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"Stanley?" the man asked, rubbing his tired eyes. "Why'd you come visit me in the middle of the night?"

"Fiddleford," Stanley greeted, shaking the man's hand. "You said that it couldn't be done, but I did it."

"Did what?" Fiddleford asked, looking at him suspiciously. "I'm not going with you guys on another pig rescue."

"'Pig rescue'?" Stanford repeated in surprise.

Fiddleford didn't reply and just stared at Stanford. He soon broke into a huge grin.

"Stanford! By golly! I thought that you and Sandra were done for!" Fiddleford yelled in joy. "When did you get back?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, old man," Stanley said sternly. "I've managed to bring them back. But that's not the only reason I've come. I've been having...nightmares...lately."

Fiddleford nodded. "Of that day? So have I. Don't worry, the Society is gone, thanks to me and your niece and nephew."

"Woah, woah, woah," Stanford cut in. "Nightmares? About what?"

"Should we tell him?" Fiddleford asked.

"He is my brother,"Stanley replied. "We better tell him."

"Tell me what?!?" Stanford was getting really impatient at this time.

"Twenty years ago, I was still searching for a way to bring you guys back from the dimension Bill dragged you into," Stanley explained. "Fiddleford had already given up and decided to create a machine t erase him memories of them. He stopped by and told me that I should forget you guys too. I refused and got in a...brawl...of some kind, which resulted in me taking his powers away. I finally got him to calm down, and he left, but in my nightmare, it ended with Bill possessing Fiddleford and saying that I shouldn't have done what I did."

"Mine ended with Stanley getting his mind erased and getting possessed by Bill," Fiddleford explained. "He then chased me right into a portal where the decaying forms of Sandra and you reached out to me, and pulled me in."

Stanford shivered. "That's...That's awful. Stanley! How come you never told me about this?!?"

"You just got back!" Stanley protested. "I didn't want to worry you!"

"I just got twice as worried!" Stanford yelled back. "What if your of Fiddleford's ending to that come true?!? Bill's still out there, and he most likely wants us DEAD!"

"Wait, Bill's still out there?!?" Fiddleford cried out in surprise. "And you never told me, Stanley?!?"

"Hey, don't go pointing fingers at me, Fiddleford!" Stanley said, holding his hands up in defense. "I only found out because of the kids!"

"You're lucky that they respect you, Stanley," Stanford said.

Stanley sighed. "Look, Fiddleford, we need all the help we can get to kill Bill." Stanley held out his hand to Fiddleford. "Are you in?"

Fiddleford smiled, and shook Stanley's hand. "Anything to bring that demon to his knees."


"Anything to bring that demon to his knees."

William smiled to himself as he watched the scene before him unfold as he hovered above the trio.

Well, well, well. Welcome back, Fiddleford.


The storm still raged on when Dipper stood up and stretched. He looked over at his aunt, and smiled when he saw that she was asleep. He tip-toed back into the shack, leaving her there. As he layed back down on the couch, he didn't notice the two figures right behind him. As soon as he closed his eyes, Mabel tackled him.

"Wake-up, bro-bro!" Mabel screamed in his ear.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled back, pushing her off of him. "I was awake! Why are you up?"

"Look what Pacifica found!" Mabel squealed, and dragged Pacifica out of the shadows.

Dipper stood up in surprise when he saw that she was wearing his hat. She took it off, and handed it to him. Dipper took it with gratitude and placed it on his head. A piece of paper fell out of his hat and onto the floor. Dipper picked it up and looked at it.

"Hey, Pacifica. You dr-"

Dipper stopped short when he noticed that both Mabel and Pacifica were gone. He shrugged and looked back at the paper. Curious, he began reading it to himself.


We have only known each other for a bit, but after the mansion accident, I felt that we have gotten closer. I have changed, and for the better. My parents don't like me anymore, so I decided to run away to here. But that's not the only reason I came here. I wanted to tell you...I wanted to be straight with you...there's no easy way to say this, but...I...like...you...Crazy, right?

~Pacifica (Paz)

Dipper stared at the paper for a while and he felt his face turn red. So, it was that easy. He guessed that he would tell Pacifica what he thought too. Smiling to himself, he placed the paper underneath his pillow, and fell asleep, happy dreams flooding his mind.


"EEE! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Mabel shouted with joy when she and Pacifica were back in the attic. "YOU ACTUALLY WROTE THAT!"

"But what will he say?" Pacifica asked, sitting back on Dipper's bed, butterflies swarming around her stomach.

"I'm sure that he will accept it," Mabel stated matter-of-factly. "He hasn't been very good with getting girlfriends."

Pacifica smiled at this, then yawned. Her eyes closed, and she fell onto Dipper's bed in sleep. Mabel grinned at this, crawled into her own bed, and fell asleep.


Sandra soon woke up, the storm still raging. A figure soon walked out of the storm and up to the porch.

"William?" Sandra asked in confusion. "Why are you up at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk," William admitted. "When the storm started, I quickly got lost, and I ended up here."

"Oh, that's great!" Sandra said. "Come here, sit next to me. I want to talk to you about something."

"My pleasure," William said, and sat next to her.

He placed an arm around her, and they sat there for a while.

"You know, there's been a question on my mind for a while now," Sandra said, breaking the silence. "Why do you always wear sunglasses."

William frowned, and looked down. "When I ran away from home, I went through the woods. I was attacked by some of the wild animals, and they messed up the area around my eyes. I didn't want anybody to see, so as soon as I arrived here, I brought sunglasses. I usually take them off at night, but I don't want you to see them."

"William," Sandra said sadly, reaching up to his sunglasses. "I want to see. Maybe I can help you."

William didn't reply, and let Sandra take off his sunglasses. In the light of the porch, she gasped at what she saw. Scars. Many scars. All around his eyes. Light blue eyes filled with sadness and hurt.

"William," Sandra whispered, touching the scars. "I-I had no idea...I need to help you."

"How?" William asked. "It's not like you have magic healing powers."

Sandra bit her lip at this. She did, but did she want to show William? She began arguing in her head.

Yes, do it! Heal him!

N o! Don't! Remember what father told us?




No! Don't do it!


Sandra smiled at William, and nodded. "That's funny, because I do."

William stared at her as she began chanting something. White light blinded William, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them, Sandra was smiling at him, and holding out a hand mirror. He took it, and looked at himself in surprise. All of the scars were gone, and his blue eyes were full of happiness.

"Thank you so much, Sandra!" William cried out, and hugged her.

Sandra just laughed, and smiled at William when he let go.

"So, I've been thinking," William started, fumbling with his words. "Will you do me the honor...of...being...my...girlfriend?"

Silence. Then, a squeal from Sandra.

"Yes! Of course I will go out with you, silly!" Sandra squealed, and hugged William.

William smiled to himself.

Perfect. Another piece falls into place.

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