Chapter 2: Reaction

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"Reactions, you gotta love the way people react to things. They can be good, like planning a surprise party for someone, or they can be bad, like delivering some unsavory news to someone. Some reactions are in the middle, one out of many examples would be the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. A lot of people celebrated his release but there was still someone that wasn't looking forward to it. To put it simply, to every action there is always opposed an equal reaction and sometimes it's better to react with no reaction."


Zahra sat on the couch with all the eyes of the Johnsons on her. Ruby and Bow sat on either sides of her on the couch while Pops sat at a single couch and Dre on the other. Zoey, Junior and the twins sat on the large couch next to Zahra. Zahra's foot tapped on the ground incessantly as she tried to calm her nervous at what she was about to tell them.

"Zahra baby, you said you'd tell us where your parents where when Andre and Rainbow were here." Ruby reminded gently.

"Did something happen to Mike and Jay?" Dre asked worriedly.

Zahra sighed as she gripped her knuckles together "Yeah...they...uh...they died."

The room went silent as the heavy news dropped on all of them, each and every one of them had adopted a shocked look on their faces.

"N-no..." Bow muttered.

"Mike and Jay died?" Dre muttered mournfully in shock "Mike's gone..."

"What?" Junior asked in shock as the twins gasped.

Zoey widened her eyes as she continued to stare at Zahra and gulped when their eyes met, with Zahra breaking the eye contact and looking back at the ground.

"Lord no..." Ruby said as she shook her head.

"What happened?" Pops asked after a long silence.

"Pops!" Dre scolded at the insensitivity.

"Well we gotta know." Pops replied.

"Earl you-" Ruby was about to insult but Zahra stopped her.

"It's okay GG, I was gonna tell you anyway." Zahra said.

"You don't have to." Bow said as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"I want to." Zahra replied.

"Take your time." Dre said as he was already at the brink of tears at the loss of his best friend.

"Well..." Zahra started.


It was currently night time at large house in the suburbs of New York, Zahra sat at a desk in her room as she studied. There was a sudden knock at her door which made Zahra look towards the door.

"Come in." Zahra said.

The door opened and in came her parents. Her father was a Caucasian man with a well-built physique, brown eyes, well-trimmed black hair and short black stubble under his chin. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt, black jeans and brown shoes with a badge clipped to his belt. This was Zahra's father and police detective of the NYPD, Michael Williams or Mike for short.

Her mother was beautiful woman with light brown skin, brown eyes and dark brown eyes. She wore a black vest and a grey sweatshirt over it, black pants and black slippers.

"Hey Zahra! You got a minute?" Mike exclaimed happily as Jay grinned excitedly.

"Hey, yeah, sure, what's up guys?" Zahra asked with a smile of her own as she stood up.

"We got a surprise for you!" Jay said with an excited squeal.

"Hey calm down, you're acting like you got it." Mike said to Jay as he chuckled.

"Sorry I'm just so excited." Jay responded.

"What's going on?" Zahra asked as she was amused by the two.

"Well-" Mike was about to explain but Jay had already beaten him to it.

"We got you an audition!" Jay exclaimed.

Zahra widened her eyes with her jaw dropped as she looked between them "Seriously?"

"I thought I was gonna tell her." Mike said flabbergasted as he looked at his wife.

"Well you were too slow." Jay said with cheeky smile and a small shrug as she looked at her daughter with a rigorous nod "And yes sweetie, tomorrow is the day you get to show your stuff."

Zahra grinned as she hugged both of them and Jay immediately hugged her back as Mike chuckled and pat her back.

"But how? I mean, thank you so much but how'd you guys manage to do this?" Zahra asked while looking between the two.

"Can I explain or do you have to shout out something else first?" Mike asked looking at Jay.

Jay rolled her eyes with an amused smile as she waved him off "Go ahead detective."

Zahra giggled as Mike chuckled and looked at her "Well you know Joe from the precinct right?"

Zahra nodded as Mike continued "So me and him were talking and you came up so he told me that his brother actually worked for Disney and they were in New York holding auditions for their new kids show."

"What show?" Zahra asked.

"Some sitcom with apparently a lot of dancing in it." Jay answered.

"And yes Zahra we know you can dance," Mike said as Zahra was about to say something "You leave the door open when you start going crazy with your headphones."

Zahra blushed in embarrassment as Mike continued "Anyway, Joe talked to his brother and after a few strings were pulled, we managed to get you an audition tomorrow."

"Wow, I...I really can't believe this is happening." Zahra said as she brushed her hair to the side and sat on her bed.

"Ohh Baby," Jay said as she sat down with Zahra and held her hands "I know this is all sudden and a bit overwhelming but being an actor has been your dream for a long time and your father is giving you the opportunity to make that dream a reality."

Both Zahra and Jay looked at Mike with smiles as he shrugged with his own smile "You're welcome."

"And I'll always be here to support you, so you have nothing to worry about." Jay stated.

Zahra hugged her mom tightly as Jay returned the hug "I love you mom."

"I love you too baby." Jay said.

Mike cleared his throat as Jay chuckled while Zahra smiled and got up, hugging her father who returned it "I love you too dad."

"Yeah I know." Mike said as Jay pushed him slightly and they all had a laugh.

Later that night, the Williams family had all gone to bed. While her parents were both asleep, Zahra was restless as she tossed and turned in bed since she couldn't contain her excitement for tomorrow's audition.

Suddenly there was a bump from downstairs and Zahra widened her eyes as she sat up. She quietly left her room and tip toed her way to the stairs as she crouched and looked down to the living room to see two men who were dressed in black hoodies and jeans standing by the living room table.

"Shit!" One of the men shouted quietly as he held onto his foot.

The other man punched him on the shoulder as he shouted at his friend in a whisper "What the fuck man! Do you want to wake everyone in this goddamn house up!?"

"Sorry but I can't see jack shit in this place! How was I supposed to know there would be a table here!?" The man clutching his foot complained.

"Whatever, just watch where you're going." The man said as he walked towards the stairs and his friend followed "I think the son of a bitch is somewhere upstairs."

"Aight I'm comin'" He said as he followed his friend.

Zahra gasped as she ran to her parent's room and over to her dad's side of the bed, shaking him frantically.

"Dad! Dad!" Zahra shouted with a quietly.

"Hmm...what? Zahra what's going on?" Mike asked as he sat up groggily.

"Zahra?" Jay asked as she was woken up as well.

"There are people in the house! Two guys, they were swearing a lot and they were coming up the stairs." Zahra explained frantically and fearfully.

Mike pulled away the covers and opened the drawer next to him, pulling out a gun and cocking it back.

"Mike?" Jay asked as Mike walked over to the door and looked at them both.

"Call 911 and stay here." Mike instructed as he opened the door and stepped out, shutting it on his way out.

"Mom?" Zahra asked, not know what to do at the moment.

"It's okay baby, come here." Jay called as Zahra crawled onto the bed and hugged her mother while Jay called the cops.

"Hello 911..." Zahra tuned her out as she heard shouting from the hall and after a few words that she couldn't make out were exchanged, gunshots rang out which shocked the two and Jay screamed in shock.

"Mike!? Mike!?" Jay screamed but she didn't receive an answer so she got up from the bed with Zahra and brought her down to the ground "Okay, everything's going to be okay Zahra, everything's going to be okay. I need you to get under the bed and stay very quiet okay?"

"W-What about you?" Zahra asked tearfully.

"I'm going to find your father, sweetie." Jay said as she hugged her daughter "It's going to be okay, the police are coming and we're all going to be okay. Okay, sweetie?"

Zahra nodded reluctantly as Ja smiled tearfully "Alright good, now hurry and get under the bed. I won't be gone long."

"O-Okay..." Zahra stuttered as she did as told and crawled under the bed.

"Zahra, I love you." Jay said with a smile.

"I love you too..." Zahra said as Jay nodded and got up, leaving the room.

Zahra heard screaming and shouting as police sirens and red and blue lights shined through the house window, but then two more gunshots rang out as the shouting continued while Zahra covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face.


"T-That...That was three years ago..." Zahra finished with a shaky sigh as she kept tapping her foot.

"Oh Zahra..." Bow muttered as she hugged Zahra along with Ruby.

"Wow, that was dark..." Junior said.

Zoey stared at Zahra sympathetically and wanted nothing more than to run over and give her a hug but she felt that it was best to keep her distance.

"Dad?" Jack asked as he looked to see his father sitting with his hands clasped and tears brimming his eyes.

"I...I'll be heading to bed early tonight..." Dre said as he got up and walked upstairs.

"Dre..." Bow said as she followed him.

"C'mon Zahra, I'll show you to your room." Ruby said as she stood Zahra up.

"I can stay?" Zahra asked in surprise.

"Of course, you didn't really think we would put you out on the street did you?" Ruby asked.

"Some people can surprise you." Zahra replied with a sigh.

"Well we are not some people," Ruby said as she led Zahra upstairs.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Zoey asked as she stared at the stairs.

"Who knows," Pops said with a shrug "But are you okay?"

"A little shaken up but yeah I guess." Diane said.

"I can't believe her mom and dad are just gone." Junior said.

"Yeah, could that happen to our mom and dad?" Jack asked.

"N-no of course not...right?" Zoey asked as they all looked at Pops.

"The world is a scary place but that doesn't mean you all have to now live your lives fearful of what might happen to the people around you, take Zahra as an example. She lost her parents but she found us again, remember that there will always be people who care about you and right now, we're Zahra's people." Pops stated as he picked up a newspaper and opened it "And besides, your mother's a doctor and Dre's too stupid to leave you kids."


Zahra sighed as she sat on the bed of the guest bedroom and fiddled with the silver cross around her neck. She perked up when there was a sudden knock on the door, she got up and opened the door and was surprised to see Zoey holding her now cleaned and folded clothes.

"Uh, grandma wanted me to give these to you." Zoey said nervously.

Zahra stepped aside as Zoey entered the room with Zahra closing the door.

"Here." Zoey said as she handed the clothes to her.

Zahra reached to take the clothes but paused when their fingers touched, they made eye contact once more and Zoey was more insistent as she handed the clothes to Zahra.

"I...I'm sorry about your parents." Zoey said.

Zahra sighed "Thanks."

"You don't seem that sad about it though." Zoey said.

"Three years of coming to terms with it can do that to ya." Zahra replied "How's your dad? He seemed really shaken up when I finished telling everyone."

"I honestly don't know but I think he'll be fine." Zoey replied with a shrug.

There were a few moments of silence as they both just took each other in, it has been eight years after all. Zoey tried her hardest not to blush while looking at Zahra, especially when she was wearing her clothes and they were revealing her fit stomach.

"You're so beautiful..." Zahra said which made Zoey widen her eyes.

Zoey blushed as she smiled "T-thanks..."

Zahra face palmed as she groaned "And I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Zoey giggled with a nod "You did have a habit of speaking your mind."

Zahra shrugged "I'm just upfront with people, I guess."

"You are," Zoey said as they smiled at each other "I should get to bed, school night."

"Oh yeah, sure...uh...good night." Zahra said.

Zoey nodded "Good night."

Zahra shut the door and turned to lean against it with wide eyes and Zoey doing the same on the other side, both dawned small smiles on their faces knowing that their broken bond is starting to fix.


"Like I said, reactions can either be good or bad but today I'm not sure where to put theirs. But now you know my tragic backstory, don't worry I'm not some supervillain in disguise or anything. What was your reaction to it I wonder? Who knows? And what happened with Zoey was just two old friends talking, nothing more. So any of you nosy mother lovers better not get any weird ideas."

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