Chapter 12

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I had a small smile on my face as we walked, thinking about us singing in the car. We stopped in front of the door and, like a gentleman, he opened the door and let me go in first. I couldn't see anything because it was dark inside as soon as I stepped in and Nate closed the door behind us. I could hear him fiddling around with something until I heard the sound of a switch, and I was suddenly surrounded by light. As I looked around in front of me I saw the backside of two giant bleachers with a walkway in between, so I walked closer and I could see what looked like an ice skating rink.

"Are we going ice skating?" I asked as I turned to look at Nate.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be a great first date experience." He replied, scratching the back of his head.

"This is so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to ice skate." I said excitedly jumping up and down slightly, "where do we get the ice skates?" I asked looking around.

"They're on the counter over there." He said pointing to a mini building, that I hadn't noticed earlier, next to the bleachers on my right, it looked like someone cut out a window space but instead of a window it had a counter on the bottom where the windowsill would be. He started walking towards it so I just decided to follow him. Once we got to the counter there were 2 pairs of ice skates on top.

"I didn't know your size so I kinda just guessed, if it doesn't fit I could grab another size." Nate said, scratching the back of his head. I grabbed them and jumped up on the counter, then took off my purple converse and switched them out for the white ice skates.

"They're perfect, just my size." I grinned, slowly getting off the counter.

"Great." He smiled, grabbing the other pair of skates. I started slowly walking towards the rink with the other shoes in my hand, but I didn't get very far before I lost my balance and tripped over nothing, I closed my eyes and braced for the impact, but before I could fall warm arms wrapped around my waist to keep me steady. My eyes snapped open in surprise to see Nate holding me close to his chest.

"Be careful Alex, we don't want you to get hurt on our first date would we." He chuckled, dropping his hands from my sides.

"T-thanks." I blushed, as I realized how close we were, and looked down.

Suddenly I was lifted in the air as Nate held me to his chest, bridal style, and I quickly put my arms around his neck in order to not fall.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked in surprise, as he started walking towards the ice rink. He looked at me with a small smile, and I blushed at how close our faces were.

"I'm carrying you to the ice rink so you don't fall and get hurt." He stated, with a hint of playfulness to his tone. I just blushed and said,

"O-okay." With a small smile on my face. Where'd this nice, caring guy come from? I thought.

When we got to the ice rink he set me back on my feet next to the gate, to get inside the rink, and he walked over to a bench not far from me and started taking off his shoes. While he was doing that I stepped into the ice rink, and started to slowly glide across the ice while holding onto the wall. I had roller bladed before, the school I went to made us learn in PE, but I've never ice skated and I think they're practically the same thing... except one is on pavement with wheels, and the other is on ice with a sharp blade. As I rounded the rink once, slowly gaining confidence, I saw Nate step into the rink, looking at me with a small smile, as I got closer to him. When I was close enough to him he skated close to me.

"Here let me help." He said gently, grabbing the hand that wasn't holding onto the wall of the rink. "Have you ice skated before?" He asked, looking at my feet and guiding me away from the wall.

"No, but I've rollerbladed before." I admitted, holding his hand tighter when I almost fell.

"Well, it's almost like that, except ice skating feels more slippery than rollerblading, and there's different ways to stop." He skated us towards the wall and let me hold onto it again, "The first is to make an upside down 'V' and the second, which is a little bit harder, is to put your foot behind you to make a 'T' and slowly put your weight on your back foot." He instructed, showing me with his feet.

"Okay I think I get it." I said, thoughtfully biting my lip, it didn't look that hard but I think I could get it. I pushed off from the wall and skated a little bit by myself getting used to it as Nate watched me. Once I made a full circle around Nate, I decided to try the upside down 'V' and slowed to a stop in front of him.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before, you're a natural." He stated proudly with a small smile lighting up his face.

We skated for I don't know how long, before Nate said it we should go get some food. We put our skates back on the counter, and then walked back to his car, and started driving somewhere.

"Where're we going now?" I asked curiously when we had been driving for 10 minutes.

"My favorite dinner, with the best burgers in town." He said, smiling happily. I smiled with him, his smile lights up his face, and it's so contagious.

Once we parked in the parking lot and Nate opened my door, I looked at the small diner and grabbed his hand as we walked in. It's one of those small diners that feels very homey and smells like grease, with little decorations hanging from the walls. Once we were seated in a small booth and sitting across from each other, a pungy older women came over to us.

"Hey there, Nate! How've you been, I haven't seen you in a while. I'm guessing it has to do with the pretty lady sitting across from ya." She winked at him, and looked over at me. "I'm Patsy dear, I'm Nate's favorite old person, what's your name?" She smiled, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

"I-I'm Alexandria, but you can call me Alex." I said, suddenly shy at her boisterous behavior.

"Hi Alex, well what can I get you two lovebirds to drink?" she asks pulling out a paper and pen.

"Do you have lemonade?" I asked.

"We sure do sweetie, is that what you want?" She replies, smiling kindly at me. I nodded, looking over at Nate who, to my surprise, was blushing slightly. "Do you want the same you always get?" Patsy said looking back over at Nate. He just nodded, and looked at his menu trying to hide his blush.

"I like her." I stated simply, picking up the menu that was on the table. He looked up from his menu and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, she's pretty great." He said looking off to where she left.

"So what's good here?" I asked, finding It hard to decide on one thing. They all looked good.

"I like the Bacon burger and or the Double cheeseburger with fries and a milkshake, but pretty much everything is good here." He says, looking back over at me. I nod and continue looking at the menu till Patsy shows up with our drinks.

"What can I get for you two love birds." Patsy grinned setting our drinks down and getting out her pen and paper.

"The usual." Nate answered, handing her his menu after she scribbled something down on the paper.

"And for you my dear?" She asked turning to me.

"Umm... Can I get a Cheeseburger, fries with extra salt, and a chocolate milkshake." I answered, looking at her from behind my menu, and then handing it to her after she scribbled my order down.

"Alright, those will be right out." She announced, leaving us alone again.

"So, I want to know more about you, let's play 20 questions." I said, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Okay well ask away." He said, looking at me with a small smile.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Either forest green, or your eye color." He answered with a smirk, making me blush.


"Chocolate brown, or purple." I answered, thinking about his chocolate brown eyes.

This continued for a while till Patsy brought us our food, then we talked less as we ate, the food was delicious. After we were done, he paid and we left. Once again in the car, we talked about our likes and dislikes, just getting to know each other as he drove, and occasionally singing songs that were playing on the radio. When we arrived back at the pack house, Nate parked the car and opened my door, like a gentleman, and walked me to my bedroom door, while sparks erupted where he was holding my hand and we talked. When we got to my door, he let go of my hand and turned to face me.

"I had an amazing time with you tonight." I said, biting my lip in nervousness. Did he have a good time too? I thought worriedly, but almost as if he could read my mind he said,

"I loved every second of it." He said looking into my eyes for a moment, then they flickered down to my lips and then back to my eyes asking permission, I slightly nodded, sparks erupting as he put his hand on my cheek, and leaned in. His lips touched mine in a slow kiss, almost as if he was savoring it, and then we separated, me blushing and him grinning. He looked at me adoringly for a few seconds before he stepped away and said, "Goodnight, Alex"

"Night, Nate." I replied, opening my door.

I slept like a baby that night, floating on a cloud of happiness.  


Authors Note:

*Hides behind a flipped table to avoid all the things being thrown at me*

I'm so so sorry for not updating like I said I would, I've had college finals, and then I've been busy with my family in town, and I've had a little bit of writers block. But I know those are just excuses and you all wanna hit me over the head with a table. BUT if you do that then I wont be able to write.

But anyways Happy New Year! This is my gift to you guys for sticking around and reading my story. I Love you all!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. 

Don't be one of those silent readers, I'd like some feedback. Just as long as it's not negative or hurtful. Thanks

Until next time, have an amazing new year!

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