Bruno's Triplets

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-Eight Years Later-

Before The Night Of The Ceremony.

By now you probably know the story of the extraordinary family Madrigal, who all live together in a sprawling magical house called la casita. With Alma "Abuela" Madrigal being the matriarch of the family.

Every family member received their gift at the age of five through the candle.

According to Abuela, that candle is their miracle of why they're family is still alive to this day...from the exclusion of her late husband Pedro who sacrificed his life to save his family...

Everyone who received their gift would be praised and respected.

Except for him...Not Bruno Mardigal.

Bruno Mardigal is the son of the late Pedro and the village's leader, Alma. He is the youngest triplet and only brother to Julieta and Pepa.

Bruno Mardigal was a very...very unlucky man.

Since the day he received his gift...

Misfortune had always come around him.

While his sisters were showered with praises for their gifts. All he ever received were hate and scorn.

Whenever something was wrong, people turned to him asking for a vision.

He gives it to them...and after that, they get angry or upset.

"Bad-Luck" Bruno they called him.

Because of the magical gift with which he was "blessed" had a clairvoyant component to it.

He can foresee the future of every vision. But he has no control over it. But it didn't matter because he still got blamed for it in the end. Especially from Pepa, who continues to have a grudge against him for ruining her wedding all those years ago. He really didn't mean to set off that hurricane, all he wanted to do was to calm his hermana's nerves.

But in the end, it made things worse.

Bruno hated his gift.

It ruined a portion of his life but his Mama wouldn't want to hear any of it.

Although... Even if his family talked bad about him. He still loves them.

So there he was, in his room, thinking of how much of his life was miserable up until now...

He hoped no one would ask him for another prophecy for a long while.

Because he finds it quite ironic that even though people fear him and tend to avoid him. They still would have the gall for a vision depsite knowing the outcome if what would happen after.

Bruno: I'm so tired...

"Giggle" "Giggle" "Giggle"

Bruno: Huh?

Bruno looked around his room but couldn't find anything or anyone.

That's strange...He could've swore he heard giggling. Not just any giggling. Children giggling.

Suddenly, he felt his green poncho started moving around a bit. At first, he thought it was the rats that bring him company.

However...But...the "rats" felt much heavier now...

Bruno: (Wait a minute...That wasn't the rats...)

What was in his long green ruana was a bit bigger than a rat.

He looked down to see three little mischievous pairs of eyes looking up at him.

Bruno smiled immediately knowing who they were.

Bruno: Hey, qué estás haciendo allá abajo (what are you doing down there)? Oscar? Sophia? Diego?

Upon hearing their names, the three kids popped out of his poncho.

Sophia: Aw Man! He found us!

Diego: Yay~!

Oscar: Told ya he would find out!

Sophia: Yeah! But Papa is a little slow!

Bruno let out a fake gasp. Slow?

Bruno: Slow...?

Oscar: Yeah! You're so slow, Papi! How long did it take you to find out we were hiding behind you?!

Bruno: Well...How long were you guys hiding in there?

Diego: About an hour...

Bruno grimaced. That long...and he didn't noticed...? He really must be getting old...he's only fourty though.

Bruno: An hour...and I didn't even notice...

Sophia: Yep! So that makes you very slow, Papa!

Bruno: *Chuckles* Lo Siento (Sorry)...

He then looked back at his children. They all had big smiles on their faces.

Oscar Mardigal is his eldest child. He is Bruno's pride and joy. Kind, Bright, and Optimistic. He gets along well with all of his cousins, especially Luisa and Camilo. He and Luisa are the strength of the family. But when it comes to him and Camilo. Those two together were pranksters causing disaster to anyone around them. His gift is visual illusions.

Sophia Mardigal is the middle triplet. Loving and responsible. She keeps her hermanos in line. She can also be a raging ball of energy sometimes. Too much for Bruno in some occasions. She was always in one place to the next. It was hard to keep her in line. She has the gift of darkness/shadow control. It allows her to project and move shadows at will. Bruno wouldn't be lying at the fact that she acted just like Pepa when she was younger. She likes hanging out with Isabela and Dolores in her spare time.

And finally, there was little Diego Mardigal. He was Bruno's youngest son. He was a bit quieter than his niblings but wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He kind of reminded Bruno way too much of himself when he was his age. He gets along well with two of his cousins, Camilo, and Mirabel.

Diego's favorite hobby is reading to which Bruno entertained him with his children stories. He was eight years old like his niblings. His gift was telekinesis. It allows him to move objects to other places. He still has trouble controlling it though.

Seeing the young triplets being together somewhat kind of remind Bruno of him and his hermanas.

He hopes when they get older, they would stay together as niblings that would be better than the strained relationship the original Madrigal Triplets have.

Sophia: So Papa...Are you ready?

Bruno: Ready? Ready for what?

Oscar pouted this time.

Oscar: Don't tell me you forget! Tonight is the gift ceremony!

Diego: It's Mirabel's turn...

Bruno felt the urge to slap himself. Oh that's right. It's his youngest niece's gift ceremony. It was her turn to receive a gift.

He wondered what kind of gift Mirabel would get...

Diego: I wonder what gift Mirabel would get?

Diego had read his mind. Luckily that's not his gift.

Oscar: I'm so excited! Mirabel must be excited too!

Sophia: The gift ceremony is going to start soon.

Oscar: Yeah! So Papa you can't miss it! It's Mirabel's big day! She would be sad if you didn't show up!

Bruno: I know. I know. I'll be there...

Although he's aware that a lot of people will be there as well. Not just his family. But the entire village of Encanto.

The thought of crowds scared him.

If things go south, he know people would blame him for just being there. He can still hear their constant whispering. Their angry looks of blame and scorn.

Diego: Papa...? Papa!

Bruno: Hmm? Oh! Lo Siento, Hijo(Son).

Diego: Are you okay?

Diego wasn't the only one who noticed the distress look on his Papa's face. Sophia did too. Oscar, on the other hand, looked confused.

Bruno: I'm fine. Really! Don't worry about it.

Sophia stared at him for a moment but didn't say a word. Bruno caught this and nervously chuckled.

Diego: If you say so...

Sophia: Is Papa Okay? You gone quiet again! Your gift not acting up is it?

Bruno: I'm fine, Sofia.

He reassured his children again. Oscar looked like he wanted to say something until they heard tiles chattering.

Bruno then saw Casita waving at him using one of her windows.

Bruno: It's time isn't it?

Casita waved again to which Bruno took as a yes.

Bruno picks up Diego and put him on top of his shoulders.

Diego: Hehehe~!

Bruno: Ready to go, Mijo?

Diego: I am Papi!

Sophia: Awwww! No fair! I want to ride Papa's shoulders!

Oscar: I do too!

Bruno: Huh? Wait Wait Wait!

Too late! His ninos started climbing him as Bruno nervously laughed. Sophia pouted a third time before managing to get up on top with Oscar.

Oscar: Now get going, Papa! The ceremony awaits! I want to try out Tia Julieta's arepas!

Sophia: Say please, Oscar!

Oscar: Aww...Do I have too?

Both of his twins gave him a look to which made Oscar settled down while grumbling.

Bruno: You heard your hermana. Say please, mijo or I won't move a muscle.

Oscar: *Pouts* Fine. Papa. Go. Please.

Bruno: Alright! Let's go~!

Diego: Papa...Once the ceremony is over... Could you read me a bedtime story?

Bruno: Of course, Mijo. Anything for you.

Diego smiled at that.

Oscar: I want to listen to Papa's Soap Operas again! The music is great!

Sophia: They're pronounced telenovelas, Oscar....But I want to see them too!

Oscar: Me first! Me first!

Diego: No! Papa promised me!

Sophia: Screw You, Hermano (Brother)! I want to know if Senorita Elena gets married to Senor Alejandro!

Oscar: They probably would break up!

Sophia: Oscar!

Oscar: Lo Siento...Not!

Sophia: Grrrr...

Bruno: Okay! One at a time! One at a time! I'm no longer in my prime anymore.

Oscar: Liar! You can still run very fast!

Bruno reluctantly with all his might carried the three children to the gift ceremony.


Unlike his ninos (children) and his sobrinos, everyone else in the family thought he was a burden...

Especially his Mama...

Julieta and Agustin would give him looks of pity.

A cloud raging with thunder would form on Pepa's head everytime she sees him while Felix tries to calm her down.

...No matter how much he tried to explain himself...

Abuela never listens. Time and time again. She had constantly told him that he needed to try harder, that he needed to put the family first, that he just needed to control his gift better. Nothing he'd ever done had been good enough for her...

Suddenly. A flash of green. Bruno felt his head begin to hurt...He's sure it's nothing...he hoped...He'll be fine. No breakdowns. No panic attacks. No visions.

Just go to the gift ceremony and get it over with. Then he can go back to his room and everything will be alright.

Bruno: (I'm sure nothing will happen. It's Mirabel time to shine. She will receive a gift and everything will continue as usual. No sand. No visions. No prophecy. Everything will go smoothly...)


That night, Mirabel did not a gift as her door vanished...


Distressed, Abuela confronted Bruno for a vision to see what's happening to the miracle and...

That following night, Bruno Mardigal, mysteriously disappeared from the Encanto.

Leaving behind three heartbroken children...

The light from his door went dark...

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