Cast of Characters

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Turin Altirion:

Turin is a newly appointed captain of the Tower Guard, elite soldiers tasked with guarding the White Tower of Ecthelion. His high rank is unusual for one so young, but his valor in the first battle of Osgiliath, as well as countless other skirmishes, has made him stand out as a decorated war hero and a bit of a legend in the peoples' eyes. 

Eradan Altirion: 

Though not quite the renowned hero his older brother Turin is, Eradan is a talented and experienced warrior himself. He, unlike his brother, maintains a hopeful, somewhat innocent perspective of the world, trying to see good wherever he can. 

Ohtar Strongarm: 

Once the right-hand man of a renowned gang of bandits, Ohtar was arrested and exiled to Ithilien as a ranger, never allowed to return to Gondor proper. His abrasive but light-hearted personality immediately endeared him to his fellow rangers, who gave him the name "Strongarm" after he beat every single one of them in arm-wrestling.

Thorondir Turgonion:

Most wouldn't debate that Thorondir is the best bowman among the rangers of Ithilien. It is widely said that he can shoot a Gondorian castar at fifty meters, no easy feat for anyone, especially not a human. He tends towards arrogance, though he can be thoughtful when the need arises. His hot temper has gotten him into more close-calls than battle has, and it is part of the reason he serves as a Ranger in Ithilien. 


 Aerel is Faramir's lieutenant in Ithilien, a healer with a track record of saving lives in the midst of battle. Her faith in Eru is strong, and some of the more cynical of the rangers mock her for it. But after seeing some of the things she's seen, faith is all that can keep one sane. 


The phrase "I've been to Mordor and back" can be applied quite literally to this hardened warrior. When he was younger, Uirion was the sole survivor of a rescue mission into Mordor to free slaves working on the Sea of Nurnen. What he experienced there left him scarred, grim, and an eerily efficient killer who tends to keep his feelings to himself.

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