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William layed down a red and white checkered blanket on the grassy hill. He sat down, and Sandra sat down next to him. William opened the picnic basket, and handed Sandra with a sandwich. The silently ate while the watched the people of Gravity Falls go about their business.

"This town is so peaceful," Sandra said, breaking the silence. "I wish that I haven't been gone for thirty years."

William looked at Sandra curiously. "You weren't here for thirty years?"

Sandra nodded, and sipped her apple cider.

"Where were you then?" William asked, tilting his head.

"I was stuck in this other dimension with my Uncle Stanford for thirty years," Sandra replied, cringing at the memory. "Just a few days ago, my father brought us back here. I was only six when a dream demon sent us into that dimension. I almost forgot about my home, if not for my uncle." Sandra sighed, and layed down, looking at the clouds. "I just wish that that never happened."

William looked away for a minute, hiding a sly smile from Sandra. He then turned back to her, and smiled sadly.

"That sounds terrible," William said, putting an arm around her. "I wish that there was something I could have done."

Sandra let out a little laugh. "You didn't even know me then. But, enough about me, what about your family?"

William's smile vanished, and he looked at the ground. "I wish I knew where they were."

"What do you mean?" Sandra asked.

William sighed, and turned to Sandra. "The reason I moved here is because my family suddenly disappeared from their home. My mother. My father. My little brother. They were all gone. I thought that I could find them, but after four years, I wasn't even close. I eventually gave up, and decided to move away from that town. I knew about a small little town, Gravity Falls, and I decided to move here. It's quite peaceful here, so I'm going to stay here. Besides, you live here."

This made Sandra blush, and she looked away. "Oh, stop it. You are so nice."

William smiled at the compliment, and handed her an apple. She accepted it with gratitude, and they became silent again. A few minutes passed by, and Sandra's phone began to ring.

"Excuse me," Sandra apologized, and fished out her phone from her purse.

She left to go into the woods to see who was calling her. The word Dad appeared on the screen. Sandra smiled, and answered the phone with a "Hello, father."

"Sandra, my dear, how's it going?" Stanley's voice came from the phone.

"Father, why are you calling me now?" Sandra asked, disappointment in her voice.

"I was just making sure that your date is going okay. Mabel isn't really a good match maker," Stanley replied.

"It's going great, father," Sandra said, with a giggle. "I should be getting back to William. Good-bye father."

"Good-bye Sandra," Stanley said. "And make sure that you are home before ten."

"Okay, I'll make sure," Sandra replied, rolling her eyes and up.

She walked back to William, who was packing everything up. When he noticed Sandra, he smiled at her.

"Well, I'm not allowed home until ten tonight," Sandra joked. "What should we do now?"

"Want to go for a walk in the woods?" William asked, holding out his hand.

"Sure," Sandra said, smiling.

She took his hand, and they walked towards William's house.

"I just need to drop this off first," William said, receiving a nod from Sandra.

They walked inside, and William left the basket and blanket on the kitchen table. Then, he led Sandra out of the house. After William locked his house, they walked to the woods, hand in hand.


Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel was playing with her pet pig, Waddles. Dipper had his head stuck in Stanford's journals, and Stanford was pointing out some new things that he had discovered. In the gift shop, Wendy was working at the cash register, Soos was sweeping and restocking the shelf. Stanley was giving a tour, and all was quiet.

Mabel sighed, and moved Waddles' little pig feet around.

"I'm bored, Waddles," Mabel said.

Waddles oinked in reply, and Mabel sighed again. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she quickly picked it up.

"Hi Mabel!" Mabel's friend, Grenda, shouted through the phone in a deep voice.

"Grenda! What's up?" Mabel asked, a big smile on her face.

"Is Candy over there?" Grenda asked, worry in her voice.

"No, why do you ask?" Mabel asked, worried that her friend was missing.

"I haven't seen her all day, and she was supposed to come over," Grenda replied.

"Have you tried calling her parents?" Mabel asked, starting to pace.

"They said that she left the house," Grenda replied.

"Something's wrong," Mabel said. "Come over here as quickly as possible."

"Okay," Grenda said, and hung up.

"Is everything okay, Mabel?" Dipper asked.

Mabel looked at Dipper. Dipper and Stanford had stopped looking at the journal, and they were looking at Mabel.

"Dipper, Candy is missing," Mabel replied, growing scared. "No one knows where she is!"

"Candy?" Stanford asked.

"One of my friends," Mabel replied.

The door to the living room opened up, and Grenda ran in. She grabbed Mabel and forcefully hugged her.


Stanford looked taken aback at Grenda's deep voice. Stanley, Wendy, and Soos came running in.

"Alright, who's yelling?" Stanley asked.

"Grunkle Stan, Candy has disappeared," Mabel said. "We need to go find her!"

"Okay sweetie, we will help," Stanley said. "Soos, shut down the shack. We have a child that needs finding."


"Hey, do you hear that?" Sandra asked, craning her neck.

They stopped walking, and the sound of a girl crying soon reached their ears.

"It's coming from this way," William said, pointing.

William took off running to the sound, dragging Sandra with him. They ran for a while until they entered a clearing where a figure a kneeling. It was a 12-year-old girl with long black hair, glasses, and torn clothes.

"Um...hello little girl," Sandra said, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.

The girl looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

"Who are you?" William asked, kneeling next to Sandra.

"C-Candy Chu," the girl replied in a Korean accent.

"What are you doing out here?" Sandra asked.

"I-I was on my way to my friend's house, when these gnomes came out from nowhere and kidnapped me," Candy explained. "They were bringing me to their home, when an eagle swooped down and ate one. They scattered, and I escaped. I made it to here, then I realized that I was lost. I tried calling my parents, but there was no signal here. I tried to find my way out, but I hurt my ankle. Do you know the way out?"

"Of course, I can bring you back to the Mystery Shack," Sandra said, picking up Candy. "I'm Sandra, Mr. Mystery's daughter."

"And I'm William," William said, grasping Sandra's hand. "We should hurry and get her to the shack before the sun goes down."

They took off running to the shack.


Stanley and Stanford led Wendy, Soos, Mabel, Dipper, and Grenda through the woods.

"Hopefully we find her soon, it's getting dark, dudes," Soos said nervously.

"Sh, I hear someone coming," Stanley said. "Hide."

They hid behind some trees, and the sound of running feet approached them. They didn't move until the figures were in sight. Then, they jumped out at them. The figures screamed in surprise. They all instantly recognized each other.

"Guys!" Sandra said.

"Sandra!" They replied.

"Candy!" Grenda and Mabel shouted when they saw their friend in Sandra's arms.

"She hurt her ankle," William explained to the group. "You need to get her to the shack."

"Aren't you coming with us, William?" Sandra asked.

"I wish I could, but I need to get home soon," William replied. "My cat needs food."

Stanley took Candy from his daughter's arms, and started to run back to the shack, the others following. Sandra turned to William and pecked his cheek.

"I had a fun time today," Sandra said, smiling. "I hope we can see each other soon. Bye, William."

"Bye Sandra," William waved as Sandra ran after the group.

As soon as she was out of sight, William frowned, and touched the cheek where Sandra kissed him.

Now, don't get too soft, William told himself, moving his hand away from his cheek. Remember, you're only using her.

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