🎀 Chapter-7🎀

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(AN- Their Angel is also updated. Check it out too. Enjoy~)


Jin- Sung-Jin, your brothers name is Sung-min. Then why did you called him Chim? 

Sung-min- It's my nickname Jin-shii.

Jin- Ok......but can I ask why? I mean You name Sung-min and This nickname Chim don't match each other.

Jin said. Hoseok looked at Jimin who looked very unbothered.

Jimin- Jin-shi.... It's just when I was born My Eomma and B-- Uncle used to fight over what to name me. Uncle named me Sung-min, while Eomma used to call me Chim. So, it's Hyung's habit to call me that.

He said. Jin was a Convinced with the answer but he still find something strange. He shrugged off and they all again started eating.

All of sudden, Hoseok held his head dropping the chopsticks.

Jimin- Hyung what happened?

Hoseok- My head.... It's hurting a lot  Chim...

Jimin stood up from his seat and went near Hoseok who was sitting between Taehyung and Namjoon.

Jimin- Hyung....  You were fine just some seconds ago. What happened suddenly?

Hoseok- I... I don't know Chim.

Hoseok answered. Jimin was about to say something when suddenly the guards of Byun-ho came near them.

Guard 1- Younger master. Are you alright?

One guards said which took the attention of all people on the table.

Jimin and Hoseok looked at them and thena t each other.

Jungkook- Who is young master?

Guard 2- Master Sung-Jin.

Jimin choked one the air while Hoseok chocked on the water he was drinking. They both looked at the guards with a very shocked expression.

Guard 1- Young Master, Do you wanna go back to the apartment?

Ignoring them, Jimin looked at Hoseok and said

Jimin- Hyung, let's go To the apartment.

Hoseok- But Chim..

Jimin- Hyung please.

Jimin said trying his best to convince Hoseok.

Hoseok- Fine.

At last Hoseok agreed. The guards looked at them and said

Guard 2- Master Sung-min, you go with Master Sung-Jin. We will come with your bags.

Jimin- We can take them...

Guard 1- We are sorry. But if you do that, them Boss will be angry with us.

Jimin- Ok fine.

The guards nodded and left from there.

Namjoon- You both have personal bodyguards?

Namjoon asked. Hoseok and Jimin looked at him not knowing what to say now.

Jimin- Uh-- yes. Actually, Our Eomma is very protective of us. So, she told Uncle to hire bodyguards for her. Well, we will meet you all tomorrow. By. It was nice meeting you all.

Jimin said as he held Hoseok's hands. They both left from there leaving the rest.

Yoongi- They are strange.

Jin- I know right. I mean Everyone's mother is over protective of their children. But hiring a personal bodyguard. Wow.

Jungkook- Right Hyung. But maybe their mother have another reason too. Who knows?

Taehyung- Right. But did you noticed..... They just talked about their mother and sometimes about that Uncle. Not a single time they said the word Dad.

Namjoon- Maybe he passed away or don't live with them. Who knows? Leave it na. Let's focus on the main work.

Yoongi- What work?

Yoongi asked groaning.

Namjoon- You secretary called me. She said the CEO needs both of us in the company today and Ya Jin Hyung you have a photoshoot tomorrow so (he went a little close to Jin and said) no mission for today and tomorrow. And till the day the photoshoot is finish.

Jin- Fine. I myself wasn't gonna go. Need some rest. And I have other work too.

Taehyung- Other Work?

Jin- Yup. I send someone to spy on that old man who claims himself as My Dad. And the spy is coming tomorrow. So, gotta have a meeting with her.

Namjoon- Oh... Wait. Did you just said Her?

Yoongi- You heard it too. I thought my ears were ringing.

Yoongi said. They all looked at Jin.

Jin- Yes her. Girls can Be spy too idiots.

Jungkook- Never heard of a girl spy. What's her name?

Jin- Why? Is my bunny interested in her?

Jin asked in a teasing time. The rest also looked at Jungkook who became a little red.

Jungkook- A-ani. Just asking.

Jin- I know baby bunny. I am just joking.

Jin said patting the bay bunny's-- I mean Jungkook's head who smiled at the affection he was receiving from his Hyung.


Jimin and Hoseok reached their apartment. The guards who dropped them told them that they were not Byun-ho's but Hana's guards. She sent her to keep an eye on them and take care of them.

They entered their apartment and went to their room. Keeping their bags, They sat on the bed.

Jimin- Hobi Hyung. You Ok Now?

Hoseok- Yes Jimin. It's just ...... I also don't know why but my head started hurting suddenly.

Jimin- Maybe cause of tension and all. It was only the first day and we already lied so much. Maybe the stress of keeping all the lies is giving you headache.

Hoseok- Maybe Jimin. But.... You know I was hearing some words in my head like Hyun--

Hoseok was not able to complete his sentence as suddenly the door of their room opened.

They both turned back and saw Byun-ho standing their with angry red eyes.

They both gulped as fear came in them. It was visible was on Hoseok's face while Jimin didn't let Byun-ho see his fear.

Byun-ho came infront of both of them and before they could think of anything they felt a hard sting pain on their cheeks.


Byun-ho Slapped them.

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Words Count- 1000

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