Chapter 2 ; Trapped in the mansion 🏚️🗝️

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After 2 kilometers, the brothers finally arrived at the gate which took them into the front courtyard of the manor.

BroZone - (they are out of breath and look at the gate and the courtyard behind the fence and they see much better now that the fog is gone)

Clay - Wow it looks exactly like the horror movie we watched at the cinema ! 🤩

Floyd - No please Clay ! (trembles in fear and hides behind John Dory) I don't want to hear about this movie even though it's the same place ! 😣😖

Spruce - Don't worry Floyd, it's not because it looks like the same scene in the movie doesn't mean we'll experience the same thing. 😁

The gate doors open by themselves which surprises BroZone, John Dory enters first holding Floyd's hand who is holding Clay's hand who is holding Branch's hand who is holding Spruce's hand. Now that they are in the courtyard in front of the mansion they notice old statues which are there in the form of trolls who must have lived in this mansion.

Branch - Oh boy... These statues must have been over 70 years ago... 😯

Spruce - Yeah... Ew it's terribly ugly... (takes out his little mirror and looks at himself seductively) In any case, they're not more beautiful than me.~😏 (winks) 😉

JD - (come behind Spruce looking at him in the mirror boredly) Spruce this is not the time for that... 😒 (goes to a statue next to Spruce)

Spruce - (sulkingly puts away his mirror and crosses his arms) 😒🙎‍♂️

Floyd - (follow John Dory with fear) I don't like this place... (grabs John's arm) I'm scared... 😣

JD - (pull Floyd closer in a hug to reassure him) Don't worry Floyd, as long as we all stay together nothing can happen to us. (raises his head to look him in the eyes and puts his hand on his cheek) I promise you. 😊

Floyd - (gives his big brother a sweet smile and a sweet hug) Awww 🥰

Clay - (comes from behind his older brother) Uh... I don't want to interrupt your beautiful brotherly love hug but... (turns the heads of John Dory and Floyd towards a statue which faces the brothers) THIS STATUE IS LOOKING AT US FROM YOUR HUG ! 😱

The five brothers are facing the moving eye statue in BroZone who are shocked.

John Dory - (gets into a fighting stance with a menacing look)

Floyd - (hides behind John Dory)

Spruce - (remains shocked decides not to move)

Clay - (shocked and amazed to see a statue moving its eyes)

Branch - (starts to get scared and clings to John's arm)

The statue looks at the brothers and its eyes begin to change color from blue eyes, purple eyes, and pink eyes.

Floyd - Umm... (tremble with fear) What's going on with the statue... 😥

The statue begins to stop changing eye color which becomes white and a paper with a key comes out of the statue which blurs below the person's name.

Clay - Ooooh ! 😯 (take the paper) It looks exactly like in the horror movie ! 🤩

Spruce - (take the key) Yeah ! And the key that means...

Spruce & Clay - That we're going to have to solve some in the mansion !! (laugh and give each other a high five) 😄😆🫸🫷

JD - (cross his arms and look at them boringly) I don't know how you like this boring movie... 😒

Branch - Yeah and it's so sad that these poor teenagers lost their parents in this mansion. (a tear escapes his eye and wipes it away) I cried so much. (hides behind John) and I was so scared of every scene in the movie ! 😱

JD - For me there was nothing scary, just actors who don't know how to play their roles. 😒

Spruce - WHAT ?! But man this is the best horror and thriller movie in the WORLD ! (wraps his arm around his older brother's shoulders looking at the statue and the mansion behind) And look where we are, we feel like we're walking into the horror movie we've been to see ! 🤩

JD - (speak with sarcasm) You guys love this movie but you never remember the title of the movie... 😒 (cross his arms again) And the title is The Music Box... 😑

Clay - YEAH THAT'S IT ! Even I don't even know how we manage to forget the title of our favorite movie. 😅

JD - And then why is the title The Music Box ? What does a music box have to do with the creepy mansion and a family that has existed for seventieth years ? 😑

Clay - It's logical that you don't understand, you fell asleep the moment the kids were going to enter the mansion, exactly the same mansion where we're going ! 😁

The brothers walk along the path that guides them to the entrance of the mansion.

JD - We were already supposed to go camping, Rhonda has disappeared, we are lost in a now gloomy forest and now we are faced with statues and a mansion and then what will it be ?! 😠

Branch - I have a feeling we're going to be trapped in the very creepy mansion and... (the brothers look at the mansion) not very welcoming in my opinion... 😨 (hides behind John with Floyd)

Spruce - Come on guys, I bet it's an old guy who lives in this mansion. 😁 (press the doorbell which makes a strange and scary noise)

BroZone - ...

The front door opens and an old troll who welcomes them with a big smile.

??? - Oh good evening young people ! 😃 (open the door wide) Come in.

The BroZone brothers come in and turn around to the old troll with his cane, he approaches the brothers and shakes their hands and 5 brothers at the same time.

??? - It's been so long since I've met a Troll, let me introduce myself, my name is Will William I am the owner of this mansion and you... I feel like I've seen you somewhere before... 🤔

JD - (cross his arms) We are the BroZone brothers.

Will William - Oooh yeah that's it, BroZone ! (Laughing) 😂

BroZone - (laughing nervously) 😅

But by laughing too hard, Will loses his false teeth, which disgusts the brothers.

Spruce - Ewww... 🤢

Clay - (finds a hat and vomits in it) 🤮

JD - HA f*ck !! (covers Floyd and Branch's eyes)

Will William - (take his denture) Sorry young people, come I'll show you around !

About to take the brothers, John Dory stops him.

JD - Um... by the way we're going to leave instead. 😁

Spruce & Clay - WHAT ?! 😧😧

Branch - Yeah we... Umm- (gets stopped by John who puts his hands on his shoulders)

JD - What my little brother is trying to say, we have to get home quickly for tonight's concert ! 😁

Spruce - But we don't have- (gets arrested by Floyd who puts a finger to his lips)

JD - Of course we have a concert, (gathers his little brothers and gently pushes them towards the front door) It's very nice to welcome us warmly, thank you and have a good day- I mean good evening !

Now that they are at the front door, Spruce and Clay are at the door to stop John from opening the door.

Clay - What's wrong with you John ?! 🤨

JD - Let's get out of here, this old guy seems weird to me.

Spruce - Haha you sound like the goth guy who lives next to the mansion in the movie ! 😆

Clay - Oh yeah and the best scene was when he was blown away by the girl and almost died when she stepped on a trap without paying attention ! 😂

Spruce and Clay laugh but John Dory looks at them bored and a little angry, while Floyd looks at his brothers with concern and while Branch is confused.

Branch - (whispers to John) *John, what happened in that scene in the movie ?*

JD - *Better not let you know Branch, it's too... Intimate in certain scenes...*

Floyd - (whispers to John) *Oh is that why you put us to sleep ? But why did you put us to sleep John Dory ?*

JD - *I'll tell you later.*

Spruce and Clay start to stop laughing and look at their older brother with soft eyes.

Spruce - But John, we are actually in a mansion which appeared out of nowhere like the movie that we never remember his name. 😅

JD - The Music Box... 😑

Spruce - Yes, The Music Box ! 😁 (Gets on his knees with Clay) But please John, let's stay in the mansion we have to do these puzzles, it's not normal for this mansion to show up out of nowhere ! 🥺

Clay - Yeah ! You do not want to know why the mansion appeared in the forest when we were about to go camping ?!

JD - Well... Yeah. 🤔

Floyd - What ? No John ! 😟

Branch - I agree with you guys, it's still weird... 🤔

Clay - (puts his hands behind his back and approaches his other brothers with Spruce) Soooo that's mean we stay ? 😃

JD - (looks at Floyd who is on his right who is terrified to stay and Branch and looks at Branch to his left who nods at him to agree with this plan) *sighs* Okay... (takes Floyd's hand) Come Flo let's talk outside.

But as soon as John Dory approaches the door, the front door is no longer there...

JD - Guys... 😧

Floyd - T-the door...😰

The other three brothers approach and are shocked that the door has disappeared.

Branch - No, it's impossible... A door can't disappear like this.. right..? 😰

Spruce - Wait... (turns towards Clay) That means we have to survive from the spirits of the owners who died in this mansion... 😧

Clay - Okay that's not cool... And where's the old man ?

Facing where the old troll was, he is no longer there too.

Clay - ... (speaks sarcastically) Seriously man ! 😧😑

Floyd starts having a panic attack and sits on the floor with his knees to his chest rocking back and forth and big tears streaming down his eyes.

Spruce - Floyd, what's going on ? 😟

JD - (approaches his brothers who are around Floyd) He has a panic attack, it happens to him when he is locked up as he is claustrophobic. (hugs Floyd tightly but gently)

Floyd - (hugs John back while crying in fear)

Clay - Oh it's true, Floyd is claustrophobic... 😟

The brothers come together in a hug to calm Floyd who is clinging to the jacket and crying on John Dory's chest.

JD - Shhhh (caresses Floyd's back and hair) It's going to be okay Floyd we're here, I'm here. (gently lifts Floyd's head and gently caresses his cheek) I'm sorry for not keeping my promise that we will be safe but I promise you that we will get out of this mansion and back home safely, you have my word.

John Dory kisses Floyd on the forehead and face to tickle him and Floyd lets out a cute little laugh and smiles at John and his other brothers feeling safe with his brothers.

Floyd - Thank you John, I love you guys ! 🥹🥰

JD, Spruce, Clay & Branch - We love you too ! 🥰

BroZone - (hugs) 💚🩵💜💛💚🩷💙

JD - (stands up holding Floyd's hand and looks at his brothers with determination and bravery) Let's go guys, let's get out of this weird mansion ! ✊ (looks at Spruce and Clay) and find the puzzles to get out of here.~😉

Spruce & Clay - OH YEAH !! 🤩🤩 (high five)

Branch - So what should we do since, the door is missing ? 🤨

Clay - (wraps his arm around Branch) Don't worry lil bro, we know the movie by heart and it's also a game, we have to find puzzles and find-

JD - A music box and why a music box ?😑

Spruce - We also didn't understand, but we will eventually understand. 😁

JD - Okay... Anyway, let's find the puzzles and the music box so we can get out of here !

But as soon as they were about to walk the lights went out.

BroZone - ..?

Spruce - Oh it's true in the movie they turned off the lights because it's too easy according to the director of the movie... 😅

JD - Seriously guys... 😑

To be continued...

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