🎀 Chapter-36🎀

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Taehyung- Hobi Hyung..... Namjoon Hyung is missing

He said. Hoseok widened his eyes hearing this.

Hoseok- What!?

Taehyung- Yes Hyung.... he didn't came to university today, he didn't went to company, no body saw him from the morning. He is not even with any of his friends. And I found his phone outside the house....

He said while sobbing. Hoseok didn't knew what to do. He was too shocked to here what Taehyung just told him.

Hoseok- I don't know what to say Tae. I am shocked. I mean How can this be possible? Namjoon was here till morning, he went with Jin Hyung an- wait....he went with Jin Hyung!!!

Hoseok said as he realised something. He stood up from the couch in shock. Taehyung looked at him confused. He also stood up and asked

Taehyung- W..what happened Hyung? Why are you looking so shocked? Do you know where is Namjoon Hyung?

Taehyung asked with a glimpse of hint in his eyes and words. Hoseok looked at him and shooked his head and said

Hoseok- Tae, Namjoon was here today morning and he left for University with Jin and Yoongi Hyung.

Taehyung- Then we should ask them where he is. Where are they Hyung?

He asked as he started going out of the room. Hoseok stopped him by coming infront of him.
He closed the door of the room and said

Hoseok- No Tae. We can't ask them.

Taehyung- Why Hyung? They most know where is Namjoon Hyung.... then what's wrong in it.

Taehyung asked whil frowning. Hoseok sighed and said

Hoseok- Tae, I don't know why but from past few days or you can past few weeks, I think, Jin Hyung is behaving very strange. Like very.

Taehyung- What do you mean Hyung?

He asked. Hoseok was about to answer when he heard a knock on the door. Hoseok went near the door and opened it to see Jimin and Jungkook standing there.

He moved aside and motioned them to come in. They both came inside and Hoseok closed the door again. He came and stood beside Taehyung.

Jimin and Jungkook were standing puzzled seeing Taehyung's crying face.

Jimin- Taehyung Hyung  what happened? Why are you crying?

He asked in a worried tone. Taehyung looked at Hoseok who nodded his head. Hoseok came infront of Jimin and Jungkook and told them what Taehyung told him. He also told how he is finding Jin strange.

After listening to him, both Jimin and Jungkook were also shocked.

Jimin- Hyung, to be honest I was finding him strange too. Like he isn't behaving the same as he was before.
Before he always used to smile, talk with us but from some time I felt like he stopped smiling and is avoiding or ignoring us.

Jimin told. Hearing this Hoseok went into more deep thoughts.

Hoseok- Now only person can answer this question and tell us where Namjoon is.

Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook- Who?

Hoseok- Jin Hyung


Jin- Are you crazy or what?? How will I know where the hell that Namjoon is!! I am not his bodyguard or something to always keep an eye on him!! And he is not a kid who needs an elder to keep an eye on him!!

Jin yelled at Hoseok who just asked him "Where is Namjoon?" They were right now in the living room. Hoseok nd the trio was standing infront of Jin and Yoongi who were sitting on the couch. Yoongi let out a sigh and looked at Jin with a so done face while Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were standing there shocked. None of them expected Jin to say this.

>>> Hoseokie Hyung and Jiminie Hyung are right. Jin Hyung is really behaving strange. He isn't same as before. He is fully changed ......

Jungkook thought in his mind while looking at Jin who was glaring at all of them.

Jungkook- Why are you saying like this Hyung? Namjoon Hyung is your brother and he is missing. Aren't you worried?

Jungkook asked. Jin looked at Yoongi who was still glaring at him. He again looked at Jungkook and cleared his throat and then said

Jin- No, Jungkook what I mean is not this..

Hoseok- Then what? You know, I am noticing from past few weeks you are behaving really strange. And right now, our brother is missing and you are not even worried. Heck your eyes don't even show a glimpse of worry in them. I am starting to think that you aren't my Jin Hyung!! Why did you suddenly changed so much!! Did something happened that we don't know!! If so, please tell us and stop acting like a bitch who don't care about his brothers.

He yelled out of frustration. Jin stood up from the couch and looked at Hoseok in anger. Yoongi stood up too and was about to say something when Jin yelled

Jin- Don't you dare tell at me you piece of shit!!! I am staying calm that doesn't mean I will listen to whatever bullshits you will say. It's not my fault, you are finding me strange. Maybe this is the real me that you never tried to see!!!

Hoseok looked at him in shock. For the first time in his life, he heard Jin cursing at him.
But he wasn't the one to stay quiet too. He took a step forward

Hoseok- Is you remember, Namjoon was with you guys before we went missing. He or even you guys didn't went to University. None of you were at company too!! I thought you kisy have some clue or a small idea where he is. Jit instead you are yelling at me and calling me a price of shit?!! I know you guys know where he is!!! Just fucking tell us!!!

Hoseok yelled back in more anger now. Jin took a step back and gulped hearing Hoseok angry voice. He looked at Yoongi who was also looking a little scared. Before any of them could say or do anything, a voice came 

~ H....hobi....

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

Who is this who called Hoseok right now?

Why is Jin behaving this strange? The answer is hidden in one of the dailogues in this chapter. You can go and read again Carefully!! 😉😉

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Words Count- 1070

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