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The day when Rosé took Jimin to Jungkook's house

Jimin was following Rosé and Jungkook ever since they left The Kim House. Jimin was afraid. He know he shouldn't be. But he can't help it.

Trust was something he don't have now. In anyone. Except his "Hobi Hyung" and "Eomma"(Hana).

So, Trusting a girl, who is appealing to be his sister, is something he can't do.
He can't just trust her easily. But then also seeing the pain and sadness in her eyes, Jimin decided to trust her.

And that's why he is here, behind her following her inside a unknown house.

He saw that they were already in the living room of the house. Jimin looked around the whole living room admiring it. He liked it. It was really pretty.

Rosé- Oppa, come sit.

Jimin heard Rosé calling him. He diverted his attention from Living room to her. He went and sat on the couch feeling a little awkward.

Jungkook- Jimin Hyung, this is our house. Did you liked it?

Jimin nodded his head a little at Jungkook's question. Jungkook opened his mouth again to say something, but couldn't as a voice stopped him.

~ You both are home.

Jungkook and Rosé turned back while Jimin looked at his side. He saw a couple coming towards them. 

He stood up seeing them and came and stood near Rosé. Like I said, he was scared.

Jungkook- Hyung, they are my Eomma and Appa. No need to be afraid of them.

Jungkook whispered to Jimin as he came on his side. Rosé too looked at him and whispered

Rosé- Yes Oppa. They are really nice.

Jimin nodded his head lightly and looked infront.

The couple was now infront of them with a small confusing smile. Jimin bowed to them a little.

Mrs. Jeon- Kookie, Rosie who is he?

Rosé- Eomma..... My Oppa. Jimin Oppa.

Both Mr. And Mrs. Jeon eyes widened in surprise. Their confusing smile was now replaced with a sweet smile.

Mr. Jeon- Jimin?

Jimin nodded his head. Mr. Jeon came near him and hugged him making Jimin froze in his spot. Mr. Jeon broke the hug and held Jimin's hands in his own.

Mr. Jeon- Finally our Rosie found her brother back.

Mrs. Jeon- Right.

Jimin didn't knew what to do or say so he just gave a small smile.

Mr. Jeon led him to the couch and made him sit. He and Mrs. Jeon sat on either side of Jimin.

Rosé- Eomma, Appa. Don't ask any questions to Oppa..... He actually lost his memory.

Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon immediately looked at Rosé.

Mr. Jeon- Huh??

Jungkook- Appa..... Jimin Hyung was kidnapped by a Mafia Boss.

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon eyes again widened. But this time in shock.

Mrs. Jeon- Mafia?

Rosé- Yes Eomma. And from the past 7 years, he was giving a drug or something to Oppa, which made him lose all his childhood memories.

She replied. Mrs. Jeon looked at Jimin who was looking sad now. She side hugged him.

Mrs. Jeon- Poor kid...... Don't worry Jimin. Now, you have us. We will take care of your and you will remember everything soon.

She said breaking the hug. Jimin gave her a smile and said a small "Thanks"

Mrs. Jeon- By the way, did you three had your dinner?

Jungkook- Yup. We all were at Jin Hyung's house. We all had dinner there only.

Mr. Jeon- Thought so.

He said. That's when Jungkook remembered something. He ran and sat near to his mother and said

Jungkook- Eomma, you know what?

Mrs. Jeon- What?

Jungkook- Gues.

Mrs. Jeon- You failed in exam.

Jungkook- No....

Mr. Jeon- You again beated Someone?

Jungkook- Appaaaaa..... That was one time.

Mrs. Jeon- Um..... You drank wine?

Jungkook- What?? No. How can you even say that?

Mrs. Jeon- I don't know. I just thought.... Um.... Did you threw a child in river?

She said and Jungkook gasped at her comment. He looked at his parents with a so done face. Rosé was giggling trying her best not to make any sound whole Jimin was having wide eyes hearing Mrs. Jeon.

Jungkook-  Seriously Eomma 😒

Mrs. Jeon- Hehe.... I was just joking. Well, why don't you tell us. If we guess we might guess something more wild.

Jungkook- Right.... I believe you both can. So, let me tell you. Jin Hyung..... Found Hobi Hyung!!!

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon- Oh......

They shouted as they processed what Jungkook just said. Jungkook covered his ears heating them shout. He removed his hands and then said

Jungkook- Don't shout. You gonna make my are bleed. And yes, Jin Hyung found Hobi Hyung. He was sold to the same Mafia who kidnapped Jimin Hyung. They both were together from 7 years.

He explained. Mr. And Mrs. Jeon looked at Jimin who nodded his head again, Basically this is the only thing he is doing since he entered the house.

Mr. Jeon- That's great. Both Rosie and Jin, found their lost siblings.

Rosé- Right Appa.

Mrs. Jeon- Uh.... I guess. You three should go and sleep now. We can talk tomorrow morning too.

Jungkook- Finally someone said it. I was so tired.

Mr. Jeon- Why?

Jungkook- I did so much work Appa.

Rosé- Ya. The only work this Bunny did was drinking his Banana Milk and eating food.

Jungkook- Ya!! I did more than that!

Rosé- I know.

She said and rolled her eyes. Before Jungkook could say Anything, she held Jimin's hand and led him upstairs to her room

Jimin again followed her.

Jimin- Why did you fought with Jungkook?

Jimin asked as he continued walking. Rosé looked at him and shooked his head.

Rosé- We were not fighting Oppa. It's common between me and that bunny. We argue a lot.

Jimin- Oh..... Rosé, can I ask something?

Rosé- Sure Oppa.

Jimin- Do you have feelings for Jungkook?

Rosé stopped in her tracks hearing this. She turned to look at Jimin who was waiting for the answer.

Jimin- Uh... If you are not comfortable, you don't have to answer-

Jimin stopped saying when he saw Rosé nodding her head.

Jimin- Really?

Rosé- Yup... But don't you dare to tell anyone otherwise I will beat you!!

Jimin flinched at her sudden outbursts. He took some steps back while gulping in fear hearing the word "beating".

Rosé looked at him and mentally cursed at herself. She slowly took a step near him but saw Jimin taking a step back. She immediately stopped in her tracks.

Rosé- O-o-ppa..... I was joking. Don't be scared. I promise I was just joking..... I am sorry.

Jimin stopped in his tracks and took some deep breaths.

Jimin- No.... I am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like this.

Rosé went near him and held his hands.

Rosé- There is no need to say sorry Oppa....this isn't your fault. I am sorry. I will make sure not mention that word or any word like that. I am really sorry.

Jimin shooked her head and wiped the years which were streaming down her cheeks.
Rosé hugged Jimin. Jimin don't know why, but felt very safe and comfortable in that hug. He also wrapped his arms around her.

Jungkook, who was coming upstairs after talking with his parents, stopped and looked at the siblings.

A smile was on his lips. He was happy seeing them.

>>> Finally Rosé is also happy......I will gain your trust soon Jimin Hyung.....And then I will propose your sister.


Hope you liked it. I will make sure to write some moments of Jimin and Rosé from time to time now.

Hey Moonlights

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Pretty Big Chapter

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Words Count- 1305

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