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All that waiting had finally paid off because on the third day, the unknown pianist had returned back into the tunnel. He was playing his usual classical pieces as if he had never even witnessed the crime.

Jimin took in a deep breath to compose himself before quietly marching through the tunnel. He could see his elongated shadow on the ground before him. He could hear the rhythmic pattern of water dripping from above due to the heavy rain 

He had expected the guy to run away like he always did whenever approached. But this time, he stayed seated continuing to play, probably oblivious to Jimin.

He couldn't understand why his palms were getting sweaty and his heart thumping as if it was going to break free any second. At first he thought to himself that maybe he felt threatened by this strange person. But then again, he was a police officer who had come face to face all sorts of criminals. That was the least of his worries.

Jimin was close enough to realise that the reason why the guy hadn't reacted was because his eyes were shut. Despite not being able to see the keys in front of him, he still played effortlessly. 

Having heard the song enough times, Jimin knew that it was almost finished and so he waited. The guy finally lifted his hand away from the piano.

"Excuse me-"

Jimin's words were cut short when the guy suddenly shot up, causing the chair to scrape loudly against the ground. The guy was charging straight for him.

He wasn't anticipating this kind of response but quickly managed to get his senses together. He stepped back before the guy's hand could enclose around his neck.

The last thing Jimin expected to have to do was use his taekwondo skills that night. The guy turned out to be more of a challenge as he kept dodging the attacks that were being thrown towards him. During the process, his hoodie had fallen exposing his face.

Jimin ended up getting distracted by his appearance. He didn't have enough time to react and was harshly pushed back. A grunt escaped his lips as his back met with the brick wall of the tunnel, his chest heavily pinned by the guy's arm.

Their faces were so close that Jimin could feel his hot breath on his skin. He was sure the mystery guy dressed in all black could feel his beating heart against his arm. Their heights were even enough for them to glare at one another comfortably straight into each other's eyes.

"What is your problem?" spoke the guy for the first time.

"I just wanted to talk!" Jimin tried to use his serious police officer voice but was still trying to catch his breath and so his words came out shaky. He tried not to get distracted by his low voice that didn't seem to match his appearance.

He didn't loosen his grip on Jimin, his lips were a tight grim line as his eyes tried to scrutinise him.

"Do you think I don't notice you stalking me every night?"

Jimin quickly looked away. He mentally thanked the heavens that they were surrounded by darkness which easily concealed his coloured cheeks. However, by the way he was being stared at he couldn't help but feel like the guy must've seen.

He chuckled to hide his embarrassment of being caught. "Well I must be a terrible stalker because I don't know crap about you," he replied.

"Or maybe I'm just good at not being stalked at."

"One thing I know about you is that you witnessed a murder and I need you to tell us what you saw."

The guy loosened his pressure on Jimin, taking a large step back. His eyes had widened showing that he was surprised by the fact that someone else knew about him witnessing a crime which took place in a desolate street. But he quickly hid his emotions with a scowl.

"Who is us?"

"I'm a police officer-"

He took more steps back, his scowl had somehow darkened. He was obviously distressed by what he had just heard.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything least I don't think so. I just need information," Jimin quickly spoke, stepping forwards.

The guy's fists clenched and loosened repetitively. An audible sigh came out. He lifted his hoodie, covering his eyes.

"You aren't going to get any information from me. I don't deal with the police anymore, you people are fucked up."

With that comment, he turned on his heel and began to walk away. Jimin quickly ran in front of him.

"Please, we need your help. You are a really valuable witness to this case!" he exclaimed, not even bothering to hide the exasperation from his voice.

"Even if I did help, would you really listen to me?" he sneered beneath his hoodie.

He meandered round Jimin, who didn't want to give up, not after all the waiting. Especially not after the strong possibility of this case helping him catch the mobster he had been following for months.

"Does the name Kang Junhyeok sound familiar to you?" Jimin shouted at his back. This was his last resort.

The guy instantly froze causing Jimin to suck in his breath. 

What if he does?

Jimin noticed his fists tightening and loosening again. He slowly turned around, most of his face still hidden by the hoodie. Jimin didn't even want to see what kind of deathly glare he was shooting at him.

"Don't you dare say that name around me, officer."

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