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Everything seemed to happen at once, but in slow motion. Aera's eyes registered Seokjin turning around, like the gentleman he was, as soon as he realised she wasn't dressed properly.

She heard Jimin whistle as his eyes swept over her figure appreciatively. "You got one hot body, sis," he said, smirking. But that's not what made Aera bolt for the bathroom again. It was Sehee's voice.

"Oh my god, Jungkook! You have a nose bleed," Sehee said, her voice panicked. Aera saw that there was indeed blood flowing out of Jungkook's nose, his cheeks resembling ripe cherries and his eyes intently fixed on her legs, one of which was decorated with a pretty floral tattoo.

Without caring about anything, she ran, locking herself inside the bathroom and groaned loudly. "Why me?!" she cried, hiding her face in her hands, embarrassed. It wasn't really her fault, she knew, since she didn't know the boys would come unannounced.

She heard a knock almost immediately. "I've brought clothes." She heard Sehee say from the other side and opened the door cautiously. With a burning face, she snatched her clothes, avoiding Sehee's smirk.

Suddenly, Jimin popped his head over Sehee's shoulder. His eyes were in cresents as he gave a heart winning smile. "Hey, don't worry too much about it. You are like a sister to us, so no harm done," he said, giving her a wink and went away as quickly as he appeared.

"Unnie~" Aera whined, making Sehee chuckle. "Don't worry, Aera. Like Jimin said, no harm done, except Jungkook's nosebleed. But that's beside point. Just get ready quickly."

Aera sighed, closing the door once again and inspecting the pair of black trousers and dark blue shirt with her underwear. It wasn't something she'd pair up herself, but it'd do for now.

With great courage, she didn't really possess, Aera left the confines of her bathroom. Slowly peeking out of the curtain she used to separate the big hall to other rooms, she saw Seokjin, Sehee, Jimin and Jungkook talking. The only thing out of place to take a good picture were the cotton balls coming out of Jungkook's nose.

Gosh! This is embarrassing, she thought and stepped out, praying no one mentioned her state of near nudity. Thankfully, they didn't. The three men only gave her sweet smiles and beckoned her to join them.

Seeing the cotton balls shoved up in Jungkook's nose, she didn't think it'd be that comfortable for him to sit with her. So, she settled on sitting beside Jimin.

"I'm getting a god awful amount of celebrities frequenting my house and studio these days," she said in a teasing tone, watching the three men share a sheepish smile. "So, how did you stumble upon my humble abode?"

"My dear friend, we only wish to be in your presence," Jimin said, putting his arm around her shoulders. "The question is," he whispered in her ear, but not that low no one could hear. "Are you up for a threesome? You, me and Jungkook."

"Ew, Jimin!" she screamed, pushing him away in disgust. But she couldn't really keep her smile off her face as everyone else around her burst out in laughter.

"No, but seriously. This is quite sudden," she tried again, after everyone calmed down. This time Seokjin answered, "I came to pick up Sehee on our way home. She told me she was with you and we thought, we could visit. We never got a chance to talk properly, you know."

Aera nodded in understanding, getting up to bring some refreshments. "Just wait here till I get some tea."

"Oh, no!" Jungkook interrupted quickly. "I have a better idea. Why don't you come with us? We can have dinner together and you can meet the others too."

Well, when put that way, who was she too deny free food and especially when it was someone as cute as Jungkook. Even with the cotton balls.

"Sounds good. Let me just get my things and we can leave," she said, earning a chorus of cheers from Jimin and Jungkook.

"Don't forget the swimsuit!" She heard Jimin shout behind her, making her smile fall even more as she heard his next words. "We can have a pool party."

By Jimin's enthusiastic tone, she could tell he was excited. Even though she wanted to pass the pool, she didn't want to break his heart. So, she grabbed the only swimsuit she owned, just in case, and stuffed it into her bag before leaving.

She didn't have a good feeling about the pool party. She was happy with food but in the loud chatter, she tried to forget, even though Sehee passed her some concerned looks. Aera only gave her a smile, telling her, she was okay.

Just as she started to forget the dread, amid warm welcome hugs starting from Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon, her eyes met with Taehyung's.

She couldn't place a finger on what it was, but she was sure something was amiss as Taehyung didn't return her hug with his normal fervor. Nor did he grace her with that boxy smile she had  come to adore so much.

Something was definitely wrong and her suspicions were proved right as soon as they were alone and he spoke up.

"You should have told me you were seeing someone."


Ooohhh, what do we have here?

How does Taehyung know?! Has he turned into a stalker?

Also, I have a feeling, Jungkook is more into legs than any other body part 😁

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and
Thank you for reading! 💜💜

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