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Shu :- Yes let's do that.
Others just nodded and quickly finished their breakfasts then went off to their own rooms to get ready. After they all finished, they met up at the main door, waiting for Valt. While they are talking they didn't paid attention to a certain someone who was coming down the stairs.

With the kids,
Aiger :- So, what's the plan now?
Ren wu :- There's no plan. We just have to apologize, that's all.
Fubuki :- And what if he's angry?
Sisco :- Not u too! We already have someone to think about negative things.
Sisco said so while glancing towards Zac.
Zac :- What's that supposed to mean!
Sisco :- Exactly what it sounds like!
They starting arguing while others tried to stop their baseless argument. No one noticed that someone was coming towards them, who was now standing and hearing there argument.
All :- *continued the chaos*
??? :- *gigling*
All :- !!!
They all turned towards the source of the angelic giggle and they found an angel-ahem I mean Valt.
Ukyo :- Um...Hello again Valt nii 😅. Uh...How was your day?!
Free :- Uh...Where are you going?!
Everyone (including Valt) were surprised at Free's and Ukyo's sudden raised voice and stupi-I mean 5 year olds' innocent questions.
Valt :- Huh? The day has just started and it's pretty good(?) so far and I am going to school...?
Free & Ukyo :- *ashamed of themselves*Yea...right.
They all looked at each other and nodded and then-
All :- We are sorry!!
Valt :- Woah!
Valt was startled at the sudden (loud) apology.
Phi :- Please don't be mad anymore.
Quon :- Yea we won't fight like that ever again.
Ren wu :- *glanced at others* Right?
Others :- *vigorously nodding their heads*
Valt :- Guys chill, I wasn't mad or anything it's just that u guys were shouting so much and weren't listening so I was a little frustrated that's all.
Valt stopped them before there were bodies without heads.
Kitt :- So u r not mad at us?
Valt :- No, I am not.
Ukyo :- Really?
Valt :- Really.
Zac :- U don't hate us?
Valt :- I will never hate u guys.
Sisco :- U won't abandon us like our parents and family, will u?
At this sudden question asked by Sisco, Valt was shocked. He looked at them all trying to hold back their tears. Valt couldn't stop himself from hugging them.
Valt :- I will never ever in my life abandon u guys and leave u alone here all by yourself, believe me. U won't be alone ever again.
They were happy to hear that and stopped crying while returning the hug.
Valt let go of the hug and bid them farewell as they went in the limousine, that was waiting for them at the gate, and set off to their school with the driver while Valt drove to his. (don't ask me how he got his driving license,  etc. He just can.)

??? :- BRO WAKE UP!
??? 2 :- *woke up*...*panting*
??? 3 :- Did u had a nightmare?
??? 2 :- ...No....It was just a dream. That's all.
??? :- You ok now?
??? 2 :- Yes, Honcho I am fine.
Honcho :- That's good to hear, bud.
??? 3 :- If you say so but don't push yourself too much, ok?
??? 2 :- Of course Daigo, sorry to worry you guys.
Honcho :- Then take some rest. We still have some hours before we head off for Japan.
??? 2 :- Ya.
With that Honcho and Daigo went out of his room.

No one's POV,
Inside the room,
A certain bluenette can be seen sitting on the bed. He got up and opened the window not so far from his bed and was greeted with cold and fresh air.
??? :- It feels so nice.
He sat on a near by chair and looked out the window with a soft, regretful expression.
??? :- Japan, huh?

Maybe I will get to know about those guys there.

Hope you guys enjoy😉. Don't forget to comment!!

Kawaii_Neko-san out!

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