- Then me too. No!!

Byun-ho- Ok.... I will think about it.

Hana- Sure. And if the answer is No again then just forget everything. And get ready to be destroyed.

Hana said and she turned back grabbing the hands of Jimin and Hoseok softly she walked away.


It was evening when Byun-ho called Hana to his room. And right now she was sitting infront of hi. 

Hana- So, what did you decided?

Byun-ho- It's not like I will say No and you will agree so Yes.

Hana- Great. Tomorrow I will go and buy their materials. And Not to forget I will take them with me too....

Byun-ho- Wh-- ok fine. But I also have condition.

Hana- What?

Byun-ho- If they will live in a college dorm then they have to change their names. They won't go with these names and if the police ask them also you have to tell them their fake names.

Hana- Why?

Byun-ho- Just do as I say. And The rest is upto you.

Hana- Fine. They will go to collage from day after tomorrow. Tomorrow me and my sons will go for shopping. And then we will also enjoy our day out only.

Byun-ho- Do whatever you want. I don't care

Hana- Well, I do. Anyways, By

She said as she stood up and left the room.

Byun-ho- If They use their real names then it won't take their family long time to realise who they are. And I can't take any risk. Especially with that elder. His father still gives me money to keep him and if he is gone than so is my money and my whole business.

He said to himself.

Hey Moonlights

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 1267

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