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Parashuram POV

It was one day after the Kurukshetra War. Parashuram was devastated that his priye shishya Vrisha had died. How did he die? He can't die that easily. He has Vijaya. Why didn't he use it? His favorite student was sometimes a mystery to him. Parashuram sighed. Karna was more of a son than a student to him. He decided to take a walk. Parashuram had many things on his mind that he needed to clear out. Parahruam decided to pick up his veena also. Yes, a walk sounds nice. 

Parashuram investigated his surroundings. Birds tweeted, and tigers bellowed. He remembered how all of the creatures would swarm around Karna whenever he wandered with his Gurudev. The tigers, birds, lions, deers, monkeys, foxes, rhinos, elephants, wolves, and all the other animals in the forest gathered around him. He sat down on a rock. Parashuram commenced playing a beautiful melody on the veena. Parashuram beamed. If only Karna were here.

Parashuram abruptly heard the sound of a chariot. Horses were neighing, people were grunting, materials were rattling.  Who is coming? No one comes to visit Bhagwan Parashuram anymore. Parashuram bolted back to his ashram. The chariot was run by a boy that looked so much like Karna. They stopped right in front of him. There were four children in the chariot. They all scrambled down to touch his feet. "Pranipat, Bhagwan," they all said simultaneously. "Kalyan ho," Parahuram blessed them wholeheartedly. "Who are you?" he asked. "I am Vrishaketu, son of Angaraj Karna and Angarani Vrushali, this is my brother Vrishasena. This is Laxman and Lakshmana. Children of Yuvraj Duryodhan and Yuvrani Bhaumati," Angaraj Karna. So Putra Karna got married. He looked at his shishya's children. Both of them looked like their father. 

He first looked into Vrishaketu's future. He saw a handsome man on a white horse. He was fighting with the Madra Twins, the fourth Pandava Nakul, and the fifth Pandava Sahadev, they both had swords in their hands and attacked Vrishaketu. Parashuram's vision went black and he shifted his gaze to Vrishasena.

Parashuram saw Vrishasena holding a sword. It was small yet it could still give a lot of damage to someone. He pointed to the third Pandava Arjun and shouted some things to him. Arjun seemed to be affected by it and started shooting an arrow. Vrishasena countered it and then Parahshuram's vision went black.

Parashuram saw Vrishasena hurry to his chariot and when he was back, he had Vijaya in his arms. "Pitashree told us that when he dies, to give his bow Vijaya back to his Gurudev Parashuram. He also told us to tell you that he was sorry," Vrishasena handed the bow back to Parashuram. A tear dropped on the bow. Parashuram looked at Vijaya. "How did he die?" he asked the four children. Laxman narrated the whole story to him. Parashuram was sad that niyati had such a cruel death in store for Karna. He was angry that his favorite student was killed in such a manner. But he was also proud that Karna has so much competence and valor that his enemies had to use deceit to kill him.

He smiled at the four children in front of him.

These four kids were going to change the world.


Sorry for the late update! How did you like it?

I don't really have much to say. I updated the website.

So uh bye! Aadi out!

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