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Taehyung cursed under his breath as he went to the broken earthen pot, soil all around. He couldn't really scold the boy, but he could only clean it up a little for now and prevent any more 'accidents' from happening.

Grabbing a broomstick nearby, he piled up the soil in a corner before standing infront of the kids once more. All this time, they had been silently watching the mysterious man working diligently cleaning up. Now, they looked at him with curiosity, wanting to know who he was.

Mustering up his friendliest smile, Taehyung introduced himself. "Hello, kids. I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm friends with Aera. Since she asked me to take care of you all, shall we do something fun?"

He saw the children's eyes sparkling with excitement. Aera had always something productive planned but this new man was a mystery and he brought a thrill with him.

Taehyung looked around himself, taking in the short table, made for children especially. There was an assortment of papers and different types colours spread upon it.

Looking at the children a plan formed in his mind. He quickly sat down on the floor and started drawing an outline. Hastily he cut it, making two holes in the paper for eyes and held it up against his face.

Moving it away he looked at the kids inquisitively. "What do you think? I look like a tiger, right?" he asked, roaring playfully that had the children bursting out in laughter.

One of the children in the first row calmed down a little and spoke up. "Uncle, you are not good in drawing like Aera Unnie. You need to take classes with us." The innocent words of the little girl threw the whole class into a fit of laughter all over again.

Taehyung pouted cutely. "I tried my best okay and I'm the same age as your Aera Unnie. Don't call me uncle," he said, putting down his mask and clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Who wants to make fun masks?"

The class cheered in agreement, the kids quickly getting on with their work. Taehyung watched them with a big grin, his chest puffing up in satisfaction. It felt so good to make the kids laugh and teach them new things.

Is this how Aera felt everyday? He wondered as he watched her return with the little girl. Aera was laughing indulgently at something the girl said in that endearing way that only the little ones could manage.

"Hey! Thank you so much for looking after the children," Aera said as she came to sit beside Taehyung. "Oh, no problem at all. I love kids, if you must know. I had fun," he said, giving her a wink that had her giggling and hitting his shoulder playfully.

He chuckled, watching Aera get up and going through the designs the kids were preparing, helping them. Taehyung decided to do the same. The kids teased him a little for not being as good as Aera in drawing, but at the end of the day, all the children left with fun masks and happy smiles.

"You really don't have to do this, Taehyung. You came here to meet me and now you are cleaning up," Aera said, feeling sorry that he was working. It just didn't sit well with her that her guest did the cleaning work after the class was over.

"Please, Aera. I don't mind it at all," he replied, picking up a crushed paper ball and putting it in the dustbin. "And I'm here with you. That's all that matters. I'm with you."

His words shouldn't have affected her the way they did. His words shouldn't have made her heart skip a beat and her body to warm up from within, a fuzzy feeling spreading all over. But it did affect her that way.

To not make the situation awkward, Aera asked the first thing that came into her mind. "You really love kids?"
Taehyung nodded enthusiastically, a dreamy smile gracing his beautiful, pink lips. "I really do, Aera. When I get married, I want my house to be filled with children."

Aera was amused and interested now. "How many kids do you plan on having?"

"Four seems like a good number," he replied nonchalantly. It, however, made Aera choke on her saliva.

"I pity your future wife then," she said, her hand dramatically placed on her heart, her eyes huge. "I hope she survives through all the pregnancies and kick your ass for putting her through all the pain and effort."

Taehyung could only laugh at that, even as his mind painted images that had butterflies taking off in his stomach.

"Don't you want kids, Aera?" he asked instead because it was only fair he knew. By the way a warm blush that painted her cheeks red, he could already guess the answer.

"I do want to have kids. One day."

Their eyes connected in that moment, finding something common between them once again as the next question tumbled out of his lips.

"How many do you want?"


"I don't know," she replied, leaving for the moment to make them some snacks.


Ever since I started writing this book, I've wanted to include these two chapters. Just Taehyung and Aera finding something common between them, making their friendship stronger.

I hope you are satisfied with this double update and
Thank you for reading 💞💞

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