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"Grunkle Stan! We're back!" Mabel cried out when they arrived at the shack.

Stanley stopped talking with Soos when they arrived. Soos went back to sweeping, and Stanley led Stanford into the living room. Mabel and Dipper followed them, leaving Sandra alone in the gift shop. She only noticed a red-headed teenager at the cash register, her head in a magazine.

"Excuse me, miss," someone said, tapping Sandra's shoulder.

Sandra turned around to see herself looking at William. He smiled at her, and Sandra just blinked in response.

"Hello, I saw you with Mr. Mystery," William said. "Do you know where he is?"

"My father? He's on his break," Sandra replied, holding out her hand. "I'm Sandra."

"I'm William," he replied, shaking Sandra's hand. "It must be an honor to be Mr. Mystery's daughter."

"Sure," Sandra said. "But his name is Stanley."

William nodded, and smiled again. "Hey, I'm going out for a walk, want to come? I can show you around the town."

"My niece and nephew already showed me most of it, but sure, why not?" Sandra replied, smiling.

William led her out the front door, and they walked off into town. The teenager, Wendy, made sure that they left, before calling Stanley into the gift shop.

"What is it, Wendy?" Stanley asked, walking into the gift shop, Stanford following.

"Sandra just left with some guy off into town," Wendy replied.

"Describe the man," Stanford replied, eyebrows narrowing.

"He said that his name was William," Wendy replied.

"Oh, that's okay," Stanley said. "He's a nice man."

"You're only saying that because he said that your gift shop was better than that Tent of Telepathy place," Stanford said.

Stanley smiled, and walked off, whistling. Stanford sighed, and turned to Wendy.

"Is my brother a good boss?" Stanford asked.

"Eh, he could be better," Wendy replied, shrugging.

Stanford nodded, and walked off to find Dipper and Mabel.


"Hey Sandra, look," William said, pointing to a blue tent with a star on top of it.

"'Tent of Telepathy'" Sandra read. "What is this place?"

"A business competitor to your father's shop," William replied, reading a billboard. "And it says here that there is a show in a few minutes. Want to watch it?"

"But you told my father that his shop was better," Sandra said.

William shrugged. "Let's just go watch it."

They walked into the tent to find two seats. All were full except for two in the front row. They sat down, and waited for the show to start. In a few minutes, the lights dimmed, and a giant shadow appeared from behind the curtains. Sandra gasped in surprise, and shrunk back in fear. William just smiled and the curtain parted. The giant shadow belonged to a boy about ten, with a baby blue suit and giant white hair. Sandra sat up in confusion.

"That? That's my father's business competitor?" Sandra asked in disbelief.

William just let out a small chuckle, his eyes on the stage.

"Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy!" the boy said with a southern accent. "I'm Lil' Gideon! I welcome you to my tent!"

He clapped his hands, and red fireballs appeared around the audience. The audience gasped in amazement, and Sandra looked at Gideon in shock. William smirked, and folded his arms. Twenty minutes passed by, and Gideon had the whole audience entranced, except Sandra and William.

"Now, I need a volunteer," Gideon said, looking around the audience with a giant smile plastered on his face.

Bursts of shouting "Me! Me! Me!" erupted around the tent. Gideon's eyes landed on Sandra, and Sandra looked around.

"What about you?" Gideon asked, pointing at Sandra.

"M-Me?" Sandra asked.

William nudged Sandra with his elbow and nodded, smiling. Sandra stood up and walked onto the stage. Gideon welcomed her with his giant smile.

"What is your name, my brave volunteer?" Gideon asked.

"Sandra Pines," Sandra replied.

Gideon's smile wavered, but he forced it to stay.

"Well, Sandra, I want you to close your eyes for just a second," Gideon instructed.

Sandra uncertainly obeyed, and Gideon grasped his green amulet. He raised his hand, and Sandra felt herself rise into the air. She heard the crowd gasp and applaud.

"Now, Sandra, open your eyes!" Gideon yelled, joy in his voice.

Sandra opened her eyes, and saw herself floating in mid air. William was looking up at her, grinning. Sandra was used to floating in the air because of her powers, but she pretended to act surprised for the audience. Gideon jumped into the air, and floated next to Sandra. This caused both the audience and Sandra to gasp.

"We are like two birds in the sky, who can see everyone's eyes," Gideon said, smiling down at the audience. "Now, with two simple words and a frown, we will arrive back on the ground."

Gideon frowned, and Sandra felt her face form into a frown too. They slowly descended to the stage, and their frowns turned into smiles just as their feet hit the stage. The audience burst into applause and cheers as Sandra walked off the stage, a big smile on her face.

"Thank ya'll for coming!" Gideon yelled and waved as they all left the tent.

"That sure was interesting," Sandra said, as she and William walked back to the Mystery Shack.

"I thought that you would say that," William said, smiling. "I've seen a show like that before when I still lived in California."

"Oh, do you live close?" Sandra asked.

"We're passing by it shortly," William replied, just as they passed by a yellow house with black shutters. "There it is."

"That's a pretty house," Sandra said.

William smiled, and rubbed the back of his head. "Hey, you know, if you aren't helping your father with his shop tomorrow, want to come with me for a picnic?"

"Sure thing!" Sandra replied, smiling.

"Great!" William said, his smile growing wider. "I have to go home, see you tomorrow!"

"By William!" Sandra said, and took off running to the shack.

As soon as Sandra was out of sight, William frowned, and went into his house. He removed a cloth that was covering a black crystal ball. It showed Sandra arriving at the shack with a big smile. William smiled at this. His plan was coming along nicely.

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