im sorry ive been neglecting you guys

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I'd say I've been busy but i really haven't, I've just been drawing a crap ton

And writing and procrastinating on writing and watching a lot of videos as to why Cats the Movie s u c k s


So to start out, I am on Artfight! My user is Brindleshine, because I am, in fact, Brindleshine

I've had to whip up a couple references for my characters because they either don't exist, or are so old they look like trash

So let's dive in!

Starting off, we have Lillyheart, who we all know and love! I'm very happy with how this turns out, and ngl, I love her face shape

Next up is Murkfall! His ref sheet actually included spOilErs so of course I couldn't show you guys that >:D

But he's a very cute, very bby boi

And now Clearpaw! You've seen her in a couple of different things, and she's had a redesign or two, but this is her first ref sheet! No extra info cause spoilers

And lastly is Shortcake! She's sorta like my new sona?? I guess?? I mean, I'm clearly still Brindleshine (despite only ever drawing her once) but I feel like since I've become Brindleshine, she no longer has her own story, as I am her. Thus, Shortcake (or Rosedust) was born!

All of my characters that I write about a little shards of me. Lillyheart is my impulsive side, my chaotic one. Ashpaw gets angry too fast and holds onto things. Rosedust is my far too emotional shard. Brindle is me as I want to be. To be happy and loving and caring, someone you can always go to. Who I am online and who I am in real life are a bit different, yes, but I'm working to make me one and the same.

I'm working to let myself be me in all ways, but until then, you'll still experience all these little pieces of me that I can't let out anywhere else.

Oh and Clearpaw was going to be real me but then I realized I was just making Squirrelflight but in Riverclan so that got scrapped

You'll have to stick around to meet Glimmerpaw on that one ;)

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