The Play Centre Incident

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It was a beautiful day in the troll tree, the sun was shining the bergens were minding their business being miserable as usual and it was just the perfect day for fun.......... and chaos!

Today Grandma Rosiepuff decided to take her grandsons to the most magical place on earth for a kid; Crocko's World! Branch was super excited since Crocko was his favourite character and Floyd was excited too because it was a playground and he could go down the slide with his favourite brother. However, John Dory, Spruce and Clay were dreading coming here because they felt like they were too old for a place like Crocko's World.

"Why do we have to come along?" We could be practicing for our show next week instead of going to a baby world" John Dory complained.

"It's not a baby world it's Crocko's World" Floyd corrected.

"It's still a place for babies!" John Dory huffed.

"It's not just for babies, I'm sure you'll find some way to have fun" Grandma Rosiepuff explained.

"It's not like we have much of a choice" Spruce mumbled.

"Just try your best to find something to do, don't ruin the experience for Branch and Floyd" Grandma Rosiepuff replied.

"Maybe it won't be so bad, there's also an arcade according to the pamphlet" Clay said while reading the Crocko's World pamphlet.

"See? There's something fun for everyone" Grandma Rosiepuff smiled.

"I'll be the judge of that" John Dory said.

As they finally arrived at their destination they entered inside and they were hit by the sound of the annoying theme song from the tv show the blue crocodile was from and the small children playing in the playground.

"I hate it here already" Spruce complained.

"Please just take me home" Clay begged.

"But we just got here" Floyd pointed out.

"I agree with Spruce and Clay, there's absolutely nothing fun-" John Dory looked over to a claw machine and a particular plush toy caught his eye.

"ARMADILLO PLUSH!" John Dory rushed to the claw machine as soon as he got through the gate.

John Dory pressed his face against the glass as his eyes sparkled seeing the beautiful plush toy that was mixed in with the other plushes in the machine, Grandma smiled and she grabbed out her wallet and got out $10.

"Ok I'm going to give you $10, don't waste it all on the claw machine, you need to split it evenly with everyone else" Grandma Rosiepuff gave the money to John Dory.

"Ok!" John Dory smiled innocently.

"Be safe boys, I'll just be over by the cafe" Grandma Rosiepuff went over to the cafe area.

"Me and Branch are going on the playground!" Floyd left with Branch in his arms who was intrigued by the Crocko image on the play equipment.

"Great! More money for me!" John Dory smiled.

"Don't you mean more money for us?" Clay raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah, that's what I said" John Dory replied.

John Dory put the first coin in and the claw machine booted up, he carefully moved the claw arm with the controller and pressed the button, he got excited seeing the claw arm clasp the push but as soon as it lifted up the plush toy fell out if the grasp of the claw as it went back to its original position.

"What?! No I almost had it!" John Dory huffed.

"Oh too bad can we have a coin for a different game?" Spruce asked not really caring about his loss.

"Just let me have another go?" John Dory pleaded.

"Ok fine" Clay rolled his eyes.

John Dory inserted another coin, he carefully nudged the controller in the direction moving it to the front of the plush.

"Maybe if I aim here it'll grab it easier" John Dory pushed the button to lower the claw.

The claw machine arm lowered once again it unfortunately didn't grab the head of the plush properly and it went back to its start position.

"C'mon stupid claw machine work with me here!" John Dory put another coin in the machine.

"Why not just try for an easier plush to grab, like that one?" Clay pointed to the Crocko plush.

"Look the only plush in this entire machine I'm interested in is the armadillo and I will win it no matter what" John Dory said determined.

"But I wanted to play Crazy Cupcake Ultra Golf 2.0" Clay complained

"And I wanted to try the new Surf&Hugs game" Spruce added.

"I'm the oldest so I get to play the game I want until I can win! I need to win!" John Dory yelled.

The brothers went quiet and didn't bother arguing, John Dory would never listen to them so what was the point?

John Dory continued putting in coins in, but no matter what angle or tricks he used, the claw arm refused to grab it, he was down to the last coin.

"Why is this so difficult?!" John Dory crossed his arms.

"Because claw machines are most of the times scams and they are only won through dumb luck?" Clay responded dryly.

"Here's a bright idea how about you let us help you? We could at least have fun instead of watching you fail miserably" Spruce suggested.

"You think you could possibly do any better?" John Dory raised an eyebrow.

"I read a book on tricks for these types of games, just watch" Clay put the coin in.

The middle child started to move the controller and move the case arm, but John Dory and he was starting to get worried that his younger brother wouldn't be able to get his precious armadillo plush, before Clay could push the button to lower the claw he pushed next to him to move the claw himself.

"Bro what are you doing?!" Clay grunted trying to push his brother away.

"That wasn't the right spot just let me do it!" John Dory argued as he tried to move the claw with the controller.

"I know what I'm doing stop hogging all the fun!" Clay argured back trying to move the claw with the remote.

"Get off John let Clay play!" Spruce tried pulling John Dory away.

As they continued to argue the claw moved all around the machine what they didn't realize was that they little timer had run out their eyes widened as the claw stopped but not under the armadillo plush like John Dory wanted.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" John Dory yelled.

The claw lowered ever so slowly and with the most greatest luck ever in history it successfully grabbed the blue crocodile plush and brought it over to collect from the machine, the machine made a victory sound as the prize was won.

"That was luck at its finest, at least we won something?" Clay concluded.

"You should've just let me do it! Now we have a plush that is not an armadillo! I'm playing the last-" John Dory checked his pocket and realised there was no more coins.

"Hey where's the last coin? We only played nine times right?" John Dory asked.

"Yeah and what do you mean where is the last coin? Grandma gave you $10" Clay crossed his arms.

"I don't know! I swear I had them all in my pockets!" John Dory was panicking, checking thoroughly through his pockets.

"Well guess that means we can't play anymore, wanna try the playground? It'll be more fun at this point" Clay suggested.

"No! We just need more money to play now where can we get more?" John Dory tried to think.

John Dory looked around the play centre for a solution until his eye caught a random young trolling who was wearing a Brozone T-shirt and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head as he found the solution.

"I got it! We'll just make more money by performing a song here! The cash will just flood in so we can play for hours!" John Dory explained.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Spruce asked.

"We'll split the money this time, deal?" John Dory suggested.

"Deal!" Clay agreed.

"What?" Spruce turned to Clay.

"We'll be able to make money this way so we can play the games we want without John getting in the way!" Clay said.

"Ouch but I guess he makes a point?" John Dory replied.

"...Ok fine I'm in too" Spruce sighed.

"Alright now we just need to find a big open space to perform" Clay said.

Meanwhile Floyd and Branch were having fun on the playground, the playground felt like they were going on an adventure in the forest as they went over fake stepping stones, climbing over shapes, following the rainbow stairs right up to the slide, after a few minutes of all their fun after going down the slide again that's when Branch noticed a stage, he reached towards it in Floyd's arms wanting to see it.

"Oh you wanna go over there? Ok!" Floyd happily took Branch over to the stage area.

On further inspection there was a sign on the wall next to the stage that read "Crocko's fun time show spectacular! (Insert 1 coin to play)" Branch clapped happily seeing the characters faces on the curtain.

"Looks like it's a performing show, but we need a coin to play it" Floyd said.

Branch leaned foward and a coin came out of his hair.

"Now where did you find that? Well at least we can watch Crocko and his friends now!" Floyd smiled.

John Dory, Spruce and Clay finally found a decent open space to perform right in the middle of the play centre.


"Brozone's here?!" A trolling called out.

Like magic a ton of kids and even adults started to form around them excitedly, the legendary Brozone brothers were here? The crowd was starting to go wild as the brothers got ready to perform but more fans started to come in making their performance space smaller and smaller, they didn't have their managers here for crowd control so things were starting to get hectic.

"Woah everyone! Give us some space and we'll start in a minute" Spruce tried to speak over the loud fans.

The fans didn't listen, it was starting to get crazier as fans were fighting to get to the front of the crowd at this point they wouldn't be able to perform with all the fans surrounding their space.

Floyd who surprisingly wasn't noticing the chaos his brothers were causing put the coin in and suddenly the stage lit up and the music started to play which got some of the younger fans attention as they followed the sound of Crocko's song making the brothers space bigger but it wasn't enough, they were hogging most of the play centres attention.

Branch watched the curtains open and smiled ready to see Crocko and his friends but his smile quickly faded as he saw the size of the animatronics they were 3 times his size and looked worn down, the singing sounded like that one Elsa ornament on its last life and the smell was terrible, it smelled of death. Branch's lips quivered as tears came to his eyes, Floyd knew what was coming.

"Oh no!" Floyd tried to go over to his brother to calm him down.

It was too late though, a sharp loud high pitched scream came from the youngest brothers mouth and it could be heard throughout the entire play centre, throughout the troll tree, the lights inside surprisingly shattered from the pitch of the scream leaving the place mostly in the dark the fans stopped cheering for Brozone as they covered their ears and the only thing that could be heard was Branch's crying.

"How much trouble do you think we're in?" Clay asked.

The brothers were ushered out of the play centre by the manager as another staff member put up a poster up on the building that said "Banned from Crocko's World" with a picture of the Brozone brothers on it.

"I'm sorry about all the trouble I caused guys" John Dory apologized.

"It's fine bro, at least we never have to set foot in that chaotic place again" Spruce replied.

"Honestly I think that place needs a serious safety inspection, I could smell the animatronics from where we were" Clay added.

"Maybe we can go to the park?" Floyd suggested.

"Doubt it, we're probably grounded" Spruce said.

"Today has been a long day boys, you're not grounded, let's just go home ok?" Grandma Rosiepuff started walking.

"Yes Grandma" The brothers followed their grandmother.

Grandma Rosiepuff was still trying to calm down Branch as they started to head home, John Dory still feeling the most guilty saw his youngest brother still crying and that's when he remembered, the plush from the claw machine, perhaps it would make him feel better, he grabbed the plush from his hair and hesitantly gave it to his baby brother, Branch looked at the plush and started to instantly calm down hugging the plush tight.

"That's very kind of you John, did you win that in the claw machine?" Grandma Rosiepuff asked.

John Dory looked over and smiled at Spruce and Clay

"It was a group effort" John Dory replied.

And so the brothers went home and never set foot in a play centre ever again and as for Crocko's World is was eventually shut down due to poor hygiene and failing the safety check with the animatronics, honestly the safety inspectors were shocked on the state the animatronics were in and found the best thing to do was just burn them.

The End.

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